why is god torturing me?

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clown fish
Mar 11, 2007
ive had the worst month of my life. im sure this doesnt compare to most of your lives but im only 17 and idk what to do. first my brand new snowboard ($300) was stolen it was less than a week old. then that same day my dog got ran over by a truck. and today i flipped my car while driving on ice and its goign to be a a lot of money to fix (which i have to pay for) and i might not be able to drive anymore for a least a year.
Hey Listen To Me And Do It Now ...i Have Had At One Time A Steady Job, Paid Well Very Well For My Age Which At Time I Was 20 Ish! I Had A Girl Friend That Looked Just Like The Main Girl In Hugh Heffners House And A 2 Bed House And A Sweet Vdub ...little Behold The House Burnt Down She Left Said I Was Too Good Of A Guy Cell Phone Got Shut Off Had To Sell Car To Keep Dependable Truck Lost Job Next Week Half Bills Went To Collection ....no One Would Hire Me Because Had No G.e.d. At Time And Lived In Truck Till Spring Spokane Gets Cold......untill I Meet My Wife Now Of 8 Years He Is Testing Your Faith In Him And Life Remember Everything H A P P E N S F O R A R E A S O N!
God Is Love Will L B
vmmoneypit is right. We always try to figure out things so they make sense to us. Just remember. All things are in his time. Put your trust in God and ask for his direction.
First off, I would like to remind everyone to read this thread. http://www.reeffrontiers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6028

In spite of that, even though I'm a stranger from a different city, if you need to talk to someone, there are ways to contact me that don't break RF's User Agreement.

The car and the snowboard can be easily replaced. I'm really sad about your dog....I'm sure that really hurt. Beyond everything previously stated....it's not what happens to you, it's how you choose to deal with it. Trust me on this one....God isn't torturing you....sometimes things just plain ole stink. Hang in there. You're already doing the right thing. You're contacting friends for support.
Yeah man, those things really suck. I sure am sorry about your dog, but you will get through it. Look at it more as a test than torture. My best friend died right after I graduated highschool but I got through it too. Time heals, and sometimes it doesnt take than long to stop hurting.
I wouldn't think that god is torturing you if you got out of the car that flipped. It probably could've been a lot worse. Keep your head up and sorry for the loss of your dog.
thanks everyone, but i stillkeep asking myself, "what did i do wrong?!?!?" why me? why should this happen to anyyone, i will admit flipping my car was mainly my fault but the snowboard and dog,i jsut dont know, i hate to say it but i think im failing gods test im starting to lose hope and im not sure what to do.
Ricky sometimes it's hard to accept acts occurring randomly - either good or bad, but don't forget: "shrimp happens." Consider what led up to each bummer and learn to better avoid the same bad results. Doesn't mean we can prevent undesirable outcomes at all times, but when something bad happens, don't look for blame, look for how to avoid it's recurrence. As many said, keep your chin up dude. Even in the worst of days, you are better off than many kings in this big ol world.
Peace friend,
I can understand those crappy months, where you feel like everyones against you, but honestly, how can we appreciate all the good without a little bad in our lives? There was a few months last year when I just wanted to give up, hide in a corner... But, these last few months have been amazing, and I have learned how to fight back and get myself back up. Sure it wasnt easy, but it is all lessons of life and we have to learn how to deal. Think of it this way - the earlier you learn the lesson (even though we may not know what it is yet) the more you will be able to use it later on. Yea I know Im just a sophmore but, we are all here for you!
Its not the size of the Dog. Its the fight in the Dog. In other words its not what happens to you. Its how you react to it. You did your tuff time. Now lets look forward to good times. You know Jesus died for our sins. That is why you see the cross with words stating paid in full. I am asking you to forgive your self. That may be the hardest part.

Sometimes God has intentions for people and animals to be other places. The selfish thing is giving that up. You do not want them to go. Hang in there Buddy!
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yeah thanks everyone, i have been shown that i have it pretty well off compared to many many many people in the world and im thankful that no human life was lost in my trial of bad luck but i lost a very good friend R.I.P.
Ricky, hope things are better for you, could give you a whole line of crap, like...
I cried because I had no shoes, till I saw a man that had no legs....or
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.....(this is true, by the way..:) )....
Take if from an old person, things always happen for a reason. you may not know it now, or for years down the road, but one thing leads to another, and one day you will look back and see.
When bad things happens, it's either
1) the Devil palying games, in which case you should look up and say "yo, Big Dude, maybe a little help down here, please?" Or
2) God is testing you in order to mold you into the person He knows you can be, because He loves you. And me...sometimes I wish He didn't love me quite so much, haha!

Chin up, keep the faith...look in the bright side, I'm pretty sure you'll know what to do (or not to do) on the ice next time.

Keep a good mind, and a better heart, and don't sweat the small stuff. Except for the dog, my sincerest sympathies about that, I just lost a cat a couple of weeks ago. *sob*
The only thing I hear that isn't replaceable, is your dog, and even with that loss, there will be another one that comes along.

No life isn't fair, but as you've come to understand it sounds like is not matter how bad your life seems right now, there are 1000 people off worse than you. Dead or dieing relatives, fighting cancer, morgage and money issues, and so on............you're only 17, so I now lifes priorities are your car, snowboards, cell phones, and such.........in the grand scheme of things, all little issues.

Be thankfull for everyday you have on this earth, Have faith in what ever you want, but I really don't think the big man has your snowboard on the top of his list. Count it as lessons learned, don't drive fast on Ice, I've totalled cars before and just be thankfull you walked away. It's just a car. Not to sound cold, but buy another one or fix the one you got. Pretty simple in my book.

R.I.P woofie
hang in there Brother! God Is Love and never tempts nor tortures, times like these are what brings people to Christ! Everything happens for a reason. even bad things bring new good things.
For me life with out God is hopeless!

God bless
