The NEW loaner equipment thread!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Millipora Addict
Sep 2, 2007
Federal Way, WA
Ok, so unfortunately the loaner equipment belonging to the club has gone MIA (not pointing fingers just don't know where it is, is all). SO, I'll start off with this. If you have a peice of loaner equipment that was borrowed from the psas, please pm me so I can get it back. AFAIK, there was a refractometer, Lux meter a ph meter and a small fish trap. Honestly there may have been more I just don't know.

With that being said, I'm going to start working on a way to get MORE loaner equipment for members to use the only change is i'm looking at different deposit options to be put on loaner equipment (nothing that would be charged, but unfortunately the club has to have some sort of incentive to get things back). So, if anyone has any pieces of equipment that they no longer use and have been unable to sell maybe? The club would certainly appreciate the donation or would be interested in striking some sort of a deal in getting some equipment in order to start a collection of gear to help members in need once again.

As always if anyone has any questions or concerns feel free to comment here or pm me :)
I have been informed that Ipisces (lorrie) Has offered to shuttle any possible donations from the North end to me for the club.

Thanks Lorrie :)
A Phosphate reactor would be a good thing to have here...its the type of thing someone could borrow for a week, wipe out their phosphates, and bring back...I could donate that after I am done using it myself? :lol:

Or livestock? I have a Sea Hare...once again, this would be after I am done using it haha.

Granted, I am not even part of this club (yet) haha.