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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Red Volitan
Dec 30, 2007
University Place, WA
I'm new to the hobby. I've got a few months under my belt and a whole lot of reading and asking questions. I pretty much inherited a 46 bow established with LR, LS, and a few critters. I've since put in a few odds and ends, and am trying to take this as slow as my patience, or lack thereof will allow. I would appreciate more info on PSAS. e.g. Dues, meeting times and places, topics discussed, etc. I pretty much need the full rundown. I am anxious to meet the people I have talked back and forth with on RF. Seems to be a great bunch, and quite knowledgeable. So far I havent had any major screw ups yet with the exception of letting myself get talked into a Condylactis anemone. She's given me a couple scares, but seems ok at the moment. She shrunk up golf ball sized and fell off her rock today. I helped her back up to the top and she seems fine now. I dunno. Other than that I learned that porcupine puffers like to eat coral banded shrimp... alot. But over all, its going well. Water quality is pristine, so that helps. I'm rambling now. So if I could get info to get me started, that would rock. Thanks!


Here's what I have for now. It's a slow process.
We all are learning even after many years. Please email me at [email protected]. I will make sure you get information about next club meeting.
The next club meeting is in Silverdale on January 19th. The topic will be food preparation for animals. Please email me and I will share information.

Thanks in Advance,
Ed Hahn