They continued to eat once they got into the QT tank, although in the excitement of seeing them eat at the store, I let slide the part that one of the two was higher in the water column, and kind of was acting a little 'weirder' than the other. It wasn't necessarily acting 'not well', but high in the water column is weird for a deep water fish. I was trying to decide if there was really something wrong, or if I managed to end up with 2 males, and the one that was hanging at the bottom was not 'allowing' the other to come down. Nothing to do but wait it out and see. I normally run 2 rounds of Prazi on fish before they get to the display, but other than that its just observation, and I don't proactively treat for anything else... so I started the first round of Prazi Tuesday night after I was sure they were still eating after the move.
Received a text from the husband yesterday while I was at work. One of the two was low in the water column in the corner. After a short phone call and realizing he didn't feel confident enough to do a water change (He never has) I asked him to not give me any more status updates since there was nothing I could do until I got home anyway, and for the most part told myself I had probably lost one of the two... low expectations lead to less disappointment.
When I finally did get home from work, I was pleasantly surprised. I don't know the how or why, but weird one actually looks more healthy and happy than it has since it hit the QT tank. I don't know if it was acclimation, or a swim bladder issue, or what, but both fish are low in the water column now, and if you were an optimist, you might even think the two were thinking about pairing.
No telling, whats next, or even if they will make it through the day, but thats todays little update from QT-ville As the prop pump turns....