the new 8 year old reefer next door.

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the cyborg reefer
Aug 23, 2009
little backround, the kid across the street is off the scale smart. Skipped a couple grades and is now home schooled. I have a couple degrees (that I never used) and my grandfather was an english prof. Unfortunatly I never inhered the gift of spelling to save my life. Anyway, at 8 this kid uses words that even make me stop and blink. Granted I live in a small town and my speech has been tempered by years in refineries and mills.

Anyway, I was out talking with her dad and mentioned that if she wanted to get in to practical chemistry, biology and physics I have a couple big salt water tanks and could use the help w/ testing and the like. Talk about taking to something like the proverbial fish to water. Within a couple hours she had tested everything (including tests I'd never even bothered to figure out) calibrated my Ph moniter (which I had never even set up), was learning names of everything in the tank and then wandered home to go do more research. I suspect she'll know latin names for everything by morning.

I don't generally like kids, but I might get used to having this one around.
this kid is bizarre. I can kinda relate, I was in nerd school when I was a kid as well. I killed most of my brain cells in college and the rest painting cars
Hi Khaos, that's awesome! Sounds like you've found a little helper!
I just spent the day reading your RC thread on your build. Good god man! I'm glad you made it through all that, and I can't wait to see what tat you get for your scar. Those were some grisly pics!
got through the whole thing in one day, I'm impressed. I'd be crosseyed by the split.
that's fantastic! Usually the super smart kids are a lot more fun than the normal kid- not only will you gain a helper but when she goes on to be a world famous marine biologist or famous chemist who creates the ultimate alternative fuel you can say you knew her back when and started her on the path.
That is very cool! My daughter is almost 2, and knows the names of all our fish and quite a few corals. (We have 5 tanks including freshwater, had 8 tanks a year ago) She is always very into trying to help me do water changes and things. She's too young to contribute much help yet, but is gaining more interest every day. One of her very first words a year ago or so was "fishy", shortly followed by saying "corals". Often she walks up to the larger tank, points at the tracyphyllia and shouts "BRAIN CORAL!", or points at the clown and says "Nemo!" It's absolutely amazing how smart kids can be nowadays. Let's help train all the kids to be a little more knowledgable about nature for the future.