I'm curious, who has pipefish and how are they doing in your tanks?
What are your feeding schedules, what are you feeding and how?
What are your feeding schedules, what are you feeding and how?
I have a single bluestripe in my main reef display tank - he hides during the day, and only comes out when the lights are off, or when the actnics are on. I feed daily a mix of mysis, and other food items in my homemade mix - he is fat, and happy..... have had him for well over a year
Do you add food specificly for the pipe?
How does he react to the flow in your tank?
Do you worry about corals that could sting him?
2) could care less about the flow, and I run 2 MP40s at full power for circulation
3) nope, and I've got maxi minis........... he stays clear of the rocks, the dragonfaced ones crawl around on the rockwork tho...
I have a pair of yellow banded pipefish and was advised to change the mp10 I have to a steady flow rate to keep the pipesfish from suddenly being blown into a coral that could possibly sting them when a surge happens with the mp10
sounds like paranoid propoganda to me -
lol - nice! how big are those yellow banded pipes anyhow? Ive seen some 2' long!
2' ?
I thought I'd read that they only get 6" to 7".
These are about 4-1/2" to 5".
Used to keep them in my Sea Horse tank. They require either an overfed tank or a very docile one. Had a hard time keeping Dragon pipefish alive and also the white banded ones even when eating seemed to die. Species name: Doryrhamphus dactylophorusAnyone else?
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