What do ya'll think

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Do you think it's a good ideal or a bad ideal?

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Nov 12, 2005
Birmingham Al.
Hello everybody. I contacted Reef Frontiers Staff about starting a thread called PAY IT FORWARD where people who have needs for aquarium stuff they can't afford can make a post telling what they need an why it should be given to them. And people that had extra stuff they they didn't want or no longer needed could post it and they could choose who they gave it to and could pay the shipping or have the reciever pay the shipping. Tell me what you think an if you think it would work here. I know of another site that is and has been doing this for over a year and it works great. It would be for those who can't afford to buy what they need to get into this hobby. Let me know what you think. Thank you, Mike Lawrence
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I think we are covering all of this via our livestock and equipment forums. They are set up for items for sale and free giveaways and trades. If anyone has anything they would like to give up as extra stuff, feel free to post it there. That is what those forums are all about. Overall this site is for the exchange of information, not geared toward a selling or giveaway site. But there are definately generous folks that are members that may have things to give away to those that could use items, so please use those forums for that kind of activity.

Livestock For Sale (or Free)

Equipment For Sale (or Free)

I agree completely, if there are people that can help others, please do :)
well i think it's a good idea, but like Chuck said people can always post it on the for sale (free) forum.
One thing is, you gotta watch almost everyday just to make sure you don't miss anything free or cheap :)
I think the forums do a good job of this already. Don't want the site to become a magnet for people looking for free items. I am always willing to help out others, but would be leary of giving or shipping something to someone, not knowing if they were going to turn around and make a profit on it. I already have given items to people here on this forum, I like it how it is.
It is a good idea Mike, it is already in play here though. People give stuff away all the time. The also sell stuff for very cheap. I didnt vote on the poll because its already here.
Kensn said:
I think the forums do a good job of this already. Don't want the site to become a magnet for people looking for free items. I am always willing to help out others, but would be leary of giving or shipping something to someone, not knowing if they were going to turn around and make a profit on it. I already have given items to people here on this forum, I like it how it is.

How would people coming here to get free items affect you in one way or the other. I don't under how anybody could be opposed to something like that. If somebody is needing something and somebody else wants to give it to them why would that be a problem to you unless you think your better than the person who is recieving? I'm not trying to step on your toes but I just don't understand.
mlawrencemsc said:
How would people coming here to get free items affect you in one way or the other. I don't under how anybody could be opposed to something like that. If somebody is needing something and somebody else wants to give it to them why would that be a problem to you unless you think your better than the person who is recieving? I'm not trying to step on your toes but I just don't understand.

I am not opposed to the idea, it is already done here, I have posted items for free and have had many people respond. I have also done trades, and offered my services for fellow reefers. People post items they are looking for here already. I am sorry if you think the only reason I would not like your idea is that I think I am better than others.
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Kensn said:
I am not opposed to the idea, it is already done here, I have posted items for free and have had many people respond. I have also done trades, and offered my services for fellow reefers. People post items they are looking for here already. I am sorry if you think the only reason I would not like your idea is that I think I am better than others.

N/P Kensn, I read back over the thread and I think I over reacted sorry. It's all good. Mike
I am fairly new here, new to the hobby aswell, Hence the amount of posts I have. But, I have seen this type of thing happening on the boards already. Its a decent Idea, its just happening aleady :) No need to add a thread or forum like this. Besides, you more likely to get help from fellow local club members then others on forums like this.
mlawrencemsc said:
Hello everybody. I contacted Reef Frontiers Staff about starting a thread called PAY IT FORWARD where people who have needs for aquarium stuff they can't afford can make a post telling what they need an why it should be given to them. And people that had extra stuff they they didn't want or no longer needed could post it and they could choose who they gave it to and could pay the shipping or have the reciever pay the shipping. Tell me what you think an if you think it would work here. I know of another site that is and has been doing this for over a year and it works great. It would be for those who can't afford to buy what they need to get into this hobby. Let me know what you think. Thank you, Mike Lawrence

Being the benefactor of some very good and generous people, I think it is a very good idea--especially if somebody is looking to put an aquarium together for their special need children as having an aquarium at home can have a theraputic and educational benefit. To those who have given us a good start already, there is and always will be gratitude in our hearts. We have already started this kind of concept in our tank. Because we have been given a lot of the equipment to startup and we had another special needs child in our church who likes to look at coral (and this same child wanted to buy a coral that was very expensive, to him anyway, I paid for all but 5-6 dollars of the last coral that has been added to my tank. He thought the frag was only 5-6 dollars--it was more like 35 dollars and the 5-6 dollars was all that he and his mom could afford to pay). Yes, it is in my tank, but I have told his mom that they can come over to look at it any time they want--just give a quick shout to make sure we are home so they do not waste the gas.

As the wife of a teacher-I don't think any child should be denied the educational benefits of having this type of aquarium in the home, but by the same token these are some of the children that are least likely to see these type of animals in their natural setting and probably the most likely to appreciate it as well as stand in wonder and awe of the life that could live inside it.

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spongebob lover said:
hmm well ....i agree with my buddy Ken because shipping its quite expensive dood .
What about agreeing to ask for no more than half of what it would cost to ship the item? I know for us that can seem like a lot to ask for--but also know that shipping can be quite expensive as well.

Anne I agree with all you are saying, it just seems like to do this well a dedicated site would be needed. I would imagine a lot of traffic would be associated with this. I also think the site should have a feedback and rating system, along with a buying history so you could see if someone was getting enough stuff to set up a store.. LOL.. It is a great idea, but just a few bad apples.......
Personally I think it would just cause problems. I give things away all the time and have had things given to me. Thats what make our community go round. We dont need any hurt feeling because some was not chosen.

Kensn said:
Anne I agree with all you are saying, it just seems like to do this well a dedicated site would be needed. I would imagine a lot of traffic would be associated with this. I also think the site should have a feedback and rating system, along with a buying history so you could see if someone was getting enough stuff to set up a store.. LOL.. It is a great idea, but just a few bad apples.......
Ken, I do agree. Maybe it is something that should not be tied to any one reef board--but have links to all known reef boards and encourage all to participate.

Now that you make me think about it--it could be a HUGE amount of trouble.

i agree with you Anne, i think what you are doing for your kids is really sweet :).
i also agree with my dood Ken, this could be a huge trouble and more since it's on line ;) .
i think i'm in between even though we already have this :p
This board isn't strict about linking to other boards. But man, the other boards ban you for that. I mentioned this site on another board, no link to here, and I got 10 gabigillion PM's telling me i didn't belong their or that posting stuff like that was wrong. So I don't think that they would even consider that.

I could be wrong though.
Hey i had to jump in on this, if anyone wants to send me a free orange anemone from Ken's tank ill take it, thanks! One more thing, im open to any and all brand new MH setups, preferably 400w, thanks and have a nice day