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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Hmmmmm. Just did some more updating on this website.....

Here's a list of all the available FREE names available.

  • ath.cx
  • blogdns.com
  • blogdns.net
  • blogdns.org
  • blogsite.org
  • boldlygoingnowhere.org
  • dnsalias.com
  • dnsalias.net
  • dnsalias.org
  • dnsdojo.com
  • dnsdojo.net
  • dnsdojo.org
  • doesntexist.com
  • doesntexist.org
  • dontexist.com
  • dontexist.net
  • dontexist.org
  • dvrdns.org
  • dyn-o-saur.com
  • dynalias.com
  • dynalias.net
  • dynalias.org
  • dyndns.biz
  • dyndns.info
  • dyndns.org
  • dyndns.tv
  • dyndns.ws
  • endofinternet.net
  • endofinternet.org
  • endoftheinternet.org
  • ftpaccess.cc
  • game-host.org
  • game-server.cc
  • getmyip.com
  • go.dyndns.org
  • gotdns.com
  • gotdns.org
  • ham-radio-op.net
  • hobby-site.com
  • hobby-site.org
  • home.dyndns.org
  • homedns.org
  • homeftp.net
  • homeftp.org
  • homeip.net
  • homelinux.com
  • homelinux.net
  • homelinux.org
  • homeunix.com
  • homeunix.net
  • homeunix.org
  • is-a-chef.com
  • is-a-chef.net
  • is-a-chef.org
  • is-a-geek.com
  • is-a-geek.net
  • is-a-geek.org
  • isa-geek.com
  • isa-geek.net
  • isa-geek.org
  • kicks-ass.net
  • kicks-ass.org
  • merseine.nu
  • mine.nu
  • mypets.ws
  • myphotos.cc
  • office-on-the.net
  • podzone.net
  • podzone.org
  • scrapper-site.net
  • scrapping.cc
  • selfip.biz
  • selfip.com
  • selfip.info
  • selfip.net
  • selfip.org
  • servebbs.com
  • servebbs.net
  • servebbs.org
  • serveftp.net
  • serveftp.org
  • servegame.org
  • shacknet.nu
  • thruhere.net
  • webhop.biz
  • webhop.info
  • webhop.net
  • webhop.org
I *thought* I picked the best one! :evil:

this is great. I love it. I was telling this to Bob the other day but I am having hell lot of hard time from Paul fo website upgrade and everything including no response. If you're ready to run it on your server, I want to take the ownership from him and run it on your server.

BTW, what is the back end system? May be I can contribute too....

Glad you like it. It took many hours to uncomplicate the documents to a format I could understand. I'm old and I miss DOS! I've got the entire directory the web site is in down to 420 KB, and I could delete a few more files. If you looked around, I did get the Calendar updated (by going through the old threads) and updated a few more of the pages and made some spelling corrections. :)

My server has been running for YEARS. It's up 99.9% of time, on a UPS, plus I have a backup generator which comes on 9 seconds after the power goes out! The server is usually only down when I need to reboot the system and that's only for about 2 minutes.

I'm using DynDSN to update my dynamic IPs. They are really quick, plus they're FREE. They do offer a service for a fee of $27.50 per YEAR to update the IP of a 'real' address. So, if we choose to keep thepsas.org address, it can still be sent to my server. I kinda like the address I'm using now (psas.hobby-site.com), but BOB :evil: doesn't! (ROFL,G&D) It's completely FREE plus updating the IP address is also FREE.

For my server software, I'm running Sambar 5.3. It's old and not supported anymore, but it works!

Since it's already running on my server, I guess I'm ready! :)


this is great. I love it. I was telling this to Bob the other day but I am having hell lot of hard time from Paul fo website upgrade and everything including no response. If you're ready to run it on your server, I want to take the ownership from him and run it on your server.

BTW, what is the back end system? May be I can contribute too....

nice. I like your setup. I am going to talk to Paul to move the website under our name and move the website to your server.
One more thing, I want to add some event pictures on the server with some links. That should work, right?

I like what you did for the club and i do like the site. The rotating banners are great. I just prefer to attempt to keep the name the same if possible. If we can't then we move forward. The ability to access the site without waiting on others is a major plus for our club.
Thanks for all the hard work


P.S. Did you get the email? No one has replied :(
That shouldn't be a problem at all.

I also run an FTP server. We could use that to allow you access to my web server. That way you'll have 24/7 access to the website. PM or email me what you'd like to use as a User Name and Password and I'll get you setup shortly. :)


One more thing, I want to add some event pictures on the server with some links. That should work, right?
I've been *fiddling* with the 'fake' website and have made LOTS of changes. This is FUN and I'm really enjoying doing this.

I did check and found out that ThePSAS.com domain name is available! Again, I'm on a dynamic IP, but forwarding is only $27.50 per year.

I haven't heard from Ghazni about our current web site. ANY WORD GHAZNI? :D

I've been working on adding pictures from our events. I just don't have many and those that have been posted on line are just TOO small to use. Anyone have any good ones?

I'll PM Ed, as I'm sure he has lots....

Please let me know what you think.....

Well, after almost a week with no responses, I went ahead and registered the domain name of ThePSAS.com.

Can we just put up a 'redirect' on the old web site?

Check it out:


I understand the passion but we need to hold on to our horses before buy websites or post it up. I know I was patiently waiting for the meeting to happen before taking any steps. See what we've now

1. We've 3 different websites for PSAS (thehobby*, .com and .org). If nothing else, it's plain confusion.

2. The .com website has black background (not professional at all if nothing else).

Please take this thepsas.com website down for right now. I appreciate all the efforts but we need the right process around it so that we solve this problem once and for all.

Just some FFT (food for thought), the membership cards show thepsas.org. If we change this we will either have to get stickers to put on the cards with the new website name or have the .org address re-direct to the new address.
I agree with Kris. Like I said, let's not rush it and make the best decision/process that also helps future board.
Kris, let's put this on agenda for board meeting.
Vicki, some good news: I am the new owner of ThePSAS.org. What is the server where you want to host the website so I can point it there.

Btw, I see you're still running thepsas.com and keeping it up to date. I like all the work except for black bakground (the website needs to be white in color for professional reason). But never the less, I like it a lot.

So, keep up the great work and forward me the server name so that I can change the server on my end.

Vicki, some good news: I am the new owner of ThePSAS.org. What is the server where you want to host the website so I can point it there.

Btw, I see you're still running thepsas.com and keeping it up to date. I like all the work except for black bakground (the website needs to be white in color for professional reason). But never the less, I like it a lot.

So, keep up the great work and forward me the server name so that I can change the server on my end.


I'm not so sure that is "Good" news, but I guess it's done now. All that you need to do is edit the default htm(l) document to read only the following (as I suggested earlier):

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://www.ThePSAS.com/index.htm">

That will redirect every 'hit' to ThePSAS.com. Doing it this way will not cost anything either.

Is the black background being unprofessional just your opinion? I've never heard that before. I happen to like it and many very professional sites are going to the black because it's very easy to read and looks transparent on the new HD/digital monitors. It's certainly easily changeable if that's what everyone else wants.

Here's the information about transferring to the Domain Registrar that I'm using; DNSExit (as copied from their website):

Are there any requirements for making a transfer?

In order to transfer names to DnsExit.com services and OnlicNic registry:
  1. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].Net, .Com domains: You must have access to the administrative contact email address on file for the domain name. During the transfer process, you will be required to confirm the transfer request via email. The confirmation message will be sent to the administrative contact email address on file with the current registrar for the domain name; if you do not have access to this email address, please contact your current registrar for information on changing it before initiating a Transfer of Registrar request.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].Org, .Info, .Biz, .US domains: You need to provide us the authorization code (password) for the domain[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We are unable to process domain names that will expire within 10 days of today.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You may NOT transfer a Domain Name if that name was registered or transferred within the past 60 days or if that name, or any information associated with it, is currently in dispute [/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]com, .net, .org, .biz, .info domain names can only be registered for a term not to exceed 10 years. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What is the procedure for a domain name transfer?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif].Org, .Info, .Biz, .US domains, you must provide us the authorization code of the domain and we will take care of the transfer until the process is finish.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The transfer procedure for .Com, .Net goes like this:[/FONT]
  1. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]After you make the payment, we will send a confirmation email to the domain's administrative email address asking the confirmation of the transfer. After receiving the email, you must click the link in the email to confirm the transfer.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]After receiving the confirmation to transfer, we will submit a transfer request to the domain's current registrar.[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The domain's current registrar[/FONT] should send you a confirmation email asking your willingness to transfer the domain to OnlineNIC registry. You must follow the instructions in the email within the specified time limit to complete the transfer.
  4. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You will be notified when the transfer is completed. You will be able to manage the domain through DNSExit domain control panel.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Note: the transfer process may take approximately 5 to 10 calendar days after we initiate and confirm the transfer request. We strongly suggest you to initiate your transfer request 2 weeks prior to the domain's expiry date. [/FONT]
So, if you've already initiated the transfer, we're out of luck for 60 days. It would be easiest to use my email address as the "administrative contact email address on file" so that the transfer can go as smoothly as possible. Again, a redirect is so much simpler.

1. Transfer was done last night so we're out for 60 days. Paul wants to pull out the plug from the server. I don't have the ownership of the server so we cannot do it.

The website is part of godaddy.com. Can we use them?

2. Regarding black background, this is what my roommate told me in college (he was a professional webmaster). I sent him PM about some design rules of website, etc. etc. But if you look at major websites (google, bbc, cnn, microsoft, masna), they have all white background. That should be a hint enough for us.
Last edited:
two more things:

3. The membership page on thepsas.org was updated after you copied the website (last line). Can you copy it to your website too?

To become a member of the PSAS, the easiest method is to come to the next meeting. Membership dues may also be paid at our sponsors store (and you'll get instant discounts)

4. Sponsors page also needs to be updated to reflect our current sponsors.
Just a question here.

If it's part of godayy, why not host it there? It's a small site and can't be allot if paid 1 yr at a time?

Admin can be [email protected]
So all board members now and in the future have access.

We have to agree that we don't change anything without full board approval.