Upgrade issue "Post Here"

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Reef Keeper
Jul 5, 2003
Ok we have been workign through the issues that have come out with the various upgrades we have done. But its hard to chase them all becuase they are being posted in to many places. So if we could just post them in this thread, it would make life a little easier. I will list the stuff we are working on to correct below.



>The issue with the forum width compared to the background. We are working on this one, but with all the customizing it is hard coded. But we are working on ot so bear with us, we are trying to widen the forum area a bit to help some users.

>Picture issues, Their is some issues with the picture posting, as in the size either not being auto resized or not extending beyond the post area. We are working on it.

> thier are issues of transperency in the article area, and in some areas on the porfile section. We will have this fixed soon.

> Some pictures are now showing up as attachments? trying to figure this one out.

Ok this is what we are woring on, if you see more that I dont saee post it here.

a customer of mine is not able to PM me.....how can we fix this?
Backberry users are having problems getting on the site. Quick fix, but an iphone :D No, but seriously, it was reported that blackberry's were having problems getting in even with a data plan. :)
I know you guys are trying to figure this one out too, but this thread isn't showing up in the "what's new" and "new posts" search tabs. If it doesn't stay up on the home page, it will probably be missed...
I think every issue I have has been stated.
Margins on each side of the posting area with the background picture.
I think if the above was changed(fixed?), the issue with pictures would be solved?
My Blackberry was able to log-on before the upgrade, not able to now.
And the difference with the new posts and what's new tab. Sometimes I see a thread and when I want to return to it, it's gone.
I know you guys are trying to figure this one out too, but this thread isn't showing up in the "what's new" and "new posts" search tabs. If it doesn't stay up on the home page, it will probably be missed...

It just showed up and then it stopped again. Kinda wierd. Guess we will get it all figured out soon

Thanks for all your efforts!! :)
WPH I am not sure about that, can you shoot me a pm with the users name and I will look.

Krish the whats up and recent thread thing is one of those things that now is being superceded by 4 other levels of commands so I am working on this but its not liking me.

On the width of the forums I just did an alteration and made them wider, I hope this does it for folks let me know. You must understand that when I change the width like that it creates other issues with gapping and so on through out, which then will create another round of complaints. I am trying to get a toggle so that folks that dont like the background/skin layout we have can just run the board in the Default skin from VB,

But let me know if this width now satisfies folks??

The picture issue is a VB thing, they have made changes and sacrifices for speed and efficiency. I am trying to make alturations but that means hard code, so I need a little more time.

On the blackberry I have no idea, are you using that tapatalk thing??

Ok here is the latest:

>I readjusted the forums to to 70% I am running into some issues with gapping so I am reluctant to do more. Can I get some feedback on how this looks for all those that had issues??

> On the pictures I got the resize program working finally so all pictures should show up with in the post are and shold not have to be scrolled.

> On the picture showing versus an attachment. If you load load the pictures in a post using the attachment button, they will come out as an attachment, You can click on them to see a full size but this is a VB thing and it cant be changed. If you upload a picture into the members gallery or similar or even an offsite gallery and then link the picture it will show up as a picture in the post. Cant change any of this as it is part of the VB software and cant be altered.

>All the transperency issues (profile area/previous posts/ artical area) that I new about should be fixed.

> The recent thread on the homepage should be fixed now and show thread as they come out and not by when the thread was first started.

>On the mobile phone thing we have done all the settings we can to make it show up good on a mobile and we have set up the tapatalk thing folks wanted. Theirs nothing I can really do from here to make it any better for individual phone types, sorry.

Let me know

The two issues I had

Size (width) is a great improvement and the picture resizing is perfect from what I have seen.

Keep up the great work! Thank you for all your hard work..
buy/sell threads shouldnt be included the "recent thread activity section" on home page.
buy/sell threads shouldnt be included the "recent thread activity section" on home page.

That should be sorted out soon. The for sale forums (livestock and the equipment for sale) will be gone in about a week so if anyone has threads they want to transfer over to the classified's, now would be the time to do it. The classified section will be the only for sale section and that won't show up on the new posts. As for other threads showing up like the water fountain that never use to, they are still trying to figure out a few things with making changes with the "new posts" tab and the "what's new" tab. Hopefully they will be figured out soon. :)
The classified section will be the only for sale section and that won't show up on the new posts. As for other threads showing up like the water fountain that never use to, they are still trying to figure out a few things with making changes with the "new posts" tab and the "what's new" tab. Hopefully they will be figured out soon.

i like this, cant wait to see it
I just fired up my laptop ( 12" macbook with widows on it) and what I see is great. The text area stretches across the screen with about a 1/2" of the reef picture showing.
However, on my primary computer, the reef picture still takes up 2-1/4" on each side.
It's kind of like watching a standard def. tv on a widescreen.
If that's what it is, then that's what it is.

I'll stop complaining now
I just fired up my laptop ( 12" macbook with widows on it) and what I see is great. The text area stretches across the screen with about a 1/2" of the reef picture showing.
However, on my primary computer, the reef picture still takes up 2-1/4" on each side.
It's kind of like watching a standard def. tv on a widescreen.
If that's what it is, then that's what it is.

I'll stop complaining now

They are still working on things Martin so don't give up. Some things have to be done by either the server provider or designer (if I understood things correctly) because of how it is coded in, some things the can't get around so the "others" will have to do it. :)
So I see that photos are now being shrunk to fit the column size, is there going to be an option to maybe click on them to show them at full size? Just curious... I'm just not a fan of my photos getting scrunched down, can't see the details in the photo or anything like that.
So I see that photos are now being shrunk to fit the column size, is there going to be an option to maybe click on them to show them at full size? Just curious... I'm just not a fan of my photos getting scrunched down, can't see the details in the photo or anything like that.

Brie, I'm with you, on wanting to be able to show off my pics, full screen....lol. Especially my Macros. However, I'm not sure we'll be able to do that. Mojo's been working on fixing the picture issue, for most of yesterday and part of today. Not sure how much more progress can be made.
Question not a bug?? Is there any way to see how many people are in the CHAT room before you enter. Like a population count next to the chat room link at the top? I feel stupid going in there when it's empty.
Ok on the classifieds, I still have to set it up a bit better for folks and that means learning a bit more about options and such, so give me a few days on that.

If that's what it is, then that's what it is.
Pretty much this is going to be what it is. RIght now just expanding it what I did is creating gapping issues through out, they are that bad yet but if I expand it more we might start getting some stuff off screen.

So I see that photos are now being shrunk to fit the column size, is there going to be an option to maybe click on them to show them at full size? Just curious... I'm just not a fan of my photos getting scrunched down, can't see the details in the photo or anything like that.

Here is the issue, VB (the board software) will not allow any pictures to scale of the forum pages. It is a function of the software and can not be changed, as you saw before it will just cut the picture off at the edge. So this is the next best thing and I cant do a darn thing about it.
