XM 15k's are now available

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I asked him after the PSAS Light presentation/talk he gave our club. At that point, Jason has not yet sent him any bulbs for testing.

I'm not sure if he does now, though.

- Elmo
I talked with Sanjay yesterday he has the bulbs and is going to do the tests.

Well i figured as cheap as the bulbs are I might as well just get some since my old bulbs are pushing 16months :shock: So these will probably have to be better :lol: Hopefully I will get mine soon, the color looks pretty good.
Mike thanks for the news. Now you have to get the exclusive first results here at reeffrontiers.
LOL Brad.

Hey Tom call me when you get them in I want to put a par meter on them.

Here is another new test and link that compares almost all bulbs. This XM-15 really suck the big one :D Now scroll way down to the bottom of the page. You will see all the bulb names in "red". If you have Java you will get a PAR plott on each bulb. I have always liked the XM-10K

The link is on the right column
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Hey Mojo, have you tried an AC 14K yet? I pulled a Radium and Sun Aquatic 20K last night and put in a XM 15K and 400w AC 14K. That AC 14k is bright and if it burns in close to what it looks like now, I will be very pleased. I'm going to through my Apogee under them next week.
This is really appalling. The reason being, I ran a 20k XM SE bulb a couple years ago, and know it is less bright than this 15k XM SE bulb i'm running now.

Now I'm thinking, it may just be the lack of that higher blue spike, and that's it.

The anemones seem to like this XM 15k, though, so I may wait before doing anything.

- Elmo
Its weird I put a apogee meter under the radium and the 15k when I first got the 15k and it had a higher par value then the radium, now I just redid it and its lower??? That would be after 2 weeks of burn in.

Redeye The ac seems to have a bit more more par then the radium 147 to 170 in the 400 watter. Spikes look pretty close, looks like thiers more violet/uv in the AC, that might have some neat results. Have you run the 14 k's yet??

Maybe you guys are getting you apogee confused with periagee:lol:

Elmo, when you say bright do you mean what your eyes sees ?? A 20K may very well appear less bright than a 15K, as it has more blue and you do not see blue that well.
Yup boomer. The 15ks just seem brighter overall to my eyes than the 20k XMs I had a couple years ago. I have to remember that color doesn't really necessarily mean its directly related to PAR, because from Sanjay's tests, it seems that the 15ks put out less PAR than the 20ks, even though the 15ks seem 'brighter'.

Now i'm a bit confused, but the anemones like it so far. Burning 8-9 hours daily.

- Elmo
Elmo you should buy those iwasakis off me, lol Those anenomes grew up under 250Watt 2OK hqi's

A reason to run out and a buy a good light meter :) Actincs actually look really dull, to us on a light meter but to a apogee meter another issue. Purple light puts out almost twice as much energy as red light.....think calories ;D Red light also hard to see right. Our eyes are set to 420-440 nm, same as a light meter (lux/ftc). The best light bulb that duplicates a reef is the Iwasaki 400 w MH.
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