what's the deal with these clowns?

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2007
I see that clownfish are hugely popular within the marine hobby. i have never owned a clown personally so maybe thats why i don't get it but I have seen plenty of them at LFS and other people's tanks, heck i even loved that Nemo movie a few years back. but I still dont get the fascination with them. what makes clownfish so endearing to you?
LOL thats funny... i read a lot of people writing their clowns bite them...sounds like a great fish ;-) the only thing I can think of is they swim like little spas's
We love our clowns... they have character, they love to cuddle into anything that flows and our are gentle; the one nips on occasion but nothing painful by far. Their sharp colours and how they interact I think are what's so endearing about them. Kids love them too (they appear so playful and happy); I would never get rid of ours. In fact, they were some of the first ones we got and still doing very well. Just my two cents.
Speaking of biting clowns....my GSM used to bite me if my hand entered the water...lol. Sometimes it'd hurt. Now that it's in a larger tank, without an anemone, it hasn't bit....yet. However, our newly acquired Black Occellaris pair is another story. The female drew blood on Angie yesterday...lol. I'm working out of town but got a text message with a few choice words I can't type on here... Maybe she'll chime in.
Ahh Yes! I would like to chime in on this one Michael. I am Angie the other half that is taking care of that B**** of a Black Occellaris! :mad: She is very evil and drew blood. :evil: I was just trying to make her tank a little cleaner for her and what does she do, rams at my hand and bites me and the next thing I know, I'm bleeding. I was so done after that. Screw her!!! She can clean her own tank!:lol:
I'm thinking that we really need to put something in there for them to spawn on because either she's just evil or just really needs to release some frustrations. I'm not her punching bag!!!!

I do know that she has to protect her surroundings, but DAMN it anyway!!!
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yeah, GSMs pack a nasty bite... most full grown clowns can draw blood... my female clarkii was around 3.5-4" and the male was around 2.5"... both would draw blood... i traded them in at my lfs (coral dynamics) for him to breed them... once they settled in and started cleaning to lay a nest, he came in to find the male dead, pinned in the corner and being munched on by the female... i am certain that female is just pure frickin EVIL...
kirk, he was pretty ticked at her... after all when you care for a mated pair for 6 months with the intent of raising the fry and the male gets taken out just before they get ready to nest, how could you not get ticked at her... now the process has to start all over again with pairing her with a new male, waiting for them to settle in, etc.... he'll have had the female for a year before she ever lays a nest now :( i just wanted to see the babies from a couple of petco clarkiis that i picked up as my first real fish after starting the hobby (before i knew any better)
ouch !!
I can't complain about my clowns.... may be because they're still babies :p .
now the one that likes to bite from time to time in my tank is the flassher wrasse...not really that painful but i think it's funny how she wants to bite me :lol: :p .
I also have an ocellaris... she has never tried bitig me.
True Perculas rule! I ve never heard of them biting anyone. One of the best things about clowns, is that they have a tiny territory around their anenome. They don't need a huge ocean to be happy. I feel better when the fish doesnt feel trapped in their aquarium!
My GSM attacks me as well but has never drawn blood, but my GSM has trained my yellow tail damsel to do the same thing. So when ever I go in the tanks I'm getting hit by these 2little buggers.
Don't get me wrong here, I really do love our Black Occellaris, but they sure are territorial. When I'm cleaning the tank again I will just have to take a different approach at it. Better yet maybe I'll make Michael(Returnofsid) do it when he's home for the weekend....lol.:badgrin::D
RASOC is the same overall... new folks, old salts, meetings, frag swaps, etc... when are you coming back to visit? :) btw, i dont think i ever told you but i found a hammer coral in that sand i got from you when i was digging through it... there wasnt much left (1 head) and the tissue didnt really expand past the skeleton... ive been nursing it back from basically nothing ever since and its now 2 nice heads... lmk if you ever want a piece for old times sake and i'll send you a head of it once it gets to fragging size :) it is the one coral ive become attached to for the simple fact that im determined to make something out of it... ill work on getting some pics too
Michael I hope you plan on getting your hands wet this weekend, cuz you got a lot of tank to clean and I'll be sure and have those Bandaids ready for you when your done. I can even dig out the Dora ones for you.:D You better just be thankful all your stuff isn't dead!!! lol :razz:
for the record, my wife's black ocellaris drew blood on me today... i swear i will never own another clownfish... i cant convince her to get rid of it, so from now on she works on her own tank :mad: