Which Pellet food

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Reef Padawan
Dec 2, 2004
Bellevue, wa
i was wondering what a good pellet food brand would be good for clowns, cuase i've been using flakes and i think i need something more meaty and i've heard flakes release a lot more phosphate into the water, thanks for your comments
i use Formula 1 pellets for my clowns....i also try to switch up a few meals with frozen Prime Reef and frozen mysis shrimp!!!! they love the frozen stuff!!!
i agree with Ron formula 1 is the best way to go :D .
Unless you wanna go fancy with them there's always some rod's food which i heard is very very good for the fishes.
Frozen prime reef is also a good choise for your clowns and it's better if you mix them both so they get the complete nutrients they need.
ok, right. Let me rephrase. Do flakes contain more P than other forms of food per nutritional content?

In other words, assuming my fish did not have a problem consuming different forms of food, are pellets a better than flake?
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Yes flakes do! Spectra is a good quality pellet food & preforms very well, any food will add P but like Don said some less than others.
ok, right. Let me rephrase. Do flakes contain more P than other forms of food per nutritional content?

All the dried foods have more, pellets and flakes. Thats why they can sit on the shelf longer than a twinkie.

i agree with Don and Scooter dood and that's why you have to dip them in RO water :)

Just to give you a idea of how much P is in one of the "better" foods Spectrum pellets.

15 small pellets soaked in rodi for 15 minutes. Pellets remove and added to 0 phosphate saltwater and immediatly tested. FWI I ran the test with and without soaking in rodi both time the results were the same.

what are the results of the test ppm wise since i can't read the color,

Here are some of the more popular ones Ive tested.


Spectra pelets soaked in rodi 2ppm
Spectra pelets 2ppm
Formula 2 flake 3+ppm
Fromula 2 frozen 3+ppm
Formula 1 flake 3+ppm
Formula 1 fozen 3+ppm
Sweet water zooplankton .1ppm
SFB freeze dried plankton .3ppm
Reef Chilli 3+ppm
Coral Frenzy 3+ppm
Sprung sea vegies .2ppm
Sea King Nori 0 undetectable
Hikari marine a pellets 3+ppm

3+ = maximum of scale may be much higher
0= undetectable with salifer test kit
formula 1 primary, but i drop one at a time, makeing sure that they all get a few pellets and have time to spit it out and eat it ageain,

the reef prime flake, my clown loves, he will take the biggest peace and swim around with it hanging out his mouth. the frozen mysis, i havent fed in about a month,

the frozen brine longer then that.
uhh. :utter defeat:

so only frozen or live then?

Well, like DonW pointed out, all food sources contain phospates. Flakes, pellets, and freeze dried foods tend to have more phosphate BY WEIGHT because they are basically a more concentrated food source than the other forms. But frozen and live have it too. Some frozen foods will have elevated levels as well because of the binders in them.

It's somewhat of a double edged sword...while live foods are typically going to be the lowest in phosphates, they are also going to be the least nutritious overall in general. The key, if using flake, pellets, freeze dried, is to feed carefully and not overdo it, and more importantly, make sure the nutrient export from your tank is keeping up with the input...

hay caramba Don :eek: .

well i guess i should have expected in frozen food since i only feed that stuff to my fishes :p .
question... for how long do you leave your food soaking in RO water?
do you think that would make any difference :p ..... ok i know i have my hopes to high :D