Water parameters correction chart Pleeeeeaaase!

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New member
Jul 15, 2006
Looking for a chart. LFS advised that "somewhere" on reef central or reef frontiers there is a chart advising the correction of chemicals after testing. It tells you what to do when you have an unacceptable test result. It tells you how to correct it....
Well ask away and we all will let you know what you need to do to change a result.

I have never seen a "chart" but once you test you know if your high or low.
Do you have a quality # that is off?
Water params.....

No not anything inparticular unfortunately. I took a water sample into the lfs today. Okay, fyi, I've been trying to skim by on test strips (I know...), but I do have a decent calcium kit and I knew that there had been a bad change in PH (yes from the test strips). So, I got all the info, and the guy (hanging out there helping with testing, etc.) told me that there was a site on reef central or reef frontiers up at the top or in the new to reefkeeping or somewhere that had charts. The charts are supposed to tell you "what to do to correct it", when you show a low or high problem you want corrected.

Oh well, here is what I have ended up with:

Spec Grav 1.028 (my floating glass hygrometer said 026)
PH 8.2 (I had corrected my ph drop-strip says 8.4)
Calcium 360 (yes I added Kent Liquid Calcium)
Nitrates 50 (yes I already knew these were a problem, doing weekly waterchanges "now" to try and correct)
Amonia .5
Phosphate .2 - which I know nothing of yet.

I have ordered the Red Sea Kit and calibrated my calcium kit to give me correct results. Also calibrated hygrometer.

I have a crappy protein skimmer, but good news, a coralite super skimmer 175 is on the way!

I will no longer be adding weekly doses of:

Seachem Reef Complete
Seachem Trace Elements
Seachem Essential Elements
Aragamilk (by CaribSea)

I do feed:
Frozen mysis everyother day
alternating with
Pellet Food (spectrum Thera+A) everyother day
Seaweed daily
Brine shrimp (spirulina enriched) 1-2 x per week.
Blood worms - once in a great while - just to get rid of

Now for the rest of the story:

I do not have a dsb, yes the dreaded crushed coral bed.
I do not have a sump or wet/dry.
I'm told I don't have enough filtering or current.....

Is that enough info???

This is plan.

I have to move my tank anyway (got a stand). Cant decide on dsb, cc or bear bottom.


With water ro/di water purchased, 5 gals per week. Until I get ro/di.

Boy this is tiring just to try and explain myself.

And by the way, do you still have the 4x65 retro. I assume this is the guts I would need if making my own hood and mounting lights inside it...?

I think I asked you about this light or kit whatever, a couple days ago.

Thanks much for listening to my whining...

That's it!!!

That's exactly what I'm looking for mmkeeper. I have been all over this place for hours, well maybe only 1 or so, but I was getting so frustrated. That is exactly what I need. I know if calcium is low you add calcium, duhhh! My querry was the effect bumping the calcium had on alkilinity/ph, etc.

Thanks so much!
Somebody post that chart!

Somebody needs to post that chart where the Saltwater for Dummies area is located. That is a great chart!

Thanks again!

Woops....I was at a friends house when I posted this thread. tcruns.....

Sorry for the confusion!
Welcome to RF "tcruns"! Is this chart you are talking about mostly related to Alkalinity, calcium and magnesium?? If so, I have that site saved on my other computer. The problem is, that computer is giving me trouble so I will try and rig it again tomorrow to get it for you if that is the one. Otherwise, I think I know who I can ask for that link again. BJ...Is that the same one you are looking for as well??
Thanks and thanks. I'll take a look. Just when I think I have it straight, I ask myself, "why did you think you could do this!?".

Hey Krish, that's probably the main concerns, but I think mmkeeper hit it the first time with http://home.comcast.net/~jdieck1/chem_calc3.html

I'll have to wallow it around some more, but that's an excellent place!

I guess my main concern is getting my calcium up and my nitrates down. More frequent changes for now weekly and adding Kent Liquid Calcium and checking daily...

Sound like a plan???
Too late! I started stressed. I've been kinda spastic since puberty. But boy is that another story in a different book, in a far far away land I might add...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm just joking, My stuff is limping along, so I don't worry too much. I just want it growing mainly.
I've never used Kent liquid calcium before so couldn't say. I use the 2 part B-Ionic and everything stays where I want it in my tank (calcium, mag and alk):)
Well if you found my "book" on the thread....you can see that I was adding way too much "stuff"! At the advise of the lfs I might add!

We'll see what happens.....
yeah, looking at you levels a few things are out of wack, but your working on them and that's all you can do. You're learning just like the rest of us up here. Most of all you're having fun.. You are having fun? :)

Ammonia and Nitrates & phos. are a liitle high. Have you adding anything to make the tank cycle again? It's 18 months old right? Other than that things are okay. Calc is a little low but no need to do anything drasitic.
One thing I would suggest is cut back on the feddings and amounts. Too many nutrients spoil the soup :) The rest is all stuff you know you need skimmer etc. The calcium and alkalinity thing can be a little tricky at first. But as you go you will learn how to keep it balanced. It is critical that your calcium levels and alk levels along with magnesium work in tandem with each other. As mentioned earlier use a two part balanced calc and alk additive. Bionic is a very good product. The chart someone else posted for additives is very useful for managing your levels and calculating how much to use. Randy Farley and another dude formulated this chart and it is very useful.

Keep in mind that although most LFS really do try to be helpful they are in business to make money and I have found that a lot of times will sell newbies things they really dont need. Not that I am calling you a noobie, but beware of adding too many chemicals just because a LFS said to. Come to boards with seasoned hobbyist to help you out before you add things to your tank. Hope your journey in this hobby will be a great ride for you. Read all you can and ask lots of questions.

And remember this nothing good ever happens in a reef tank quickly. :)
No sh_____! I would like to think the lfs didn't get as much out of me as a newby, but got enough!

This tank is not 18mos. I had a 29 before this, with the premise of "if I can make this work, I'll upgrade". Well y'all probably know the rest of that story.

The 75 is about 8 mos or so. I think it has cycled again, the brown dust, etc.

I think my main thing is the calc and skimmer....can't wait on that jobbie.

I must say, that it has been entertaining and I enjoy sitting for hours infront of the tank, looking for anything, good, bad or ugly.

Thanks for all your help....I'll definitely be around pestering you guys/gals. Y'all are much, much more friendly than reef central!
