See right here, up on top right, I used unions, so I could remove my plumbing from the sump to the tank. You have to think about where would you have problems and where would you need to use them to take everything apart but hey don't stress it, you can always cut your plumbing out and make repairs and then re-glue with couplings or replacing parts if necessary. making good connections, make good measurements, allowing for the amount of pvc going into the fittings when measuring, allowing for the distance of the fittings also to make it all fit, that is important, but hey like I said I had to redo part of my cl several times to get it just the way I wanted, frustrating but cheap. It will work, just make sure no leaks, then later you can work out better ideas, it is sometime the cost of learning, at least your getting as much information you can up front, that is the best you can ask for to start out. When you get everything, put together as much as you can without the glue, dry fit as much first, this will also help out, take pictures, and let us look also. You can do it, lol