Whats your Favorite Fish kept

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Oct 22, 2008
So what is your favorite fish you have ever kept and why?

Mine must be a dog faced puffer named Zam.
Reason being I would aqua scape him lots of arches and he would sometimes do figure 8's through them for me. Also would eat from my hand and let me pet him. Liked to spit at me to get my attention. Lots of personality in the dog face.
My wife hates my Watchman Goby ... I keep him anyway cause i can reach into the tank and scoop him up bring him to the near surface of the water and hand feed him Krill ...one odd fish.
Being That Midnight is 5 years old and was my very 1st fish that I used to cycle my tank with and he has lived through hell. 2 upgrades from a 36 gal. to 55 gal. to my 75 gal. and still retains his beautiful color, I have to say it's him. People tell me that he is going to turn an ugly brown. How long does it take for them to turn color? I had a zebra damsel that got ugly in 6 months and I gave it away. I'm keeping Midnight no matter how ugly he gets, although I might have to change his name to Mudnight.lol
I would say that I don't have just one favorite fish. We used to have a Yellow Tang that had great personality. Now we have this beautiful Red Scooter Blenny that also has great personality. Our 3 year old daughter, Madison, has named him Scooty. She just loves him!!
A sixline wrasse. Can't remember how many years I've had him (probably 6 or 7). Always cruising around the rockwork, looking for food.
Leopard wrasses would have to be my fav by far. They are beautiful, dont cause any problems, always on the move and did i say that they are beautiful...

I will have at least one in every tank that i keep from now on.
Starry Blenny

Starry Blenny. Great fish with lot's of character. I tried to keep them twice and it just didn't work out.
Leopard wrasses would have to be my fav by far. They are beautiful, dont cause any problems, always on the move and did i say that they are beautiful...

I will have at least one in every tank that i keep from now on.

Yep they are fun to watch, especially the pair you had!
Mine would have to be a mated pair of occelaris clowns, because any time I had my hand in the tank they would come hang out around my hand and brush up against it like they wanted to be petted. Kind of weird, but made for more interactive fish keeping!
Tassled filefish. Not colorful, not beautiful, large, messy some time after feeding - but this is the most sympathetic kind of fish that I ever seen in LFS.

Next after it will be Valentini puffer, for the same reason, only with penguin elegance. Lionfish will be the 3rd, real beauty and big philosopher.
Toss up between pink tail triggerfish and empeor angel..both had personailities of dogs, esp the triggerfish.

when I entered the room, would wait for me in front of the tank, then before I would feed it would spit water on me...it also would grunt like a pig..it was a fun fish to have..but sold it before I move to WA.