Tis a sad day

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Definatly a drag. Let us know what you find. Seems to be happening to alot of us lately.


I hope you find the source of this stray voltage. That's an awful lot and I agree with Saltyzoo that this is too much for induced voltage....something is leaking.

Scooter is probably your best resource right now. Sorry I can't be of much more help other than to say this, "I'm sorry for the losses. With that said, I know that you will rebound bigger and better".
Man, this is bad news. Keep us posted as to what might have gone wrong. This kind of thing makes me nervous when all you guys start having mysterious problems and have much more experience at this than me.
If you are in the hobby long enough you will experience this kind of thing...it's like a right of passage that you really don't want:mad:
Charlie, what the hey?? This is not real that I'm reading... I just got those frags from you and they are doing great.. Please let me know and when they are a bit bigger I can get frags back to you of them..

Keep the faith..
Charlie, what the hey?? This is not real that I'm reading... I just got those frags from you and they are doing great.. Please let me know and when they are a bit bigger I can get frags back to you of them..

Keep the faith..

Yes it is true. It really sucks too. I just tossed 4 more that were in the holding tank. Heck, at this rate, I will be able to start fresh again in about a week. The thought of that really, really sucks.
Hang in there Charlie...You've got tons of friends and support here on RF and up where you live so you'll be up and running again soon. I may have to break the law for you and send you a chunk of a reef to get you back on your feet!;)
Charlie, when I get my tank going & my frags grow I'll swap out with you, that way if this happens to me or you we can frag out everything again & Bam you have a new baby version of your old tank:D

Hang in there man, we'll support you until you can get it in the best photo contest again! :)
Charlie I'm so sorry :(. If you're coming over to Spokane definitely give me a call. I've got a couple frags I can send home with you.

Here's a nasty thought, what would be happening in my cat was relieving itself in my sump. Aside from the fact that the animal may no longer be among the living, wouldn't that cause an ammonia spike?
Might that also explain my skimmer going absolutly nuts every other nite?
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cats do those sort of things... i have 3 of them...... would it really raise the ammonia that much? how big is your cat!!??
im not a doctor or, anything i just have 2 cats.

the cat boxs, smell like AMMONIA (if you dont clean em)

Im sure 1 time was enough. but a couple, ya..... I beleve that would raise your ammonia.

did you test the water yet?
You need to teach Willis that it is OK to chase, pin, and severely lick the cat until it no longer does stupid things like that. It's not cruelty to animals, but higher level education.

in all seriousness though, if your cat is peeing in the sump you would definitely have problems. There's more than amonia in that stuff and none of it is good for an SPS tank.
You need to teach Willis that it is OK to chase, pin, and severely lick the cat until it no longer does stupid things like that. It's not cruelty to animals, but higher level education.


Or catch him the act and yell BOO so he falls into the sump. By the time he licks all of that saltwater off of himself, he will be retaining so much water that you will hear 'sloshing' sounds as he walks. He'll be like a waterbed with 4 legs, a head, and a tail.
Charlie my friend, I am soooo sorry that this has happened to your wonderful tank.
Male cat?
If it was the cat what a bad kitty he is.
Keep us posted Brah.
holy crap charlie!!!
i would think if your cat was pissing in the sump that you would smell it on the gear in the sump....security camera time!!
dude, i really hope you find the issue, although i know voltage is a total killer! probably the most likely culprit. good luck man!!!