YT is not eating

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Well-known member
May 12, 2007
Hi community

My YT has stop eat, I just bought it 4 days ago and he is refusing to eat. It is starting to look skinnie, and some little red spots on the sides, I have been trying to give him frozen, sea algae on clip, algae on pices, nori, formula one pelets, everything and is not eating. What can I do??

My tank is kind of new is has been running for 2 month, the other fish 2 perculas and 2 cromis are doing really good.

Parameters are Ok
55G tank
skimmer Aqua C remora PRO w/mag 3
14G sump
2 Power heads
40 lbs. LR
CPR100 Over Flow
Acura 300W Heater
Filter Rena XP3
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You say it 'stopped eating.' Then it was eating? What was it eating and exactly when? Did you make sure it was eating when you bought it?

The tank is not the best for a Yellow Tang (i.e., too small). You don't mention the size of the Tang.

At this point, the fish not being in quarantine where it can be better trained on what to eat:shock:, the best you can hope for is that will come around on its own. If it has little stored energy (the thickness on the dorsal side of the fish), it may live a few days or a couple of weeks without eating.

If it is a very small fish, it should be interested in pods. You can try gut loaded brine shrimp, mysis, and some live brine shrimp. To get the fish eating, you can try blood worms, too.

If however it is having water quality issues (and the markings you described could be a sign of water quality not being the best for the fish:evil:, which makes sense since the tank is a bit too young for fishes:evil:), the best you can do for it is to make large, frequent water changes, paying close attention to do this properly: How to Make a Successful Water Change

The large (50%+) water change every day for three consecutive days could bring the fish around. But you'll need to discover the cause of the water quality issue, if it just isn't because the tank is too new.

Thanx a lot

Yes it was eating frozen food and some red algae for a cuple of days since I brought it, however I have seen in on a better mode but still not eating.

I still puting the frozen food but most of it is has been eaten by 2 perculas and 2 chromis.

I will be doing some WC in the next days to see how he reacts.

Thanx a lot

th efish is like 3" long is not too big, and
aaron7405 - let us know how the tang does. Can you post your water parameter numbers? Even though you posted they are OK, sometimes it helps to see everything that is going on in the tank, and the actual numbers will help. Hopefully, the water changes will help, and you'll see the tang starting to eat again.
aaron7405 - let us know how the tang does. Can you post your water parameter numbers? Even though you posted they are OK, sometimes it helps to see everything that is going on in the tank, and the actual numbers will help. Hopefully, the water changes will help, and you'll see the tang starting to eat again.

I made a parameter check numbers yestarday.

This are the numbers:

PH 8.2
Amonnia: .25 (little hight):(
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Calcium 450
Salinity 1.022

What I notice is last week I made a change on my skimmer, I move it from the hang to the tank, to be hang in my sump and I add a Rena XP3 filter so the skimmer stop working until yertarday start to kick again.

I made water yestarday to WC but im weiting to be the same PH to made the change. Is has been running with an air stone and a powerhead for circulation since yestarday.

I will be posting the news

has start to eat

I just fed the tank with Frozzen "Emeral Entree" by San Francisco Bay Food. And the Yellow has starten to eat with great apettite (no wonder after 2 days with out it). I hope he keep this way, About the red sport they have goone. but still will keep a close eye to Yellow.

Still will performe a WC tonigth. My water has met the propiet PH now. It will help me to reduce the amonia. I think the amonia went up by overfeding trying to make the YT to eat.

Thanx a lot. I will be keep inform
Sounds like good progress! Take care of the water quality and the fish will probably come around.

You should read this when you have the opportunity: What is Water Quality