what to get next for my tank?

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Jonathan G.

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2005
Toledo, OH
k i have a 75g tank about 40lbs of live rock and plan on adding about 60 more. my first fish was a pair of 2 baby O. clowns, then i added my adorable lawnmower blenny, then my beautiful 6 line wrasse, and this last friday i added my magnificent rainford (court jester) goby. i also have a big purple feather duster and a handful of hermits and snails and one half dollar size horseshoe crab aka "frank the tank". i'm thinking ill get the live rock before i add anymore but im talking about live stock after i get the live rock. any suggestions are welcome and very appreciated. anything you got that you wish you would have gotten something else in its place?
I would suggest you add the additional rock before you make any solid choices. Once you get a good visual of the tank space after the rock addition, it will give you a better idea of what might be possible. Bes ure the rock is cured seperately before adding though, you don't want any water quality issues.

Large growing fish will not really be an option but there are still several possibilities. Knowing the direction you want the tank to take (FOWLR or reef) would help. Other than the sixline, your fish are either stationary or benthic for the most part. Personally I would look for a open swimmer that would traverse the midrange of the tank.

BTW, the horseshoe crab is not a wise addition. They wreak havoc on the sandbed and can get quite large. Not a good addition for the home aquarium.

steve-s said:
BTW, the horseshoe crab is not a wise addition. They wreak havoc on the sandbed and can get quite large. Not a good addition for the home aquarium.

I was too fascinated with him not to get him, i dont have a DSB so i figured if he kept it turned over it would be a good thing. also i plan on having a reef tank so my next fish would need to be a reef safe fish. also anyone know how fast a horseshoe crab grows? i didn't think it grow too quick.
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Jonathan G. said:
I was too fascinated with him not to get him, i dont have a DSB so i figured if he kept it turned over it would be a good thing.
DSB or otherwise, anything that de-populates the fauna within the sandbed is not a good addition. It's part of a functioning ecosystem we try to create. :razz:

also anyone know how fast a horseshoe crab grows? i didn't think it grow too quick.
They grow a majority of their growth is within the first 2-3 years. At maxiumum adult size they range from 45-75 inches across, the male being the smaller. In captive care, many do not live beyond their first 6 months. They are very clumbsy swimmers and their appetites cannot easily be met without fouling the tank.

Steve - excellent posts.

Jonathan - I think this is important:

steve-s said:
I would suggest you add the additional rock before you make any solid choices. Once you get a good visual of the tank space after the rock addition, it will give you a better idea of what might be possible. Be sure the rock is cured seperately before adding though, you don't want any water quality issues.

I agree with this. Add your live rock, and spend some time browsing and looking at different fish. A good small book is "Marine Fishes" by Scott Michael. It goes through most of the fish available in the hobby with extra tidbits of info, and will give you a brief idea on whether or not a fish is suitable for your tank. Or, take a peek at our Fish Gallery. Another option to see the appearance of some fish offered for sale is to browse one of the sponsor's pages - Vivid Aquariums: Reef Safe Fish. Narrow your choices down, and post what you have come up with. Then, we would be able to offer advice on whether those are good choices, will they be compatable, do they do well in captivity, is your tank and current livestock suitable, etc. Do you have a choice in mind already for your tank?

Unless you are willing to set-up a proper horseshoe crab tank, IMO, it should be taken back. Here is a quote for you from Anthony Calfo and Bob Fenner (FAQs about Horseshoe Crabs):

Caption for photo: "Horseshoe crabs are not true crabs at all, but actually much more-closely related to spiders. They are also inappropriate for mixed invertebrate aquariums for many reasons. These "crabs" need to be kept in large, specialized (non-reef) systems that are have great open surface area and sand of depth. Definitely not recommended for casual keeping in small home aquaria with coarse sand and dense rockwork. The most commonly available species, Limulus polyphemus commonly ranges from Nova Scotia down to the Gulf of Mexico and grows to 2' long X 1' wide (60 cm**X 30 cm). Several other species are seen in coastal waters from Japan to Indonesia, but do not appear in the US hobby."
Overview of Limulus polyphemus
By any definition, horseshoe crabs are ancient relics of the past. They have not changed much in the last several hundred million years dating back to the pre-Cambrian era (and are closely associated with their fossilized relatives, the Eurypterids). It is no wonder why they are described so often as "pre-historic". The design of their body has facilitated their long survival through the ages with its strategic and fully encompassing hard shell. Limulus are also extremely hardy in the present wild... enduring severe extremes of temperature and salinity. They are also said to be able to suffer seasonal famine and live without food for as much as a year! A year is also about how long it takes for these crabs to starve in mismatched marine aquariums. Too often, horseshoe crabs are placed in small aquaria with lots of live rock and not enough sand to burrow, forage and survive. Mind you that an abundance of live rock is very beneficial for reef aquariums. The problem is that these creatures, though, do not live on the reef proper. They do live near the reef, however, and will thank you very kindly if you provide a large open bed of deep fine sand for them to dig in. It takes perhaps 10 sq. ft per crab of more at >6"/15cm depth). It is interesting to note that horseshoe crabs may stay buried in the sand for days or even several weeks at a time. Let's be very clear that they live or die in captivity by the presence of deep fine sand and mud and the food they find within. We recommend using finely minced clams and clean Tubifex worms (live or thawed frozen) as part of the staple diet for this creature in captivity. Other ocean meats may be taken with equal enthusiasm. Be very mindful of the size and composition of food offered; Limulus have no jaws to chew or crush prey but instead process food with bristles at the base of their walking legs (yes... they must walk to feed, as the food is passed and mashed by these bristles). Although hardy and peaceful in their natural habitat, these "crabs" do not fare well in captivity outside of large, mature specialized aquaria. They tend to linger for some months in captivity, but again, do not survive past a few months with casual care.
Limulus are not true crabs at all, they are rather distant relatives of the spiders, scorpions and even the lowly ticks. Aspects of their phylogenetic relationships are suggestive when you observe their anatomy. The most obvious similarity is their prominent pair of compound eyes. In fact, in addition to the conspicuous pair of compound eyes, these crabs have a second pair of simple eyes on the front side plane of the body. A horseshoe crabs vision is not for feeding however, but for evading predation and finding mates. It is estimated that their range of sight is about 3' (~ 1 meter). Limulus also have 5 pairs of "walking" legs and two specialized pair for feeding and pushing sand, the forward pair on males being distinctly thicker and larger. Perhaps the most distinguishing part of these creatures is their telson (tail). This aspect of their anatomy performs like a rudder for balance and navigation as well as providing ever-important leverage to right themselves from a vulnerable overturned position. Its also quite a formidable weapon (although not its primary purpose) with spines and "timeliness" when thrust erect to ward off a would-be attacker. Despite the armor, horseshoe crabs are in fact rather peaceful creatures. They seem to be fairly indifferent to each other and anything that's not interested in eating them. They are somewhat generalized scavengers that consume many different things strongly preferring polychaete worms and mollusks in the sand. Their natural feeding habits keep them very active at night though in captivity they are willing to feed most anytime of the day if stimulated. This is a large part of the reason why they starve in most aquaria- few are placed into systems with aged, deep mature sand beds that have adequate populations of food organisms to sustain them. It is estimated that Limulus grows approximately 25% with each successive molt for roughly the first decade of life until they reach maturity. Molts occur every 7-10 months naturally.
Reproduction is a bit of a ritual during high tide (full and new moons) in the spring or early summer each year. Droves of Limulus migrate to the shoreline to spawn and lay staggering amounts of tiny green eggs. A large female may lay as many as 20,000 eggs which are deposited in a series of holes that she digs along the water line. Copulation is a bit of an interesting display. The males of this species (characteristically smaller than females by about 30%) grasp a hold of a female as she leaves the water to make this run. They are dragged along as the females climb up the shoreline and fertilize each batch of eggs as they are pulled across each pit dug by a female. Wave action covers over some of these nests but numerous Limulus eggs are contributed to the food web above and below the water (fish, birds, etc). In aquariums, many fish will prey on small and young horseshoe crabs. Their chitinous shells have not become sufficiently hardened and they will suffer from repetitive harassment of even curious fishes like large tangs and angels. It should be no surprise that triggers, puffers and eels will readily predate them. It is also quite unnatural for them to be kept with cnidarians and forced cohabitation will usually lead to Limulus dying in the tentacles of an anemone, or large polyped coral. Keeping these crabs in captivity also has very practical implications for their metabolism and increasing size. Before you purchase one, ask yourself if you have the means to keep them as an adult as 16"- 24" (40-60 cm) if and when they are ten years old? If you plan for a full healthy life and lifespan for this creature as you would for any other household pet like a dog or cat, you will quickly realize the very special needs of this fascinating "crab". Our purpose here is not to discourage the popular keeping of this marine creature, but to discourage the improper keeping of it. In a simple sandy lagoon or shoreline display, Limulus polyphemus are remarkably easy and entertaining to keep.

Hope this helps!
Jonathan G. said:
so suggestions on what to do? does this mean i have to get rid of poor frank the tank?
It's a tough call, the sixline reduces certain possibilities. Nikki makes an excellent suggestion on "browsing" the diffrent sections of this forum and the book. One thing I would suggest though is pick a few choice species you think you would like and post a "wish list" of sorts. It can then be tailored for compatability with your tank set up and existing fish.

Personally I find peoples choices in fish types much like choosing art, each has their own preferences. What I may think is great, you might have a differing opinion. In the end it really comes down to what's compatible with the goal of your tank.
