Under tank refugium

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Killer Blenny
Sep 12, 2005
I am considering switching out my wet/dry filter for an Pro-Clear Mud Filter http://www.petsolutions.com/Medium+Pro+Clear+Mud+Sump-I-85076025-I-C-26-C-.aspx
This setup will have to be under tank, as I do not have the room for a "above tank" refugium that would gravity feed the tank.

My questions are:
1. My main goal is to provide food for my corals and mandarin (although PH balance and algae reduction are good too). By having an under tank fuge that is fed back by a water pump, will all the creatures die on the way back?

2. Would I have to figure out how to position my UV sterilizer and Protein skimmer before the water reaches the refugium? (for the same reason mentioned in #1)

All that being said...would I be better off going with a CPR hang on fuge? (Which i believe is fed back into the tank via powerhead, thereby having the same creature death?)


I have an under tank fuge. I set it up for ph and phosphate also to increase my pod population. I have a Synchiropus picturatus (yellow target mandarin goby) She had decimated the pod pop in the tank in a week or so. Before I put her in they where all over the glass a couple weeks later I saw none. 1 week after hooking my fuge up I have pods all over again. So I would have to say in my experience it worked for me. I am sure a gravity fed would be better but this works for now.
May I ask why you would spend 200.00 on tank that you can easily make out of a aquarium you can buy at Walmart? That unit is total of 17 gallons, You can make a much more effective one for about 40.00.
Its really easy and you can make it however you need with skimmer and all. I just can not see spending that kinda money on something that would take 10 minutes to make. JMHO

I want to make a refuge tank like you suggested. I have a 12 gal acrylic (eclipse) tank that I want to add a fuge too. I wanted to add another 10/12 gal tank next to it. I want to place these 2 tanks side by side and I was thinking about drilling on the side of both tanks and connecting them with pipe. One in and one out. I have never done any of this so I am looking for advice.

I was thinking that I would drill 2 2" holes side by side about 6" apart, measuring about 2" down from top of water line on both tanks. I would have to make an "overflow" with an elbow fitting for the water to get out of the main tank to keep the water lever where I want it. I want to use clear 2" tubing to connect both tanks together.

I was going to pull water into the fuge with a pump by extending the INLET with a pipe that would allow the pump to be placed on the bottom of the fuge tank. This will allow the water with the copeopods to flow back into the other tank. But I am not sure where to place the Outlet for the fuge tank.

I was going to do a rubble bottom fuge with plants in it. I read that you have to change the mud in mud fuges every year.

Have you ever seen anything like this?
Sorry Bob, I couldn’t resist jumping in before you with this idea... :D
Since you want to keep both these tanks side by side, how about just putting a hole and bulkhead in the new refugium tank near the top. Then have that tank propped up slightly higher than the main tank so it spills over into it. Then use a power head in the main tank to feed water to the refugium tank. Less holes to be drilled. I think a 1 inch bulkhead would be good enough. Just be sure to buy the bulkhead first so you know exactly what size hole needs to be drilled. You can put an elbow fitting and some length of pvc pipe on the inside part of the bulkhead in the refugium tank, so there’s a better chance of sucking up some of those pods to feed the main tank. You can put another couple of elbow fittings on the other side of the refugium bulkhead to redirect the spilling downward and across the water surface of the main tank so there’s less splashing. Just be sure it isn’t completely under the surface to create a siphon effect in the event of a power loss. You’re going to have to keep an eye on the water level in the main tank to be sure it isn’t too high so in the event of a power loss the water spilling in from the refugium tank doesn’t overflow the main tank also.
Haole has a very good idea on the set-up. A standard 1" bulkhead needs a 1 3/4" hole (Rainbow lifeguard and Hydroair bulkheads). I would also use a screen between the two to keep a fish from finding it's way into the fuge. If you do want the hang-on fuge I make ones that are pump fed and gravity return- The Shark Reef, Ocean Reef Aquatics and Reef Mystique all have them in stock and I am sure they would be happy to talk to you about them. However, if you allready have another tank and don't mind putting the fuge on display, The method Haole described will work for you (and save some money).

Oops! forgot to comment on the pump - pod situation. I have read info that says a pump will slaughter all your pods, and info for opinions all over the board. In my opinion and from what I have seen, pumping pods back into the tank seems to have a pretty minimal impact on their population. Using an external pump with a large impeller and large discharge ports should reduce the risk as well. (may not be practicle in smaller tanks)- You could PM Adelaide from Ocean Pods. She is a pod guru and I have seen her shake the living hell out of a bottle of pods (had to be just as bad as a pump or worse), and she says they will be fine.
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I want to make a refuge tank like you suggested. I have a 12 gal acrylic (eclipse) tank that I want to add a fuge too. I wanted to add another 10/12 gal tank next to it. I want to place these 2 tanks side by side and I was thinking about drilling on the side of both tanks and connecting them with pipe. One in and one out. I have never done any of this so I am looking for advice.

I was thinking that I would drill 2 2" holes side by side about 6" apart, measuring about 2" down from top of water line on both tanks. I would have to make an "overflow" with an elbow fitting for the water to get out of the main tank to keep the water lever where I want it. I want to use clear 2" tubing to connect both tanks together.

I was going to pull water into the fuge with a pump by extending the INLET with a pipe that would allow the pump to be placed on the bottom of the fuge tank. This will allow the water with the copeopods to flow back into the other tank. But I am not sure where to place the Outlet for the fuge tank.

I was going to do a rubble bottom fuge with plants in it. I read that you have to change the mud in mud fuges every year.

Have you ever seen anything like this?

I have had to the samething when I had my old stand on a 55. I had to to make it out of 2 10 gallons, What I did was as Haloe answered, I elevated the first Tank about 2-3 inches higher then the seconnd. It helped with flow running down hill. But I found quickly a Auto top pff was required. When the tank limits go below the overflows attaching the tank, it tends to really take allot out of the second tank because feed had stopped. So your gonna have to stay on top of the water level for sure.