What exotic or unusual fish do you have?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Bring on the FISH!
Jul 8, 2008
Spokane Valley, WA.
I’m interested to see what kind of exotic or non mainstream fish any of you may have in your tanks. I would like to know what you have and if you can tell us about them.
Reef safe
Any special needs
Or anything else that may be important to know like if it is a jumper, escape artist or venomous.
Pictures, common names or scientific names if you know them would be nice.

Any fish that you would like to have in your tank that mite fall under this category?
Nobody has anything different to talk about?
We can add in anything else like crabs lobster snails starfish or anything else the may fall under the strange, unusual, or completely bizarre category.
im still new to the salt water reef keeping, but the frogfish is a crazy critter. i saw a couple you tube videos and wow. vary interesting, it's like they have a lure to get food closer
I know a guy with lookdowns and stuff like that....it's fairly unique to the average home aquarium
Not common in the trade.....extrememly rare

tank raised.....Lookdowns half dollar size

True Hawaiian Flame Angelfish.......

3" Hawaiian Dragon Morey Eel


Japanese Serpentine Gobies (off the coast of Japan)

Hybrid Male Crosshatch/Male Blue Jaw Trigger


Yellow Tang born without a tail

Ahhh but he is just fine the fastest fish in the tank

tiny tomato clown only 3/4" born with a bent spine he will stay this small for its fishy life....but he is doing really well....just dont have an anemone for it to host....


Aloha Les @ WPH
I use to keep this guy:

Jewel Tang. (Acanthurus Gattatus)
Other then needing a large tank for this fish they are very adaptable to aquariums. This is a fast swimming fish. So open rock scape is a must.
It's diet was your basic tang diet of seaweed and other algae type foods. Loved nori and mysis shrimp.
It dominated the other fish and was the ruler of the roost.
Tons of personality and loved to be seen. This was one of those fish that would sit in front of a power head for hours and just cruise. :)
Here's a couple exotics that I've photographed from other member's tanks.

Boxfish or Cowfish, not sure which. It is in a mixed reef tank of another local member.



Frogfish. It is the only fish, in a predominately Zoanthid tank, of another local member. I guess a more accurate description of the tank would be "Zoanthid Garden!"




I like the tailless yellow tang. It looks like it is suppose to be that way. Was that a fluke thing or do you see them like that once in a while?

So I take it frog fish are reef safe? That’s a face only a mother could love, maybe.
Frogfish/Anglerfish are reef safe, to an extent. They won't bother corals. However, they'll eat anything they can fit in their mouth. This usually ends up meaning anything in the tank, including fish or motile inverts, even the same size as them. They can open their mouth A LOT!! This is why, in the above mentioned tank, it's the only fish in the tank.
Yep, reef safe, just not fish/invert safe! That was my frog fish, unfortunately he died a few months ago.

Frogfish/Anglerfish are reef safe, to an extent. They won't bother corals. However, they'll eat anything they can fit in their mouth. This usually ends up meaning anything in the tank, including fish or motile inverts, even the same size as them. They can open their mouth A LOT!! This is why, in the above mentioned tank, it's the only fish in the tank.
Duoble Banner

Heniochus acuminatus (or H. diphreutes) in my QT.
So-called "Double banner"

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You can find a lot of lookdown fish in the tanks at the 'Rainforest' cafes of Seattle and So Cal. I'd always wondered what they were called.