Two Little Fishies epoxy in Seattle area?

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2007
Seattle-ish, WA
Just curious if anyone has found a LFS in the Seattle/Tacoma area that stocks the Two Little Fishies brand of underwater epoxy in either gray or pink? I'd like some in the next day or two and I'm striking out finding anything other than the white stuff. Thanks in advance!
Blue Sierra used to carry the pink epoxy. I doubt it was two fishies and cant verify if they still stock it. Might be worth a call.
AquaMend at Home Depot... it's the exact same product as the epoxy we all use, without the reefer markup.

But it's white.
Thanks trido - they do carry the gray and mauve stuff. It's not Two Little Fishies, but it'll do!

The white stuff does get covered eventually, but too slow for my taste. I just personally like the gray or pink - just blends in better from day 1.
I recently tried the Boston Aqua Farms corilline colored stuff and was really happy with the color and texture. It is one of the most expensive ones I have tried for the amount you get(I am really good at picking the expensive stuff:oops:) but it really was a quality product IMO if you want to give it a try some time
Hmm... granted, my question got answered - and it was a "local" question, but why'd it get moved to this forum? Seems odd - the question didn't have anything to do with the PSAS. Do all posts in the general forum that ask about local issues get moved to local club forums? Just trying to figure out the guidelines here since I'm just starting to come out of "lurk mode"!
Sherman Thank you ...... "AquaMend at Home Depot"

I could use some !!

Home depot is closer to me as well .