Well I'm back.

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Well-known member
May 22, 2006
Walla Walla, WA
Been a while since i've had a tank due to my work hours but got new hours and a new tank. Found a 30g Oceanic cube on CL for a reasonable price, planned on bigger but I think the 30 will do for now. Also found a pretty decent deal on an apollo led fixture. running a CPR bak pak skimmer, and a power filter(for now) as my main source of filtration. Thinking about putting a sump under it but not positive about that yet.

Stocking plans:
Not to sure yet. I was thinking mostly SPS and probably a few LPS.

Anyway, it's good to be back and hopefully this time I'll stick around a little longer.

bad cellphone pics
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Yes, :welcome: Back and looking forward to seeing what you do with the new tank. So.... guess you were at the Gorge September 2nd-4th :rockon: Still paying off my cc for the 3-day VIP Passes :drum:.

Cheers, Todd
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Haha, acually no. Last year I had pit passes and it was an awesome time. I was standing about 8 feet from the stage. Got some pretty good pics.
Welcome back man!! :welcome:. The tank looks good so far. Like the rockwork! :)

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