Thread to say thank you

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2003
Mukilteo, WA
I was thinking it might be fun to have a thread to leave a thank you to people that have done/given/helped/etc. Feel free to add your own thank you's to this thread if you are so inclined.

I'll start by thanking all of the very generous people lately (and in my past) that have given me corals, reactor media, advice, and so much more. I cannot imagine this hobby without people like this. A short list that will miss a whole bunch of people....Mike (Herefishyfishy), Dang, Mike O'Brien, Chuck, Duane, Paul Hamby, Charles (wanareef), Ed Hahn, Mark (skimerwhisperer), Luke (both of them :D), Tuan, Sarang, Alex (spllbnd2), the gang at BR (especially Cy & Chris), DBM Reef. There are so many others but reading a list of names gets boring.

Just wanted to say THANK YOU!!!!! to all of the people that have been so kind to me over the years in this hobby. I am sure I would have washed out if it wasn't for you all.

I would personally like to tank google for all the hard work you have done for me......
the countless hours of mind numbing research you have done those wonderful suggestions you provide me with "did you mean _______?" I mean wow, where do you come up with this stuff, lets see a dictionary do that.

all I ever want is one webpage to look at about a topic but you send me millions....literally. Ahh yes google you are my unsung saltwater tank advice hero. Thanks for all the help along the way.
Well this is a really nice gesture reedman. Thank you for starting it.
I’ve met a lot of really nice people from RF in person. Seen some beautiful tanks and fish and coral and other critters.
Thank you to the moderators for putting up with some of the stuff that goes on here, keeping the site running and fixing things, like threads in the wrong place.
And thanks to authors of all the “Sticky” threads. I’ve gotten a lot of information from these threads. :confused:Still reading them over and over again.
Picked up corals and fish from members and a couple lfs’s that advertise here. Thank you all for some sweet fish & seahorses and some beautiful coral pieces and other critters. :DThey are all healthy and doing great thanks to everyone on this site and the knowledge supplied here for reference and all the responses to questions I had and those others have asked. I know the same question gets asked at least 10 times a year and your all still willing to readdress them. They’ve helped me too. You learn something different every time the question is asked.
When I was in need of help moving my tanks, there was someone ready and willing to help. Many many thanks to them. :D Couldn’t have done it without you. It was a really nice visit too.
Hope the New Year brings more people to this community to share the passion of the saltwater world.
I personally want to thank Adam and Crystal for EVERYTHING they've done for us while he was here and while he's been away. They have really gone above and beyond to help us out when we tore down the 55 for our summer deployment, hooked us up with Zoas, helping us with the ATO and most importantly right after the accident, they were there to pick us up and help us get back home (I don't know what we would've done!!).

They have been some of the best, nicest, down to earth people I've ever met and am eternally grateful for their kindness and generosity!! I can't say enough good things about them so I'm going to end it at THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!! :D
Wow! Lets see, I bought some frags in 2009, traded some frags and even GIVEN some frags.

I'd like to kindly thank: Danno14, Steven11, Herefishyfishy, Myteemouse, saltybell, salmonslayer, returnofsid, roscoe, scottmdebord, 1fishkeeper, shane and john, and Matt125.

These folks are not only good for a frag swab buddy, they are all great guys and am glad I got to meet them all through such an enjoyable hobby.

Thanks! and thanks to anyone I may have forgot.

All these folks I feel are very important to the reefkeeping community and a few I also consider good friends. Thanks
I would like to thank Augustus (Balogh03) and his dad for taking in my favorite fish and a few corals and housing them when I decided I needed to separate from my husband early this year. Also I would thank all the people who bought my other livestock which gave me the cash to get a place to live. Hope you are all enjoying what you bought.

Also I would like to thank my husband for finding sobriety which has allowed me to come back home and restart my 390g tank.

It was an rocky road for me this year. I hope 2010 is smoother.

Happy New Year everyone!
Happy New years to all!!!! I hope this year will be as great as last or at least better! There are so many great people here it is hard to name them all. I know I wouldn't have this wonderfull system I have now without all the kind help and advice the people of this fine community provides! Thank you to each and every single person I have met and talked to over the span of my memebership here. You all have been a great help and inspiration to me one way or another! I have learned so much from each and everyone of you. Again Thank you to all and have a great New Year!!!

Wow....what a great thread..There have been many people that have influenced me greatly when it has come to this hobby(Or Obsession as My wife would call it)..Infact,so many I cant even List them all!!! This community has had a Major impact on the upbringing of my son John..He has learned many valuable lessons because of you guys!Generosity and sinceraty Just to name a few..The way society should be as a whole..The lessons he has learned here are things that I believe every child should be exposed to in life.For this I give you all thanks!!Everyone here always treated him so good(Even spoiled him i believe)..All the free Frags and the deals when he was using his own money...The way he got to handfeed hundreds of baby clownfish by hand..The advise and life lessons in such a loving manner....Thanks Everyone.. Happy New Year...

I wouldn't even know where to begin a list of people who have helped me here.
There are just some many that I would probally miss some.
So thank-you to all.:)
I haven't kept track of names - and I've found such a generous and friendly group on this forum that I feel you all contribute. Almost everything in my over-stuffed, diverse and colorful reef is from one of you, and all of it was a gift, a trade or an incredibly good deal. Several of you saved the life of my brain coral recently :) Those of you who wrote the stickies spared everyone many of my questions. Thank you!
My reef is in my classroom, where it saves my sanity every day - did you know gazing at your fish tank lowers your blood pressure? ;) I have a second small tank (without bristle worms ;) for the kids to touch hermit crabs, xenia and aiptasia. Every time I get something new, the kids ask where it is from. They're learning that trading is a great idea, that it's important to be generous, that people give things for free out of generosity and that we can repay them by doing the same for others. And of course they're learning all about coral reefs - maybe one of them will grow up to help save our wild reefs :) Thank you for that hope :)
I would like to thank Akunochi(Seth) for help in getting my first tank set up and to Mopar Reefer(Justin) for the first coral frags. My kids are so excited that they do not have to look at a rock any longer. LOL Thanks again guys.
Hey Mike swing by the house sometime (get ahold of Lisa) I think she may be ready to frag in about a Month....

Oh and everything Blackberry
I would also like to thank everyone (you know who you are)

I would like to make a special thanks to
Mike Bell
and last but not least
Chuck for this web site
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