Who uses an EcoTech Marine Vortech pumps?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2011
These things are pricey but I'm curious if they replace all powerheads in the tank? (40 gallon tank).

What makes them so special other than the fact that it has a few different modes?
I use an Mp40w es and will be buying a second one in about a month. I have a 75 gallon mixed reef peninsula. The fact that they slave off each other so you can create unique flow, have all the heat outside of the tank, wide flow pattern, low in tank profile etc. Night mode, feed mode, Nutrient transport mode, short pulse, long pulse, reef crest, lagoon mode, + many others.

Also the master/slave combos are numerous. Sync, anti-sync etc.
I have used the mp10, mp20, mp40 and now the mp10es and absolutely love them! You could get away with 1 mp40es or 2 mp10es and let them sync in your 40g. They're great pumps and have great undertow and a wide, random flow pattern even in normal mode. I like to play with the modes but mostly keep it in reef crest mode.
I also keep mine in reef crest mode. Once I add the second one I am going to run them in reef crest anti-sync. I forgot about the undertow, it is unbelievable. Also I run NTM at full speed for abot an hour every 3 days and it really cleans the tank up.
I also keep mine in reef crest mode. Once I add the second one I am going to run them in reef crest anti-sync. I forgot about the undertow, it is unbelievable. Also I run NTM at full speed for abot an hour every 3 days and it really cleans the tank up.

That's awesome I wish I had a bigger tank so I could sync them up! I noticed that also it sure keeps the detritus off the sandbed and into the skimmer! :)
i also am running an mp40 , before then i was running 3 koralas , with pretty serious flow issues , major dead spots and detruis settling in spots , i now run the mp 40 in reef crest all day at about 50 % and run transport at for about a half hour or so every other day , to kick up all kinds junk , the flow diffrence is simply put amazing , its nice to see my fishes swimming against the undertow and the tank is by far cleaner . i got rid of 2 extra plugs , and actually have a new toy to play with . i was struggling with the cost but after having it , i cant see going back
Love my MP20's. I run 2 on my 80 but I also have 2 Tunze 6025's hidden behind my rockwork. I don't think any pump made by any one company can solve all your needs. Seems like in my expereince varied flow with multiple pumps in several locations provide the best flow as oppoesed to 1 or 2 high flow pumps alone. I'm planning on an upgrade of my 20's to the 40es and would consider adding some MP10's behind the rockwork instead of the Tunze's some time in the future. Having them all wirelessly sync'd would be pretty nice in an all Vortech setup, but would be pricey.

For a 40 I would say at least 2 maybe even 3 MP10es would provide some good flow options.
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I use a MP10 on my 20 Gallon, use it on reefcrest mode, its perfect. the various options make it useable for any style reef.
i use to run a mp40w and i made the switch to tunze. i love the tunze and will no be going back to vortech because of the sound the vortech makes
Hmmm... I may have to go out and get 2 of them. I played on youtube for a while this morning and it seems that it works best with 2 pumps on opposite ends. I think 2 MP10s is exactly what I would need. whats another 400 bucks right? LOL
Yep... I run two 40s sync'd on opposite sides of an Elos 160XL. Run about 75% in reefcrest mode to attenuate the noise. Love them! My new Clown Tang is using one as a lap pool.
I just picked one up from Barrier Reef Aquariums, and am waiting for the second one to come in soon. So far I love it! I'm running the MP40W ES in my 180. I can say that the noise is a bit much if I'm listening for it, but the reality is; with a skimmer, fans, pumps, and ambient noise, it's really negligible. I like the clean look, flow options, and wide wall of water movement. I would be careful with the set up, and the use of the wave functions. Echotech make note of how to set up the pump, and there are many warning about wave use, as they can cause stress on the tank/stand. I would recommend reading not only the quick start guide, but the full manual as well from Echotec before turning them on. Like I said I've been only running them for a few days, but it’s much better than a standard power head. I'm very glad I made the purchase, and can’t wait to see what two of these do together. Check with Chris at Barrier I think they'll be getting some in, also check out the operations manual here.

mine is damn near silent , untill its at 100 % then you can hear it but again i rarely run it that high , realy no need in my 72 gal bow
rt hand side is where it sits
one of the cooest things i think there is about them is the undertow , notice the fishes swimming away from the powerhead , then in reef crest mode it will fluctuate , and even make the softies wave back and forth like a naturAL ocean , instead of just pushing the same way constantly . dont realy know how it does the tricks it does , dont realy care to know , but it works and every one is happy
Are they very loud?

Dial them down to 75 to 80% power and the noise is significantly reduced. Mine is in our living room with only LED fans in addition and it is plenty quiet for me. Noise is such a subjective and personal call though. I am extremely happy with mine.

I have 2 mp10 W ES in my illuminata and the fan in my halide fixture is louder. As with the others I rarely turn mine all the way up. I think it is the best addition I have made for the health of my corals.
cadaillactatoo, your's is silent? I've played around with mine quite a bit and it seems to make a fare amount of motoring noise (like a slight grinding). Echotec says that it takes about a week to break in, we'll see. I've followed the install directions to the tee, and the alingment as well. I think the performance out weighs the noise though, but man would it be nice to have quiet operation.