Yellow Clown Goby

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2004
Spokane Washington
I purchased a yellow clown goby a few months ago. Its was yellow with vivid blue lines. I noticed it just loves hiding in the acropora and irrated the corals in a few spots. Since introduction its changed color. Its now a very distinct black color with blude lines. Is this normal? I also seem to notice it likes the long fuzzy polyps of my acropora millepora. I wondered if this was at all related to its color change.
Sounds like a great question for Terry.

My understanding is that both diet and age of fish effect the coloration.

Some fish changes color through their maturation and particular nutrients in good foods maintain or change coloration.
you've got a citron clown goby, and they do change colors to black depending on mood/diet, and when you turn on/off the lights. your fish will still have the ability to turn yellow again although citrons get darker along the top half of their body as they mature.
Its good to know that this is pretty much normal for its species. I never have looked at him at night. I think I will try tonight to see if he changes to a more yellow color.
expect him to be most color after the lights been on 3+ hours & after a feeding. My yellow and green ones always were