The Sherman Tank (Photo Scrapbook)

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I've been putting a lot of time into getting the new tank set up, this tank has just been sitting there, with little attention. There's not really anything new, except that I removed the large blue coral from the front center a while ago because it was getting too large. Since then, I've had 4 more corals reach the glass, two of them being Monti Caps that have encrusted onto the front glass, even. It's well beyond time for a tank upgrade. And that's getting close.

muuaaa it's very jelouse :D :p .
This tank's days are numbered, with the 120 going up. I've pulled the large blue A. Hoeksemai, because it was simply too large, and shading everything else. In the end, all that did was buy me time, because now other corals have taken its dominant place. The Teardrop maxima is approaching 7" now, and has turned itself to fit.

Lately, I've also started to see more diatoms, even in the sand a little. This may be due to a small cleaning crew, though. I haven't added a snail or crab in almost 2 years, and there are probably less than a dozen astreas now. When I added the tiger tail cucumber a few months ago, I think it created some competition for food with the nassarius snails. They're all gone now, and the cuke has split already. There are a few ceriths left. The only hermits left are maybe 5-8 scarletts, when there were 40 at one time.

Anyway, this tank hasn't been getting the close treatment it used to. Again, because of the 120 going up. I'm just trying to keep everything alive for a transfer in a couple months.

So here's today.

WOW! What is that green SPS on the right? A tabletop something or other? It is HUGE :eek: nice picture, thanks for sharing :cool:
Deb, that's a millepora. That's actually "my baby" :) . It came as a hitchhiker on a piece of live rock I bought, 2.5 years ago. It's even had three baseball sized colonies fragged off of it in the last year.

Here it was when I bought it:

And 3 months later, it started to show branch nubs:

At 4 months:
So it's closing time for this thread, unfortunately. Yesterday, the 38g crashed, and forced me to move everything into the 120g a lot sooner than I wanted to. So everything's in the new 120g.

The good news: this affords all sorts of new photo opportunities. See you there!