Who put this in my tank!!!(LOL)

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LOL...Well, I just came from down there again looking in my tank and I can't find anymore so hopefully is was a fluke:p I think Gabby had a bad bubble algae problem...I'll have to ask her. Reed said foxfaces will eat them. You may want to try one of them...The only problem I see with them are their mouths are so small, I'd think they will have to bite it rather than take it whole which may spread it unless you remove the big ones and let them handle the mouth sized ones...
I'd buy a fox face if that would do the trick but if crabs and fish just "pop" the bubble whats the point, right, things that make you go hmmm...
I'd buy a fox face if that would do the trick but if crabs and fish just "pop" the bubble whats the point, right, things that make you go hmmm...

LOL...Yeah, you never know with things :rolleyes: I guess you'll have to see what people mostly use for them. I'd think if the fish ate them, the'd just poop some spores back in the tank. That's why me, I remove what I can safely. I only saw one and he's gone and if I see anymore, they are gone as well. And if I see some stuck way down in a rock that I can't get to easily, then the rock's gone:p
Ohh Noo !!! Krish Got The GREEN BLUBBLES !! :eek: :lol: :lol: .

My emerald crab took care of them for me, but since you got the big tank you might as well the get nice fish :p :D .
humm that bubble does not look like bubble algea. and there only being one really does not sound like bubble algea. could it be red algae (Rhodophyta) or Haliptilon roseum. mine grows by spreading bubbles like the one you have.
Ohh Noo !!! Krish Got The GREEN BLUBBLES !!

Singular Gabby, not plural:p One bubble...

humm that bubble does not look like bubble algea. and there only being one really does not sound like bubble algea. could it be red algae (Rhodophyta) or Haliptilon roseum. mine grows by spreading bubbles like the one you have.

Hmm...Well whatever it is, is now a was(LOL) He's gone and I will see if I get any more surprises. Hopefully not:)
I have three emerald crabs in my 38g, simply to control bubble algae, which is the only algae I fight (besides keeping that annoying coralline off the glass). They've done OK, but in my experience, they do better the smaller they are. Additionally, it is my understanding (I'm no expert) they when they eat the small bubbles, those bubbles aren't mature enough to spore yet, so it's not that big of a problem.

I just got a foxface, not even realizing that they ate bubble algae. Mine decimated all signs of bubble algae within two weeks. However, that was two weeks ago, so we'll see if any comes back. The foxface definitely tore shreds out of the bubbles, rather than eating whole, though.

Wait and see.... :)
Sounds good Sherman...Hopefully there aren't any more in there because I looked a few times really good and can't find anymore. I think Gabby is trying to put mouth me:p
Sounds good Sherman...Hopefully there aren't any more in there because I looked a few times really good and can't find anymore. I think Gabby is trying to put mouth me

LOL!!! hey i'm just saying dood :p .
Whether it is green bubble algae (usually Valonia spp) or red bubble algae (usually Botryocladia spp), they are pain because both can grow in relatively low-nutrient environments. With that said, they can be controlled by both natural removal methods (crabs, fish, etc.) or by manually picking them. They have to be mature sexually for you to worry about sporulation. Otherwise, even the natural methods of control would cause just as much sporulation. (Trust me...fish and crabs pop them too).

The key is to get them before they are sexually mature or have a good export system.

Much has been said about the danger of liberating spores when popping the vesicles of bubble algae. This is particularly true for members of Order Valoniaceae, but even then, the vesicles are said to be a sporulant risk only when having reached at least a third of their full size. Even if spores escape when you botch the job of vesicle-removal ('vesectomy', anyone?), those escapee spores have to run the gauntlet of herbivorous filter feeders, filtration equipment, and the wild lottery of hitting a good, unoccupied spot to settle and grow. Those spores will eventually be released anyway if you don't remove the vesicles.

SOURCE: Bubble Algae by Dark Horge
I wouldnt cook the rock youll just kill all the good stuff thats in it.

Who's going to cook their rock? Hope you didn't take me seriously(LOL) 1 little bubble won't make me do that especially with my tank being in such a good condition in terms of water quality, parameters etc...:)

Thanks for the reply Curt...Great info:)

BTW...I'm not sure if everyone saw where I posted earlier that I only had one "bubble"in my tank so IMO, I don't really have a problem. If I happen to find more then that is a different story, but so far after checking all of my rocks a few times and even turning over a few, there aren't anymore. So we'll see how it goes...:)
What was that about ocd I was reading earlier krish? :p Sure you wouldn't cook your rock from just one valonia... suuuuurre... ;) :p :D :lol: