What's wrong with my timer?!?

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2009
Oooookay... I might just be plain stupid and can't function this piece of equipment or there's something wrong with it. I am SO frustrated at this point so if my post doesn't make sense, I'm sorry.

My timer for the lights for the 180 is still on (it's 2130) and it was supposed to go off at 1730. I looked at the "time" on the timer and it reads the right time. I tried to "reset" the electric strip by turning it off then back on, spun the dial, put it on a flat surface instead of on the wall, and it turns off. As soon as I turn around, the lights are firing back up! What gives?! :evil:

Seth was saying that the spinner thing gets 'stuck' and I have to spin the dial to get it on track again. I tried that a couple days ago when it got "stuck" and it worked. This time, nothing is working. I just unplugged the lights from strip but I would like the timer to work, seeing as though I can't plug it in and unplug it at the same time every day!
What type of timer is it.??
I have an extra one if you want it..
I was planning on comeing over on sunday to get you a good water change done..
Let me know you have Crystals and I's ##
electric strip

Is this the Coralife strip timer?

Ive never read a single good thing about this type of timer. Unless you consider being a potential fire hazard a good thing.
Thank you for posting this. I bought one of these years ago and never got it to work properly. I thought I just bought a defective one (which may be the case) but never got around to returning it. I've used it as a regular power strip ever since...and it still sucks. The stupid timer makes a lot of noise as it rotates. Right now it is used for my daughter's X-Mas tree. After the holidays it's gonner...
Yes my corallife gets stuck sometimes as well. I have returned them, but it is a design problem.

trido, whats a better alternative? I havent seen anything that will, hold as many plugs as the double coralife timer. I would love to get something more reliable, I used to have all single ones and it looked like that sceen from a christmas story under my tank.
Unfortunately, the far better alternative is a few hundred dollars. The aquacontroller products, like the AC Jr. or the Digital Aquatics Reefkeeper line.
Otherwise you can get digital appliance timers from Lowes or HD for under $20 that have up to six on/off cycles per day. I used to use (and still do on refugium lighting) the single outlet grounded dial timer with a three way splitter. Under $10 for the set up.
Is this the Coralife strip timer?

Ive never read a single good thing about this type of timer. Unless you consider being a potential fire hazard a good thing.

No, mine is a no name timer. It's got 8 outlets with 4 that work with the timer and 4 that don't. All it says on the back is relocatable power tap with what I'm assuming are the model numbers and the warning.
What type of timer is it.??
I have an extra one if you want it..
I was planning on comeing over on sunday to get you a good water change done..
Let me know you have Crystals and I's ##

I sent you a PM cause I don't know who's number I have.
Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper Lite is an awesome product for under $100 and light timer, temp controller etc etc all in one nice relatively cheap unit.

I use those spinning timers but don't always trust them. I have used those digital timers since day one.

I just got a Reef Keeper Lite on Monday. It is a great controller for the money (I started with a Level 1).
Thanks for posting Alex and Dave. I didnt know about the RK lite. Sounds like a great entry level controller. I prefer to use my controller only for my lights since I like redundancy on my tanks. The $100 unit would fit that bill perfectly
Thanks for posting Alex and Dave. I didnt know about the RK lite. Sounds like a great entry level controller. I prefer to use my controller only for my lights since I like redundancy on my tanks. The $100 unit would fit that bill perfectly

Yes, for the price it is a very nice unit. And I like it for the temp controll thus far. Has kept my tank with 0.2 degrees of the set point of 78.5f.

I just got a Reef Keeper Lite on Monday. It is a great controller for the money (I started with a Level 1).

Same unit I've got. I am going to be adding a second power strip next week to it. I like that you can buy extra modules and add to the system as you want.
How many things does evryone have plugged in?

I have
2 for mh
1 for led
1 for skimmer
3 for korilias
1 for fuge light
1 for return pump
1 for cooler fan
1 heater

Thats 11 right there. So lets say the return/skimmer/heater are always on that leaves 8 that need to be on some sort of a timer. It looks like the reefkeeper does 4? So I would need 2 to get everything.

BTW I have had a digital timer go bad on me before, it was used to turn on a auto cat feeder and it got stuck on. I think it was the same one you get from lowes.
I have an AquaController jr w/ and 8 strip. I have to leave a couple of my "always on" devices on another surge strip...

For my pico tank:
IceProbe Chiller
Return pump
Float switch
Fuge light
Actinic light
Main light
CREE LEDs and fans
Moon light
Protein skimmer
How many things does evryone have plugged in?

I have a similar power requirement:

1- Metal halides
1- actinic VHO
1-refugium pc's
1- return pump
1- skimmer
1-cooling fan

I've used the "Lowe's-HD" timer Intermatic brand and have had very good luck with them. No failures for 5 years.

Just bought an older Reef Keeper 2 off ebay, but haven't installed it yet. i've always wanted a controller, but the reason i bought it is because i wanted to have a "wavemaker" function. The only products that had good reviews or features i liked were $100-150, so why not get the added benefits of the controller? I may have to use a power strip for a few items, because the RK2 only has 8 outlets. That said i think based on all the comments of how great it is to have a controller I will be happy with the addition.

Well you could run the MH's off one outlet and if the Korilias are on 24/7 you don't need to have them on the controller (unless you want them to turn off during feeding, then you'll want them on the controller but it would be economical to run them off one outlet as well).

You wouldn't need two of everything, just two of the PC4's.
5x fans
3x skimmers
3x MH
1x Act
3x K-4
4x ATO (12vx2 120x2)
3x heaters
1x CL pump
1x kalk RX
2x return pumps
2x Sea swirls
2x Fuge lights
1x PH monitor
(plus two for the summer for the chiller and pump for it)
31 plugs required :)
for my 2 systems
I only pul 13 amps when everything is on :)

I have 4 power strips
2 are DJ strips and two regular
plus 2 heavy duty Outdoor digital timers for MH's
6x Fans
3x Skimmers
3x Act lighting
3x 10K liighting
9x circulation pumps
2x Skimmer pumps
3x filter pumps
3x heaters
1x fuge light

And I am sure that I've probably missed a few here and there. *lol*

Have ReefKeeper Lite and ReefKeeper 2 running on two of my tanks. I plan on purchasing the ReefKeeper Elite for the display tank I am putting into the formal living room.

For got to mention that those are for 3 tanks that are currently running. 3 gallon and 2 20 gallons. Will be adding a 65 gallon and 35 Seahorse tank to the mix sometime in the next year.
