What salt mix are SPS-ers here using?

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IO for the last 6 years...never had any issues with it, but I have to say this thread has me considering Tropic Marin / Tunze now. Decisions decisions...
I used to use IO but with the bad batch I lost my Juv. Koran angel (pretty sure he went blind). Also my Dad's flame lost an eye, his juv. french is blind in one eye and he lost his queen. I know it was a one time thing and could have been prevented with better prep (testing the water before using it). I actually ended up losing pretty much all of my fish from the IO batch. All of my corals were fine, it was strange and I couldn't figure it out until talking with a couple professionals who suspected the salt (personally the salt was the last thing I suspected but the whole situation didn't make any sense and the salt was the only change in the system).

Anyway I had a bucket of Tunze from Barrier but it appears they dont make buckets anymore. I need to get more. Right now I'm using a bucket of reef crystals that I tested and know is good but once I'm done with it I'm going back to Tunze. I also like Tropic Marin but who knows. I used Tropic Marin to help bring the water back down after the high alk issue. The only local place I've seen it is Saltwater City in Bellevue. It came highly recommended and I had good results but I only really used it that one time.

The prices for IO buckets make it really tempting but after that loss I'm fine with paying for Tunze/Tropic Marin.
I have used Instant Ocean for 30 plus years without "major" issue. They did in fact have a bad batch of salt recently. This can and will happen with any manufacturer. Testing EVERY new batch is the only way to know that it is acceptable regardless of brand. I would guess the bad batch of IO got so much publicity because more people use it that all other salt mixes combined. As a rule I find it very consitstant...a touch of extra Cal. and Mag. and I'm good to go!
I'm using Reef Crystals now and it is good. Don't like all the coraline growth though.

If money is no object I like Tunze the best.

I have also been using IO for more than 20 years w/o any problems, but may give Tropic Marin a go on next purchase

I bought a bucket of Tropic Marin Pro Reef and will start using it after I finally run out of the Reef Crystals. I was talking to Chris at Barrier and he bought up a good point with IO in that it is very consistent batch to batch which makes dosing easier.
I have used both RedSea and SeaChem. I prefer the SeaChem myself. But based on all of the posts it seems they all are fine. I've heard of people switching it up once in awhile for variety. Any thoughts on that?
So far used IO, Reef Crystals, Kent, and finally sticking with Oceanic. Like Oceanic best. Dissolves almost as you pour it into the water, with no residue whatsoever. Cleanest looking salt. Ca level is good and a bit on the high side, need to very carefully dose Alk once you stabilize Ca around 420-430. As others pointed out, when you change salt, do it very gradually over an extended period of time, or you risk precipitation pretty much guaranteed.
I use reef crystals, 60.00 a bucket magnesium levels today 1450, calcium 500, alkalinity 11 (been dosing for it) ph 8.3, temp 76 to 81 (halide heating) salinity 1.0256 no known issues in my 46 gal with sump...
So IF one wants to change from salt from IO to Tropic Marin, what are the steps to do so?
IO is good, I typically been using the orange buckets, but they were out at barrier reef last week....so I got a purple bucket. I hear the generic purple buckets are more consistent, which will make my dosing a lot easier. But it isn't the "Reef" specialty salt.
so if one wants to change from salt from io to tropic marin, what are the steps to do so?
When you do your water changes. Do a little of the new stuff, and alot of the old.
Then step it up gradually over the next few changes till you ween over to the new stuff.
25/75 --> 50/50 --> 75/25 --> %100

Ive swapped cold turkey before out of ignorance, lucky me...no trouble. Stepping up gradually over several water changes should pose no threat.
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Can't really say I'm an SPS-er since I just got my first one. Small tank, 29 long with Favia, waving hand anthelia, blue mushrooms. Tank has been up about 5 years, swtiched from TM Pro to Salinity about 3 months ago. TM pro was still a little low in Ca. So far so good, lots of pineapple sponges appeared after I started using it. I was traveling a lot so the tank went down a bit but I'm back on the horse.
Personally I like Tropic Marin Pro. I was using IO for many years, and my experience was much like everyone else has posted - "no problems." I never really thought of it, but how would I know if my salt mix was "okay" if I never used anything else. Well, in one of my tanks (a 75 SPS dominated) I was having troubles with alk/ca swings - this was mainly within the first couple of days after water changes. In that tank I maintain ULNS with NSW conditions (Ca ~ 410 dKh ~ 7 Mg ~ 1300) and using IO for water changes caused a shift in my params. I finally heeded someone's advice to switch to a higher grade salt with levels more consistent with what I was maintaining in the tank. I began using Tropic Marin Pro and within a couple of weeks I began to see much better PE and overall appearance. Now about 5-6 weeks later I have the best color I've ever had.

I don't know if that helps, but you may consider this - if you have spent $1000's on your system, why skimp $20-30 with one of, if not the most important chemical addition to your water?