Will a sixline wrasse mess with established pair of perculas and a bicolor in 45g

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Jul 22, 2007
Well I have a 45g with a pair of perculas and a bicolor blenny and was wondering would there be any conflict if I were to add the sixline last?
No problem

You won't have any problem as far as the sixline goes they are harmless but your clowns might pick on it at first
That I can handle I read taht the 6lines are pretty aggressive. so I think it can hold its own ground. Thanks for the quick reply.
I love my Sixline!

Well I have a 45g with a pair of perculas and a bicolor blenny and was wondering would there be any conflict if I were to add the sixline last?

Important to add last.


Besides its incredible beauty, it is great fun to watch whizzing around tank, playing in heavy water current and "schooling" around with other fish.

It is a fish with wonderful characteristics.

It will eat flatworms, bristle worms, small nuisance snails (esp. those that prey on clams) and is known to act as a "cleaner" to other fish that might be afflicted with some parasite such as Ick.

I often see it carefully inspecting my larger fish, which will hold still for it to do so.

While it does carry a bad rep for being overly aggressive, mine is the most docile, mellow and fish friendly in the tank. The reason being it was the last fish to be added to the population, other then my flame wrasse, which it does not bother at all. It seems to be that they will not tolerate new fish.

He has lots of personality and fun to watch him following around my coral beauty which his best friend.

The only downside that I have heard of, is that it also loves copepods which will put it in competition with other pod eaters, such as mandarins. But my mandarin is a fat little sausage so does not seem to be a problem in my tank.

So for a cheap, colorful and playful addition to a already established fish population, consider adding a sixline wrasse.

It is the perfect reef fish.

I love mine.

Important to add last.


Besides its incredible beauty, it is great fun to watch whizzing around tank, playing in heavy water current and "schooling" around with other fish.

It is a fish with wonderful characteristics.

It will eat flatworms, bristle worms, small nuisance snails (esp. those that prey on clams) and is known to act as a "cleaner" to other fish that might be afflicted with some parasite such as Ick.

I often see it carefully inspecting my larger fish, which will hold still for it to do so.

While it does carry a bad rep for being overly aggressive, mine is the most docile, mellow and fish friendly in the tank. The reason being it was the last fish to be added to the population, other then my flame wrasse, which it does not bother at all. It seems to be that they will not tolerate new fish.

He has lots of personality and fun to watch him following around my coral beauty which his best friend.

The only downside that I have heard of, is that it also loves copepods which will put it in competition with other pod eaters, such as mandarins. But my mandarin is a fat little sausage so does not seem to be a problem in my tank.

So for a cheap, colorful and playful addition to a already established fish population, consider adding a sixline wrasse.

It is the perfect reef fish.

I love mine.


I think I am noticing the cleaning action, I just got one today and my coral beauty follows it everywhere and tilts and it even tries to go into small holes. But the wrasse has no interest. I have a 1.5inch picasso trigger that chases it here and there only when they run into each other but rarely drives full force at it, but gives up since it cant get into a small hole. Will the trigger get tired and ignore it?And dont bash me about the trigger being in a 45g I will move it to my brothers tank which is 130g
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when the trigger is small its fine in a small tank but as u said will need more room one day

sixline wrasse are a hard fish to explain i like mine it is very nice fish althought can have split personalitys at times i think they care about certain fish more then otheres mine will have a bit of a go at my scooter dragonet and group bashed these nice damsels i got i dopnt like damsels but it was an expetion because of the colour but yeh he hit it a few times and then my female black Ocs clown grabbed it in her mouth and held it for about 10 seconds then spat it in her anenome this was a strange occurance to see a clown grab a fish like a trigger

i think if its the last fish u add shouldnt be a problem but i would of thought u would add another fish to that tank anyway maybe a clown goby or sumthing ? because if u add it afterwards dont know what would happen
I got enough fish thats why I decided to put it in last. The trigger doesnt go full force chase maybe a little chase and ignores it. The trigger cant fit into the small holes, its too fat, while the wrasse slips right through. I was thinking of adding a yellow tail damsel but I am a little worried about my pair of perculas. Would the clowns beat on it instead or would the yellow tail bash on them?