Wow! What A Great Meeting!

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2003
I really enjoyed tonight's meeting. Great to see so many new members and a few familiar faces I haven't seen in awhile. :) I hope to see you all again at the December meeting/dinner.

Thank you so much to our participating vendors, Aquatic Dreams (hope you made it home safely and in good time, Kevin!), IAP, Indoor Reef, Reef Fantasea, Saltwater City and Shark's Reef. Thanks also to Warner Marine Products (sorry you couldn't make it, John - was looking forward to seeing you again) and Aaron/My Coral Beauty.

I'm glad we were able to bring together our members and our local vendors. I hope everyone had a great time.
Oh and Curt, it was wonderful meeting you! Thanks for coming to visit. And Ed, always a pleasure to see you on this side of the world. :)
Hey all,

First time at a meeting, and yes kudos to the sponsors. Lots of great stuff being given away (too bad there wasn't more for sale though)...

Are there any plans for a PSAS frag swap/sale, or tank tour coming up?

My first meeting too, and good to put some names to faces finally.

I was pretty happy to walk away with the skimmer from the raffle (the main one, not the Saltwater City one), despite me accidentally dropping the pump on the floor. Go me.

Its still in the car, and I don't feel like dragging it out tonight, but I'm still trying to figure out what the specs on that thing are. I remember hearing it was a GenX skimmer, which I didn't know they even did. Regardless, I imagine its higher performance than my Urchin Pro, and the footprint appears comperable, if not a little shorter overall, which is a major problem with my stand.

I'm looking forward to next month's meeting! Maybe I'll actually put one a nametag and introduce myself to a few more people that time around. =)

Made it home OK :) Hope everyone enjoys the items they got. Post some pictures when they settle in. Next trip I hope to be able to talk more and have a few beers instead of selling. It was nice to meet everyone from the boards. Thank you for supporting my store.

I really enjoyed the meeting as well. Thanks to the club board members for coming through with a great meeting. The vendors outdid themselves, I hope they all had a good time. Kevin, thanks for making the trip. Would have been nice if you didn't have to rush back home. You are always more than welcome to crash at my place. I hope it was worth the trip for you, if nothing more to see your buddies here on the west side of the state :) Hope to see you sometime soon on YOUR side of the state. I will take a pic sometime soon.

I hope SWC's after hours sale went well too. I didn't get a chance to make it over there after the meeting :(

Was nice to meet Eric from The Shark Reef, the gang at Indoor Reef, of course Larry at IAP and many more :)

Good meeting PSAS!!!
Hey mtndew, I went to their after hour sales, and piced up 2 part additives, and a calcium test kit, because I got kevinpos giant Gigas.
I had a blast getting to put some faces with the names. I greatly enjoyed meeting you. Looking forward to getting to know everyone better over time.

PS...I likely won't have computer access again until Tuesday so if I disappear, I'm not ignoring you.
Yes, it was good to have a chance to talk with both the vendors and the members.

And also, it is a great idea to have the dinner next month, so that those of us not quite as lucky at this month's raffle still end up winning!
My first meeting as well and it was great to see all the vendors come out and support the club so that we can support them. I went to SWC's after hours sale and it was awesome! They had the biggest RBTA I had ever seen in person as well as a ton of great looking GBTA's and a good supply of fish I dont normally see at my LFS. Walked out with a Picasso and a SFE ooohh and the biggest piece of Marshall Island LR..... what a great store that is, I will be making the trip up there soon for one of those anenome's.
The PSAS event was great, we all really enjoyed seeing our current customers and it was great getting to meet new customers. I hope that everyone had a good time. The after hours sale was hectic but a lot of fun.

Manager of Saltwater City
am i missed all the great event ,,big time,,,sorry ,,my daughter had a surprise dinner for me when i got home,,just can't do it,,tell me meeeeee what i missed,,,
Kevin,,i support to pick up cooooooolllllm stuff from you..ahhh.
maybe next time.
Hey again,

I don't know if the vendors read this thread at all, but I tried stopping by SWC's after hours sale and they were closed. In the future if they want to hold that kind of event I would highly recommend sending 1 or 2 of the guys back so they are there when the first event ends for folks who have to get home. :) . Heh, I really wanted to get some new bit for the tank too, yes that was the sound of money burning a hole in my pocket. Maybe I should just get to a bank instead...
not sure when you left the meeting but I left at about 9 (when it was actually over) and headed over there and they were open. I walked in at the same time as UWSCOTCH and right behind sw teen and some others. They did send 2 of their guys back there to open the store and then the two other people showed up about 10 minutes after I did. I thought SWC putting on that kind of after hours sale was awesome and I applaud them for doing it and for the great prices and items I got.
It nice to see some of the old face again and of course new ones too at the vendor night. It was alot of fun. For all you guyz that made it, thank you for supporting you local vendors. Hope we can do this again in the feature.

Reef FantaSea Reef System
Was Great to see your stuuf reeffan If Im ever looking fer a skimmer again Ill be mailin ya.

Since I didnt win the big ETSS skimmer

Get that web site up


Just cause it was your ticket that guy pulled out 1st, before deciding to mix them don't mean nuttin! *wink*

I enjoyed talking with all the various Venders at the meeting very much. Not to mention having the pleasure of putting faced to every one's nicknames here. EXCELLENT MEETING! Thanks to everyone that took care of the organization to set this up for us!!!
