What's the dumbest thing that you've done?

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Well-known member
May 22, 2006
Walla Walla, WA
I made probably the worlds most idiotic move and didn't even think about it until now. I have a long shallow tank that I was using as a reef for a while until I purchased a fairly large lionfish and eel, then the coral went into a smaller tank and the lion and eel went into the 70 long. When doing the transfer I realized that there wasn't a whole lot of swimming room for the lion so, here comes the bonehead move, I took out about 80% of the live rock, yep there goes the biological filteration. The lion was looking like it had some white spots on it so in goes the copper, about 3 days into copper treatment I did a test on the nitrites and ammonia to find that the ammonia was 1.5 mg and the nitrites were at 1.2 mg:eek: so it wasn't ich but rather the slimecoat starting to come off. I was a water changing fool, about 45g in a weeks time but still had high readings. So at a last attempt to save my poor fish I dropped about 50lbs of the live rock that I had soaking in saltwater, did a check on the water that the rock was in, which was perfect, and did another 10g water change with it. This brought the levels down a bit but I'm still a little concerned about the lion, as of now, he's not looking too hot.:doubt:
I've been in this hobby for about 4 years now and just when I thought I had a grip on things I do something like this to show me how little I really know.
Sorry about the rant, I just had to get this off my chest.
I once cut a featherdusters head off. Thought the 3/4" worm next to the tube needed to go back inside it, so i cut the end of the tube off so it would be a clean hole to easily slide him back in..........cut the ADULT dusters head right off with scissors.

I could add countless other stupidest things ive done....but that was one of the cheapest and the funniest.......funny now anyway
I had to set my drink down when I read that you took out HOW MUCH LR? O.K. got to take a break for a min.
When I first started 2 years ago, and knew nothing about reefing (which is probably often the case) I got off to a really bad start. I was given a free 55g tank with 30 lbs of dead liverock, 20lbs of dead sand, and I started cycling with 15 lbs of live rock. I didn't realize that the sand I was given was full of old detritus, and caused numerious amonia spikes. More than most experience from what I seen. I almost quit the hobby, but stuck with it, did a lot more research, and got rid of the sand. When I upgrade my tank I plan on adding sand again, but this time I'll be more careful of what I'm using. I have more bonehead moves I'll save for later : )
I used strait tap water for 20% water change and killed off all the coral and inverts I had. I didnt have much at the time but it still sucked.
I left my RO/DI water on over night. Dropped the tank temp about 4 degrees, salinity to about 1.018. (If my hydrometer was as off as it was when I got my refractometer)

Nothing died. Just took me quite some time to get my salinity back up.
Once I ruined a new Salifert CA test kit, by putting KA solution left over from the syringe from the test I previously performed into the CA test solution bottle, which was the test I had just performed. User error! On a side note I have switched to Elos test kits now.