Hello-Im actually in Palouse but I do my shopping mostly in Spokane (although not even much of that anymore since my tank is stuffed!) and try to make it to as many club functions as possible. Speeking of... Anyone hear if there are going to be any meetings anytime soon?
Welcome to spokane, and to REeffing! youll find lots of help here along the way if you need it. There are a couple places in town that offer reeffing stuff. I Go to Aquatic Dreams......On pines. He is very understanding of this addiction, very knowledgeable, and always has time to answer a question. One more thing about kevin is he truely cares about the animals he sells/keeps.
I must agree truely . Well somewhere else is barbies on montgomery (aquatic salutions)out off of argonne and montgomery ...google it if u cant find it .Welcome to the best city in the usa I have been here 21 years and lived the rest all over everywhere else just is #$% l.o.l. Here u will find us all helping each other on costs and products to the other goodies!Hey if u are looking for stuff to fill the tank thier is plenty here at the moment in spokane.And allways say hi to mike ,"returnofsid" he is the most knowledged guy i know for fresh and salt....So welcome to the best hobbie.
thanks for the pointers ive tryed all but barbies going go there soon been to aquitic dreams excalent advance aquariums again happy with inland ocean in hayden i like to coral reef on spraug bummer not happy with
ive got a 65 gallon with sump my skimer and fish not make the move coral got a brain its not doing great now finger i think its called doing excalent got some zenas from aquitig dreams excalent deal lights 2 175 watt murk haliod single end 10000 k 2 comact flors 96 wat atentic sorry cant spell much lots rock
did u get something for the brain coral to eat........If u have a tuff time finding out about the coral u want to get and the info go to www.saltwaterfish.com .look it up and study study study
im in the spokane area been diong freshwater for a while now and have decided to try my hand with saltwater. after about 6 months of reading all that i could and askin as many questions as possible i started my little nano reef and all has been good after about 7 months now.
fyi i do alot of diy drill tanks and such would be able to help local reefers if needed. i am interested in participating in local reef meetings as well but dont quit now how to get involved anyways just sayin hi
Delemi, go for it!! I've been considering offering my home for a meeting as well, although now with my new job, I'm rarely home. Does that mean I'm not a local anymore?? LOL Nope, I've got Angie trained to be a fish nerd and she's taking care of our tanks during my absences.