You Know Your A Reefer when:

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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When you put off buying new shoes, even tho you can see your socks thru the open soles..and your shoes now have mouths on them..and you can make them talk by wiggling your save money for a LOT of snails and crabs. LOL
You know your a reefer when you come home and notice that 1 if your fish is missing and find it in your overflow and treat it like its an emergency.It took a hour chasing a dartfish from a overflow to a sump and finely caught thelittle bugga:)Now im eating cold dinner:(....But rescue mission succesful:lol:
When the Fed-ex dude, asks to come in and see what all this stuff hes delivering is for.
The screen saver on your phone is a coral reef.
People say "Hey Fishman Steve, How you doing?"
If you open the hood of your fishtank at night. It lights up your neighbors house across the street.
You have a 3 yearold that can say Tricadia, Montipora, Acropora, Favia, and many others.
you know your a reefer when...
Your kinda feelin under the weather so you decide to take the day off work (even though your plenty healthy to work) so you can do some over due maintance and catch up on RF.
Hope the boss aint readin this!!:D
Hope the boss aint readin this!!


You know your a reefer when you are afraid to do a water change on your tank because you are on anti-biotics for a throat infection and don't want the fish to catch it:)
whooo hoo, Make my day!!!
More time to spend reefin'
Hey can ya not tell the wife?:D
you know your a reefer when.....
Your the last one to tell everybody why your a reefer!!!:D :D
You know you are a reefer when the police come knocking on your door wanting to know what you are growing in your house!

Or when you jump in the car at 8:20 at night and rushing to the LFS 20 miles away to get more carbon because you need to change it but you are out.

Or when you see a stainless habachi and think "wow, it would make a great metal halide reflector"

Or when you squirrel money away, a dollar or two at a time, just to save up enough for your favorite sea critter
Oh, I almost forgot: when you dying to get some sleep, and it is 11:40 at night and the whole house is asleep, but you are still online checking the latest RF posts!