Webinar Series feedback

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Reef Keeper
Jul 5, 2003
As part of sprucing things up a bit around here we are looking at giving the membership a new kind of cool feature and I wanted to get some feedback as to who would like to participate and use it, so I can figure out what kind of service requirements we need.

Ok here's the idea. Once a month we would bring in a popular speaker/presenter pretty much the same that you see at Macna or certain clubs and so on. Instead of having them come to a location we would have the presentation done on line via a Webinar type thing. The members would log on and listen and view the speaker presentation, all while being able to type in your questions and so on.

Anyway if this is something you would be interested in let me know so I can get a general number of folks and thus find the right platform. We do have some great speakers lined up so it could be a good thing.

Sounds pretty cool! I've been a member of a few different forums (cars etc) and I have never seen anything like this being offered on any so it is all new to me. I'd definately be willing to participate in this though as it sounds interesting. Once a month sounds like a good time frame as well. Wouldn't want anything like that too often I'd imagine for fear of running out of speakers and topics etc :)
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Great concept.

I think once a month would be too much, maybe once a quarter.

I have worked with similar things before where we would have a 1 hour webinar and then we would take a 2 hour break and come up with questions. We would log in and type out our questions. Then the presenter would come back on line and answer the questions for the next 2-3 hours. It actually worked very well.
I think once a quarter would be good to. You know as well as I do that the summertime seems to be slow on every forum I have belonged to. I don't know what type of expenses you are talking about here Mike, probably mainly for the forum itself, but once a quarter would help keep costs down for you. JMHO
Well the way the software works is that we have to pay a monthly fee based on the ammount of people we are going to have at it (thus the question) so if we have it we might as well use it. As per speakers that shouldnt be a problem plenty of folks out their that owe me a favor or two. Also it doesnt have to be restricted to just these types of presentations it can be for other things to.

As per times I think we could find times that worked for most.

Well the way the software works is that we have to pay a monthly fee based on the ammount of people we are going to have at it (thus the question) so if we have it we might as well use it. As per speakers that shouldnt be a problem plenty of folks out their that owe me a favor or two. Also it doesnt have to be restricted to just these types of presentations it can be for other things to.

As per times I think we could find times that worked for most.


Are you thinking evenings or weekends mojo?
yeah, of course, but I think if we have enuf folks, we may be able to say that those times would be best, don't you think?

I totally agree and feel that's how it should be, but I'm sure there will be occasions where there will be some conflicts with the speakers schedule and our set time (unless they are notified way in advance to "save the date" so to speak.) :)
Yea they will be some what randon, as in it wont be the 3rd friday of every month or whatever. But the concept would be to make it a time where we could get most folks to agree on. Evenings and weekends might work. We can cross that bridge when we get to it. for now I just want to see how many would want to attend something like this if we did it.

So on that one does the show get listed on the web like the other ones on that site??
So on that one does the show get listed on the web like the other ones on that site??

I don't know for sure, but I believe the shows listed on the home page are paid advertisements, but when you to go the top and browse by category or search term, those are all the broadcasts, free and otherwise.

Generally the events I've attended I was notified of them via an email campaign, facebook invite, twitter link, website link, etc....
Ok I have only gotten about 6-7 folks that say they are interested. If you would like to see something like this please pipe up with a simple yes or no so I can determine if its something we should pursue.


Hi Mike, thought you lived on RAG, glad to have a familiar "face" here. :)

I think that webinars would be fun, and I personally don't think that once a month is too much. This hobby is always changing, so I would imagine there would always be things to talk about.

For clarification, this would be part of the "special services" available to people holding a paid premium membership, is that right? Basic services remaining free to everyone? I do think this is the kind of thing people would be willing to pay for. Depending on how what the cost was.

Look forward to seein what other special features you come up with :)