Urgent! Need a hand in kitsap peninsula!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Plaistow, NH
Hey guys & girls,

Now that I have you attention. I am in desprite need of a helping hand switch out my tanks. Anyone on the Kitsap Peninsla who can help would be great! I alone can not handle the task in a reasonable amount of time. If I can not get it done this weekend then I may have to start selling my livestock and breakdown the tank... Please anyone who can spare a couple hours between 1pm to 8pm would be appreciated!!!

I would be more than willing to help but I am working a 48 hour shift over the weekend. If you end up doing the switch later this week I can help out Mon-Wed afternoons.
Thanks crashfirejoe but I work grave shift during the week and the wife works 5pm to 10pm during the week also. Plus got 2 10 month old babies to watch while she's at work.
PM me the details of what you need, where you are, etc, how to get in touch, etc.

PS - I'm moving in 5-6 weeks and am looking for a hand with my tanks then, maybe we can trade favors. :)
Sounds like a deal. As long as I don't have to stand duty that weekend and can work around the wife schedule then I am all in. I am just getting out of bed and hitting the shower. I will pm you in about 30-45 minutes.
what day are you looking for a hand, i may be available to help, plus iam only 25 min away.

We are tackling the tank swap tomorrow @ noon till either done or the volunteers have to go. I am picking up larry.beck @ kitsap mall tomorrow at noon to get on base. If you want to join us it would be a great benefit and can get both of you at the same time.
Hey man, I'm really sorry, but my wife just got called in to work and I'm on house duty and won't be able to make it over. I'm really sorry! Hopefully some other Kitsap'ers are planning to step up as well.
** UPDATE **

New tank is up and running in the garage. The 180 is still in the house with a little sand left in it. I really destroyed my back taking it all down so I have to take it easy for a couple days. The new tank is running bare bottom which is concerning me because I have 2 Sand Sifting Stars, Nassarius Snails and a fight Conch that all bury themselves in the sand. Hope they will all be ok!

I had made a DIY light fixture to support the MH's, T5's and Ballasts. I got the SCWD installed on my Gen-X PCX-40 return pump. The Eshopps PF-1200 works like a champ! I do have a bunch of dying bunch of Xenia rotting away in the 180. Also have a couple large pieces of rock left over. Not sure what to do with them? Anyway, here are a few pictures of the new setup, enjoy!









Goliath seems Happy!!!!