Yet another Ca alk question

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I have just tested alk after my first lot of dosing overnight and its 7.55dKH which is a big improvement. Im going to continue to dose alk until I reach 10-11dKH.

This correlates to around 430 for my ca. Which I will slowly drip in to achieve.

Once I've reached my targets I will be running all my top off water through my kalk stirrer(I suppose this will create another dilema of how much kalk do I put in it).

Ok what are the advantages and disadvantages of higher ca and alk, Im assuming it will encourage a more rapid growth rate as more ca and carbonate for skeleton(is this right).
Take your time... there is no rush! Raising your Ca and Alk does not have to be done in less than a week. Why rush... get used to slow adjustments. Your fish and coral will appreciate it.
Yeah I often wonder about it cause I have heard of heaps of people pushing huge ca concentrations in their tanks.

Whats the general opinion on this one??

It makes absolutely no sense to push Calcium to ridiculous levels to try and grow SPS faster or coralline algae faster. In fact, doing so merely raises your chances of a precipitation event and that's not good for anything.