why do my snails die?

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May 4, 2004
New syndrome..... the turbo and similar variety snails keep dyeing about a week after i introduce them to the tank. They aclimate ok, then I find them dead on the bottom of the tank about a week later. The fish are fine, the hermits and other variety snails are ok, as well as 2 coral banded shrimp.

All water chemistry seems in line. Salt 1.024, ph 8.25, Nitrate 10, amm 0, calcium 450, oxygen ok, temp 80- 81

Any suggestions?
its possible that the hermits are picking at them. its also possible that something is wrong with them already when you got them. try a different supplier. is thier enough algae in the tankfor food? how many snails are we talking about?
Ok, you know what the operculum is right? The little door that closes the snail in the shell. Is it closed or ripped open?
How are you acclimating them? Where are you getting them from? What kind of hermits are in the tank and size? How about a green serpent star? I had one that I called the snail reeper. Hermits are notorius for killing snails. Especially as they get bigger. Do you have any hairy leged hermits?
What is the salinity of the water you are getting them from, and how do they acclimate them to the tank your buying them from?
Astrea snails are unable to right themselves if they fall into sand, is this happening in your tank?
Thats all I could think of, I hope it will help you. Steve
Another possibility to add to the list above would be Copper - do you test for copper was copper used in the tank or are any of the rocks from a system that may have been treated with copper

wrighty said:
Another possibility to add to the list above would be Copper - do you test for copper was copper used in the tank or are any of the rocks from a system that may have been treated with copper


Very small chance here...because if it was copper, the shrimps would have died as well.

- Elmo
doh - yep missed them shrimps sorry
but did notice hermits and IME a hermit survived a copper based treatment in hastily converted hospital tank - I had intended to remove all inverts but missed 1 hermit and he survided the course and is still with me today

a Steve
thanks for everyones input
wasnt able to respond sooner
the turbos came from 2 different reliable local suppliers, on 2 different occasions
each time there were 6, both times they all died.
the salinity is 1.0235. used a slow drip acclimate in a 5 gallon tub, about 1 1/2 hour
the hermits are varied sizes, but smaller than the snails
there is enough algae for them to eat

thats about it
still stumped, but suppose it could be the hermits