Threads getting banned??? WHY!!!

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Anyway I should be spending time with my kids, instead Im doing a water change every three weeks!

good gravy I wish that was the case for us! I am changing water weekly and I have been (give or take a few lapses :p) for over a year now :/
Remember the lesson Mike Brady taught us in The Brady Bunch episode when Greg bought his first car.... Caveat Emptor :D (lolol, if you understand what I just said, then you're as old as me! :lol:)

Which part dates you more accurately Nikki, the Brady Bunch or you speaking Latin?:lol:;) bugs are everywhere. And as mentioned above, worthwhile discussions about them would include QT procedures and techniques for eradicating them from the tank. All the other nonsense going on about them here isn't worthwhile, it's just disruptive and non-productive. Believe me when I say nobody on the staff here has the desire to censor anybody, but when the same subject is degrading into a mess time after time, we have to do something about it.

kinda off the subject, but man what a thread that is. We need to have more of these threads (not necessarily RB related). Lots of different opinions by reef keepers who have seen ALOT of things. These are the threads but some people miss. Truly informative discussions. Threads like those are like a full bodied beer. Rather than keystone ice.

If you are looking for a thread to discuss red bugs, here ya go. Its from 2004: Red Bugs - Inevitable?
Which part dates you more accurately Nikki, the Brady Bunch or you speaking Latin?:lol:;)

ROFL! Probably both. I believe you are slightly older than me. I needed to point that out, so I could feel better about my age. :p lolol
Wholly cow what did i start here! Is this what I had to do to bring Mike "Mojoreef" Back!:D I was on a thread and it ended! I have been on a few lately and was just frustrated why they were getting banned, recjected, moved? Anyway, probably just me! Anyway, hopefully did not cause a weird thing here. Any yes Chuck its going well! Man have things changed in the past 3 years.

Hope you are doing well too Mike!! Come on down for some ty food when you get a chance.

My issue is this! Do you think that someone that is selling coral should at least tell another member/person that he or she has red bugs! Is that appropriate, or am i off base on this one?:confused: What do you all think?

We haven't banned anyone in a long time & If I'm correct KnowCrap should be back in a week, I think.
If I had known issues I'm the type that would probably say something If I was selling, just so I don't get all the screaming, or at least suggest that you QT whatever. That said, If you get something from a trusted friend & they contaminate your tank unknowingly then who is to blame? When you buy on line or LFS you always take that risk, why should it be different on a personal basis. It is your responsibility to QT as Chuck, Mike, myself & Many others already said on this thread & many threads before. I think just about everyone that reads this thread can Clearly understand that, the people that have to continually disagree, question that, isn't listening to what we're saying, this is what the majority members & Staff feel about this subject. There should be no more thought as to who is responsible for their own personal tank, If anyone can't understand that, then they have other issues that they should tend to.
Sounds Blunt to me yea but as straight up & clear as it will ever get & that is coming from South Louisiana:D where we can understand what we read.
Lots of great discussion, if I could summarize what I have read here:

1. Read this thread from 2004, lots of good info

2. Red Bugs are not region specific but are found across the world. Everyone needs to be aware, even though people originally having this debate thought it was region specific (either the bugs or the debate) were obviously wrong :)

3. Not only red bugs hurt tanks, but many other critters and parasites.

4. Always good to know where the livestock comes from. Ask questions about their tank, they may not even know they have bugs or critters.

5. Not all aquarists will be up front, that is a fact of life, so buyer or trader beware

6. QUARANTINE anything you put into your own tank. If that means treat coral prior to introduction, that's what it means. If you don't, and problems occur, then it is no one's fault but your own for not taking necessary precautions.

7. Are we going to ever be free of red bugs or other predators? Well, probably not for some time. They are tough little buggers. Predatory animals are named that for a reason. They are tough, they are agile, they can endure many hardships and continue to forage :)

8. Reef Frontiers has members across the world and RF Staff that spans thousands of miles. All knowledgeable, all doing what is right for Reef Frontiers

9. Reef Frontiers has far outgrown what it started out as, 22,000 registered members from around the world and continuing to grow.

10. We are bound to get involved in heated debates. As long as they are treated with dignity and respect, the discussions can be very enjoyable. If they become personal, well they spiral downhill in a hurry.

Did I capture pretty much everything?
Wholly cow what did i start here! Is this what I had to do to bring Mike "Mojoreef" Back!:D I was on a thread and it ended! I have been on a few lately and was just frustrated why they were getting banned, recjected, moved? Anyway, probably just me! Anyway, hopefully did not cause a weird thing here. Any yes Chuck its going well! Man have things changed in the past 3 years.

Hope you are doing well too Mike!! Come on down for some ty food when you get a chance.

My issue is this! Do you think that someone that is selling coral should at least tell another member/person that he or she has red bugs! Is that appropriate, or am i off base on this one?:confused: What do you all think?


I am thinking we should just assume the corals have red bug. Even a tank that has been treated and the owner assumes they have dealt with the problem or if the owner had just added a new coral not realizing it was infested could give you red bug without knowing.

A warning is nice if the owner knows but I remember it took me a while to figure out what was going on when I found RB, those suckers are tiny! My husband never could see them even when I was pointing and telling him what to look for.

I feel the only solution is that we each take the personal responsibility to keep it out of our tank by QT'ing everything. If we choose to treat our own systems and then avoid re-infesting it by following the often recommended QT procedures our personal problems with the pest are over. Honestly I can't say that I am that good yet but I know I should.

As far as treatment I like some others was reluctant to treat my entire tank as I did not want to risk my shrimp or tear down the tank to catch and remove the tank. I spoke with someone (sorry I am bad with names) at Barrier Reef and they suggested controlling them by taking out and treating just the coral. I followed the suggestion but instead of removing just coral I also took the rock it was attached to (I didn't want to have to reglue everything). I did an interceptor dip in a couple of large tubs with tank water, circulation and heat. My thought was I would repeat this every once in a while for population control until I was ready for my tank upgrade later this year at which time I would try to wipe RB out after catching the shrimp during the tank move.

I have not had to retreat. It has been 5 months and close inspection has not revealed hide nor hair of a single bug. They seem to be gone! I am not saying this will work for everyone but I was surprised at the results.

Just my 2 cents worth:)
I would appreciate if people would mention they have a bug or ick, etc. Personally I don't have the space or the money for a quarintine tank. Yeah I'm paying for it, but for some of us it isn't an option.
My issue is this! Do you think that someone that is selling coral should at least tell another member/person that he or she has red bugs! Is that appropriate, or am i off base on this one?:confused: What do you all think?

I think (02 cents) you are definitely off. Even if the person said he does not have one.... are you wlling to risk it? specially for those who has really high end corals and invested huge amount of money and time on their tank.

Now lets assume he did what you said... then... what are you going to do? flame him forever? I dont think that this will solve the issue.

Whats important is what he is not doing but..... what are you doing in your part. In terms of quarantying, dipping, spitting, whatever special magic you are doing just to make sure that everything that comes in to your tank has been checked and cleaned.
Trading or buying corals is like having unprotected sex. If your going to do it be prepared for the outcome whatever it may be.

Now that its a must that we quarantine our subjects...

How do we do this? What practices are best? For how long? 5 gallon? 10 gallon? is enough? or zip bag for really tight space solution.

Do you buy readily available chemicals? what do you use?

Interceptop? can we make it strong enough that we only dip them in seconds? how many seconds?

Just a few questions i hope will be answered here...

Trading or buying corals is like having unprotected sex. If your going to do it be prepared for the outcome whatever it may be.

Thats a good one Donw. We are all REALLY CLEAR ON HOW TO QT your corals/live stock. I fill just QTing your corals is not enough. Yes it will help but as long as WE sell/give away coral/live stock and know we have it and do nothing to rid it, just tell someone you have it. The risk will always going be there even more if we do nothing about having it.
Some one please let me know why I don't get it :(.. I know the risk is there but why is everyone saying QT,QT,QT,QT and no one talks about knowingly spreading it.
I fill there is nothing wrong with saying hay pal/sweety why don't you please treat your tank.
I think I fill a little different about this for the fact that 3 times I had to treat my system ( 400gal ) a pop times three each time. Thats a lot of $ and salt. Each time them little bugs got past some how. I now have a QT set up. I'm doing my part to help control this pest. After all I could just say Here is some free coral but I have a pest and save alot of money and time but I fill thats not fair.

All the post are great and it is nice to talk about it and not cause a problem " I hope ".

PS I had to step away a few times and happy I did.
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Good Gawd people....

Look, first of all...

Red bugs are NOT the AIDS or even Herpes of reefkeeping...more like a sinus infection. It sucks, you get meds, it goes away.

Like has been mentioned AD NAUSEUM all over this thread and others...ya gotta take preventative measures or be willing to accept the consequences.

Have I had red bugs in my tank? Yes
Have I gotten them a second time from someone who swore there tank was clean of parasites? Yes
Did they know they had redbugs until I told them? No
Did I get rid of them the second time? Yes
Do I dip every thing coral wise that now goes into my tank? Absolutely.
Did I wind up getting AEFW's somewhere along the way? Yup, and guess what, they make the red bugs seem like a pleasant experiance by comparison.

If you're not willing to take precautions,(and you've been in the hobby more than a few months), then you should just keep your complaining to a minimum.
A brief "Man, this sucks!" is acceptable...but after that, you're whining, and I hate whining.

To those that are wanting to warn the new comers to the hobby...great, I applaud your intentions regarding educating those who are just getting into this hobby. But do it tactfully. Acting snotty and pointing fingers quickly turns an informative thread into a brawl. If you'd rather brawl your way through a discussion, there are other boards that would better suit your style. Go there.

We like the fact that people are comfortable here. We really do. Chuck and Mike worked very hard to make this a comfortable place to hang out, learn things, and grow in the hobby. Alot of people, (myself included) have done just that. And thats great. Its why we're all here.

Unfortunately, some people have gotten too comfortable here. They are "putting their feet up on the furniture" so to speak and making things less friendly than they should be. Thats where we have to get involved. There is a group of individuals who seem to be at the center of just about every single confrontation.

Its getting

Everyone is welcome to play in Chuck and Mike's sandbox, really.
But dont forget, its their sandbox, not yours. So act accordingly.

We have some good people here, I'd like them to stay. But to do that, we have to act like adults, and play by the rules. You know what the rules are, you had to agree to them to become a member here. If you cant remember them all, then look up the user agreement. Its thoughtfully posted on the homepage at the bottom, just below the "Contact Us" tab....

If you are about to make a post that could be taken two ways, and one of them isnt'd better clarify your point so that its not misunderstood. If your post gets deleted, you can pretty much guarentee that we had a valid reason for doing so. If you decide to push the issue and post it up again, there will be consequences. If you decide to attack someone here on the board....there will be consequences. Subtle attacks will be treated the same as outright attacks. Asking the Mods/Admin exactly what constitutes an attack so you can bend the rules, is neither appreciated nor amusing. Yes, thats really happened.

Common sense folks....if you cant play nicely with the others in the sandbox, you dont get to play in the sandbox anymore...

So can we all quit this stuff and start acting like adults?

Hope you all dont mind me giving my opinion, I think that as in all walks of life that little squabbles are inevitable but what you have to focus on is the the good that this site and as members you have all done. I do not post much but I do spend many hours searcing and learning from your site, for which I am very appreciative. If I were you I would be very proud of this site and of yourselves for 99.99% of non flaming, helpful and informative material posted. I have always found this site extremely friendly and i am very thankful for the help i have received.
As for red bugs I think to a certain degree we all have ourselves to blame. 10 years ago we may have only had 25% of the corals flying around your country and mine. As we are becoming better at what we do we are making it more accessible to new people. Let me explain, 10 years ago a fraction of the people of today were fragging their corals, for arguements sake 100 people. These people bought a coral and chopped it into 10 new corals. They then sold these corals. If 1% of those corals had bugs they would have infected at most 10 reefs. Today hundreds and thousands of people are regularly doing this. I am not saying people are knowingly infecting other peoples tank/corals, it is a bad consequence of us becoming better at what we do and that is the problem we have to work on. We need to find a way to educate these people so as the hobby grows, the problems do not.
I fully expect in the next few years that these pests and others will become more of a problem in the UK. We still only have a handful of serious propaging businesses but there are many hobbyists who are now selling corals over the internet. Some of whom I would presume are in it to make a quick £. I would also presume that there are well minded reefers who also do not know what a red bug is.
It is up to this site to keep posting the good stuff about beating this and other problems.

My a__e creeping is over. I will posting some questions later that I expect answers to :lol::D.

Best wishes to you all.
OK we vented, I'm closing this thread, it just keeps going in circles & accomplishing nothing, this isn't what this site is about, we're not parents.
Now that its a must that we quarantine our subjects...

How do we do this? What practices are best? For how long? 5 gallon? 10 gallon? is enough? or zip bag for really tight space solution.

Do you buy readily available chemicals? what do you use?

Interceptop? can we make it strong enough that we only dip them in seconds? how many seconds?

Just a few questions i hope will be answered here...


Now this is a good subject, this is what we should be discussing! ;)
Lets go with Nikki's thread as it has this information & from here we can Update it with new information or methods.
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