Uptown Reef: In the Work

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Finished plumbing the little bastards today. Tomorrow I will be water testing it and then I will start moving things over on wednesday if all goes well. Which it will... or rather, must.


Send good non-leaking thoughts to the plumbing gods for me.

Ummmm.... I'm not sure which pump you're using for your closed-loop... but don't you have the input-output sides swapped in that picture???? I'd hate to see you have it filled, and notice something simple crossed up... I've done it waaaaaay tooo many times myself! *grinz*
As a matter a fact I did mess that up ed, heh I caught that once I was done. I will have some fast work to do when i get home tomorrow.

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Started filling her up lastnight. Have to get it all ready by Thursday evening to do the move. So much work, I just pray I don't have any leaks or I am in serious trouble.

so erik, as i understand it, middle two strainers are intakes for the closed loop powered by the velocity pump, drains are out laterally with returns just inside them? Looks like a Mag pump of some type for the return with one of the drains feeding the skimmer? Do i have that right?
Pretty darn close Brett. You have the loop and intakes for the loop correct. The standpipes both empty into the sump next to a sedra 5000 which powers the skimmer. The return pump is mag9.5. The loop pump will most likely end up being something right around 2000gph like an iwaki 100 or something, but I only had a t4 and a blue line ns 1100 laying around so I slapped it on there until i could get the other pump in. I might luck out and it could turn out to be enough flow as is. So you want to bring over a few buckets of ro ; P cause I have about 25 hours left to get this tank finished and moved the old one over.

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Macbeth417 said:
Pretty darn close Brett. You have the loop and intakes for the loop correct. The standpipes both empty into the sump next to a sedra 5000 which powers the skimmer. The return pump is mag9.5. The loop pump will most likely end up being something right around 2000gph like an iwaki 100 or something, but I only had a t4 and a blue line ns 1100 laying around so I slapped it on there until i could get the other pump in. I might luck out and it could turn out to be enough flow as is. So you want to bring over a few buckets of ro ; P cause I have about 25 hours left to get this tank finished and moved the old one over.


That's Mat , by the way ;)

I have some water here i dragged, not aged though. it is exacly 2 hours old...LOL

- Ilham
Doh! Sorry Mat : P I've been staying up till about 1 AM each night working on this tank. I am taking all tomorrow off to wrapp things up. Elmo, I will run over after dinner and get that bucket : ) Unless of course you want to come see the tank... heh
Most likely paint it. Though I may just go for coralin coverage as most of the plumbing will be covered by rocks.

Well there are two small leaks and no amount of sloppin on glue is stopping them... Looks like I am in deep shit for lack of a better term. I guess I will spend tomorro getting some tubs and draining the tank, unless i can come up with something. Only about one drip per minute, but enough so that I cant stop them by adding more pvc glue to the seem of the two pieces between which the leaks are originating. Any bright ideas? I was thinking some sort of putty or thick epoxy.

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