what is causing this

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Nov 4, 2006
cape town, south africa
hi all i have this brown fluffy algae growing on pumps and struts

kh 9
ph 8
ca 420

pls help i am using nsw




I would guess that this is a fairly new tank setup?? Say... around the 1 month period??

Looks like your tank is going through the diatom stage. Happens to all new tanks, nothing to worry about. You can help the process to run its course by vacumming out as much of those brown diatoms as you can... but the best thing for them is just time.

The more about your system you let us know about, the better information the group here can come up with to hopefully find a solution to your problem.

We now know your tank size and lighting. Thats good. What do you have (or do you) for a skimmer? What are your water test results? What are your feeding habits? What is your tank stocked like? Number and size/type of fish? Corals? Maintenance habits?

Right now though, I wouldn't get into any "Panic" mode. Your tank is still very new at only 4 months old. There are many stages our tanks go through as they work their way to becomming stable for us, and I'm sure what you are seeing now is just one of those stages on its way to being a very rewarding hobby for you! :D
By the way... Salmonslayer... I'm always up for a good road trip... take me along with ya when you go to South Africa... okay? ;)