When will I recieve my toaster oven?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
Vancouver Island
:flypig: how appropriate is this? Hello RF! I was lured here with the promise of easy money and cheap electronics but realize its probably just rubbish and false advertising so I will start out sharing with you all the latest truth I learned on the net today, this is special...

RO/DI water is soooo pure it will not conduct electricity, thats why it reads 0 on a TDS meter.

so now were even rightz? lol maybe Boomer can square this up for us, anyhow just blame Frankie he said I have carte blanch for funnies, Depends are not supplied this a BYOD service. Steve
Hey Steve welcome aboard!! Come on with the easy stuff, everyone knows water does not conduct electricity!!!!! I only have two words for ya....Stanley....Cup.....Sorry man.

Hey Steve welcome aboard!! Come on with the easy stuff, everyone knows water does not conduct electricity!!!!! I only have two words for ya....Stanley....Cup.....Sorry man.


Will the real Mojo please stand up? you must be awesome there are so many imitations lol! and watch that cup stuff, we Canadians go off easy these days. Thanks for the Howdy do you accept spam?
Thanks Krish, gender male, dang lol is there a problem? thats the oddest tittle I ever sawed

Man...I had to start a thread a few years back titled, "I am not a girl!!!" because some people here thought I was a girl LOL! Didn't know a person could type like a girl :lol:. I had my picture as my avitar here recently because of this, but decided to change it and just put gender:male instead :p
Man...I had to start a thread a few years back titled, "I am not a girl!!!" because some people here thought I was a girl LOL! Didn't know a person could type like a girl :lol:. I had my picture as my avitar here recently because of this, but decided to change it and just put gender:male instead :p

YIKES! so its cool to call you Honey? not that I would or anything just seems like the lol thing to do, hmm how about Sir? or Mr K? For a smallish fee I could start a campaign about your intense manliness, for a larger fee I can cyber bully anyone who crosses the line. OH!!!!!!! hey CAPLOCKS, YOU HAVE TO TURN THEM ON AND NEVER WORRY AGAIN. my job is done, peace :bolt:
YIKES! so its cool to call you Honey? not that I would or anything just seems like the lol thing to do, hmm how about Sir? or Mr K? For a smallish fee I could start a campaign about your intense manliness, for a larger fee I can cyber bully anyone who crosses the line. OH!!!!!!! hey CAPLOCKS, YOU HAVE TO TURN THEM ON AND NEVER WORRY AGAIN. my job is done, peace :bolt:

Haha!!:lol:. Well maybe I could give you a cool female avitar and then for a small fee campaign about you really being a guy :p
Hehe, welcome aboard brunt of all jokes! It's good to see some outlandish conversation going on. I see you met the resident "im not a gurl mod". :D Krish is a dude, I spoke to his wife the other day and she confirmed it. He just types like a gurl so people get a bit confused lol! ;)

Glad you joined up buddy. Hope you come to enjoy the layout. There are some very cool people here on RF. You should feel right at home being your closer to them then Krish or myself. Were weird and hang out with west coasters~
Hehe, welcome aboard brunt of all jokes! It's good to see some outlandish conversation going on. I see you met the resident "im not a gurl mod". :D Krish is a dude, I spoke to his wife the other day and she confirmed it. He just types like a gurl so people get a bit confused lol! ;)

Glad you joined up buddy. Hope you come to enjoy the layout. There are some very cool people here on RF. You should feel right at home being your closer to them then Krish or myself. Were weird and hang out with west coasters~

Hey! if ya dish it out ya gotta suck it up right! Site looks great! got some reading to do (yes I Can! comprehension is another matter)
Hows your nano coming along Sas? There are some serious wood workers on this site that would appreciate your skills in metals. It's got to be the coolest nano I have ever seen. Other then mine anyhow!
Hows your nano coming along Sas? There are some serious wood workers on this site that would appreciate your skills in metals. It's got to be the coolest nano I have ever seen. Other then mine anyhow!

The tank is hmmm, imagine a soccer Mom given a Ferrari to drive, the car will out shine Mom all day long right? great legs shame about the face ring a bell? how bout I can keep it alive but i can't dance lol

Well, Dave Alex Don and I want to to see the metal work first. Anyone can have a Nano. By the way welcome aboard Steve.

Cheers, Todd
Will the real Mojo please stand up? you must be awesome there are so many imitations lol! and watch that cup stuff, we Canadians go off easy these days. Thanks for the Howdy do you accept spam?

Yea a saw a few versions out their, lol DOnt worry about the Cup thing I was a season ticket holder for decades, before moving south. Good to have ya aboard, even if you live in the retirement capital of BC.
