Yellow Tang

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Yea great algae eaters and sometimes a problem with other similar Tangs or Herbivorous fish that are placed in system after they establish it as thiers. But of the colorful Tangs that can be kept in a DT less than a 150g they are probably the easiest and most peaceful. Mine after a little initial tail slapping gets along with a Kole Tang just fine in a 75g DT and hopefully will stay so until I get my larger system built. He does chase a Bi-color Blenny and my Flame Hawk around but I think its just a game for them as no harm done.

I very much doubt it as mine has completely ignored my two Bangais and Clowns and would probably ignore any Damsels as well

Yellow tang = yellow devil fish. My experience with them has been definitely not playing well with others including other fish not of the same species. I have had 6 of the yellows and never again. But that’s just me.
I just got a yellow tang and it tries to show up my sailfin tang that is twice the size of the yellow. The sailfin tang is like a puppy dog, he'll come up and eat from my hand. I'm new to this too. JME..
finn - My tank has been up a little over 2 months.

Mixed stories makes it hard to decide lol. I guess I'll just have to take the risk and if it doesn't work out take the Tang back.
I got a yellow tang at the Barrier Reef a few weeks ago. He is fine with my clowns, gramma,coral beauty and mandarin. Chases the Copperband Butterfly all the time. It rules the tank without question
It really just depends if the yellow tang you get is a jerk or not.

Some are nice and cool and don't really care about who you put in the tank with them.

Some are jerks and will bully everyone in your tank just because they can.

Other's will just not tolerate another "like bodied" fish. They all have their own personalities, just like people.

The yellow tang I used to have did not tolerate other tangs, nor did he like "like bodied" fish. I sold him because he would no leave my Naso that was twice his size alone.

Currently I have an Atlantic Blue, Naso, Purple, and a Scopas Tang and they all get along fine. The purple and Scopas occasionally harass my CBB.

All in all my clowns run the tank. They just run everyone away from their nest. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when my Atlantic Blue matures Zues does not turn into to big of a tyrant as the CBB (Beaker) and Zues are my 2 favorite fish in my tank.