Where has all the particpation gone???

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2010
bonney lake wa
I was surfing the site, and seen the usual "Merry Xmas" Post on the water fountain thread.

16 views!!!! Are you flippin Kidding me?????

Last year it was around 120 views (give or take)

The year before that it was over 230 views (give or take)

At this rate in just a couple of years The entire site will be Lorie, Marty, and Kirk LOL
This forum doesn't get as much traffic as others. But the great people and good information make up for it :D But I do think its mostly due to Christmas.

...and the sound of crickets echoed from the dark depths of Moria...

:bounce: AWESOME
I have to admit that I have been REALLY lame on the boards the past few years..................let's see if I can pick it up in the following year! Happy Holidays everyone!
Family time, holidays, etc.
Now with all the new reef related toys everyone got, we can all show them off. :)
This forum doesn't get as much traffic as others. But the great people and good information make up for it

While I agree with whats stated above, it generally sucks (for me) to see no activity. I learn more by reading and trying to answer questions than I do by posting them. Newbie questions especially, since they are more prone to try the 'new' thing. It breathes life into the hobby. I don't know of a good way to encourage participation and I can't claim to be extremely active, so really this is more just passive whining than anything else...
Hi, I'm fairly new to RF, just joined last year but I have really appreciated the site. I know that I have been busy caring for my mother in law who is bed fast so I hadn't been on in ages and I am sorry. I was hoping to be more active here once the Christmas season was past.
I have been busying fighting the algea and micro bubbles and mod-ing my tank alittle and populating it. LOL.. ow and christmas and family stuff as well. lol
It's all your fault peppie, lol you need to participate more:D

I was surfing the site, and seen the usual "Merry Xmas" Post on the water fountain thread.

16 views!!!! Are you flippin Kidding me?????

Last year it was around 120 views (give or take)

The year before that it was over 230 views (give or take)

At this rate in just a couple of years The entire site will be Lorie, Marty, and Kirk LOL
It's all your fault peppie, lol you need to participate more:D

You are so right LOL
I visit the site on a daily basis. I should type more often, for sure!

But in my defense I have headed up a work shop. (on a year old dead thread) I have to squelch the guilt some how.
I follow several forums, and this forums appears to be more populated with more experienced reefers. I follow and try to contribute to 3 different forums from beginners to experienced, and I would hope others do also.
I follow several forums, and this forums appears to be more populated with more experienced reefers. I follow and try to contribute to 3 different forums from beginners to experienced, and I would hope others do also.

i think the 'experienced reefers' is part of the problem. folks here all seems to have a handle on how they want to deal with things and handle problems. thats awesome, but it doesn't make for much chatter ;)
i think the 'experienced reefers' is part of the problem. folks here all seems to have a handle on how they want to deal with things and handle problems. thats awesome, but it doesn't make for much chatter ;)

Well it's not a problem, it's just what it is, there are some great other forums out there tgat really deals with more start up reef questions, I follow them to help others starting out, I encourage everyone to follow more than one forum, different levels of experience, advice and situations, the successful reefers looks at all opinions and options then we make our decisions based in several opinions and our own judgements. It gets frustrating seeing new reefers dealing with ick, tangs in small tanks, maindrians, being in a hurry to stock ect. Sometimes you fell it is all falling on deaf ears, but you keep trying, I feel it's our duty to the hobby
i think the 'experienced reefers' is part of the problem. folks here all seems to have a handle on how they want to deal with things and handle problems. thats awesome, but it doesn't make for much chatter ;)

I have to disagree a little bit.
I still have questions.
If you didnt have the "Experienced Reefers" you would have lots of

I think.....
I read somewhere.....
Someone told me.....
Maybe you could.....
You could goggle...

and a crap load of misinformation.

IMO the experienced reefers are the binding core of this site. There are many members here with post counts well over 3000 ( and one with over 20000 )

I am confident that the participation will pick up in the future. It seems to come and go in waves.
Ugh, didn't want to turn into a debate, thus is a great forum and everyone will and does jump in to help, and please don't be afraid to ask the basic questions, but there are other forums with more beginners, and they get more traffic because there are more new people asking questions. Experienced reefers do their own research, have the experience and have experienced most major screw ups we all go thru, ato messing up, heaters, power failures, ick, ect., and we learn to either be prepared or know how to prevent them. 90% of new reefers experience the top 10 issues, and learn and grow from them and then grow from being askers to givers , that's what this hobby is all about. And those top 10 issues are the ones we have all gone thru, they make you or break you ��