ZEOvit. Lets talk

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Jul 6, 2005
ZEOvit. Lets talk about it

I just wanted to start a thread on here to talk about ZEOvit. I have been using the system since the first couple of months it was in the USA.

The total system size I was using it on was approx 850 gallons. A 240 show and the rest was my coral farm. It was all plumbed into one system for ease of management. One large skimmer, 1 controller, 1 large reactor, etc.

There are a lot of people on the system now in the USA. There are some of the most beautiful tanks I have ever seen. Not for one minute to I nor anyone I know of that uses ZEOvit think this is the only system that works, that is simply not true. I have seen a lot of tanks out there that are just as good as ZEOvit tanks. I personally just find that with good husbandry and ZEOvit my tanks have NEVER looked better. (Minus the last 2 months as I have been dry, built all new tanks :D).

There are a lot of people out there afraid of trying new things. I can remember back when people started using Calcium RX, and kalk, people thought they were CRAZY for trying such things. Then came the big debate over the BB systems. The on thing that kills me is when some people say I won’t us something b/c I don’t know what’s in it, and I can’t test for it. Well to be totally honest we only know about the things in the stuff we use based on what the Manufactures tell us and what few things we can test for. Personally I have no clue what’s in my salt other then what they tell me, and what I can test for. To be honest I am not worried what’s in it, which is why I am paying them by buying there product to test and know what is in it. This is not to sound like I don’t care b/c I do, but lets be honest if we were afraid of the unknown then we would never leave our house. I am trying to get my tanks as close to NSW as the corals live in daily, lower levels of nutrients is our goal, so the corals colors can get back to the vibrant colors they are in the ocean.

As you know ZEOvit is a hot topic on some of the boards as it should be, its new to the USA, just like Calcium RX and Kalk was not too many years ago. I was skeptical then too :D. What did I know I was into FOWLR for the last 18 years haha. ZEOvit has been out in Europe for many years so that was enough for me to take a try. I got it, started using it and immediately noticed my algae's were leaving my tank. I have tried everything in the past, over skim (if that is possible) BB, DSB, you name it. I went from cleaning my front glass from daily/ever couple of days to once/twice a month. I love the system. The parts of the system that I use are as follows.

ZEOlith: ZEOvit consists of three different sized untreated and all natural Zeoliths of highest quality. For best results it should be used in a filter. If used in combination with ZEObak and ZEOfood, ZEOvit will safely remove nitrate and phosphate from the aquarium..

ZEObak: ZEObak contains various types of bacteria and when used in combination with ZEOfood, corals are able to take up the planktonic bacteria..

ZEOfood: contains amino acids and vitamins for optimal coral growth. ZEOfood increases bacterial growth that supplies corals with all necessary elements for healthy growth. If used in combination with ZEObak, levels of nitrate and nitrite are reduced.

ZEOstart: (now start2) accelerates the cycling process, ZEOstart2 brings out amazing metallic colors in Acropora, Montipora, Stylophora and Pocillopora
Amino Acid and Amino Acid LPS: Continuous use of amino acids is essential in a low nutrient environment. The addition of amino acids has shown advantageous results for all coral species leading to stronger growth, better coloration and better polyp expansion. When I dose the LPS the polyps have never been out as far as they are when I dose this.

SPUR2: I have not had a system up long enough before breaking it down to dose Spur2. From the tanks I have seen in person and in pics after dosing Spu2 the colors pop like the 4th of july. You have to be VERY specific when you dose Spur2, just like dosing any product there is a risk of overdose with Spu2. But if you follow the instructions then no problems have been reported. Apply 1 ml per 25 gallons every 8-10 days.

Carbon is a big part of the system, as it should be in any reef tank with or without ZEOvit. It will help to absorb poisonous and remove yellowing compounds from the water.

Again do I think ZEOvit is the only way to get colorful corals heck no, at IMAC I was talking to JBNY and told him he has one of the best looking Non-ZEOvit tanks with a DSB I have EVER seen. ZEOvit is not a miracle in a bottle, you have to practice good husbandry or you will FAIL. This is not an all in wonder that will allow you to slack, I find it allows me to show off all the hard work I do with Beautiful, Colorful, and Healthy corals.

I know this is a lot, but I just wanted to let you all know what has worked well for me. This is not a system for a person that hopes to see the effect after a few days, if so then this will not work for them. This system takes time and patience, but the results are very worthwhile. Please ask any questions or ideas you have about the system. 2 more things, I am not on here to post just to sell product b/c I can do that anywhere, I am also not here to bash anybody’s reef tank practices so please don’t bash mine. I feel we can all talk open and honest here and learn from each other. Remember an Open mind can only be positive thing! I look forward to a great conversation here at Reef Frontiers.

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Hi, Scott, I have zero knowledge of any of the zeo products. I would love to see some pictures of your tanks before tear down. I am always open to new ways of doing things. I would also like to see the filter systems and more on how and why it is though that they work. Steve
I would really like to try some new products...I have only been doing kalkwasser on this system for about 2 months now..I have a 75 gallon tank with all types of sps..Would it possible for you to make a list of things I should use?

wrightme43 said:
Hi, Scott, I have zero knowledge of any of the zeo products. I would love to see some pictures of your tanks before tear down. I am always open to new ways of doing things. I would also like to see the filter systems and more on how and why it is though that they work. Steve

Steve you got it, I have some pics I can post for you :D. Please remember I am a frag grower/computer nerd not a camera man :D







This is from a 1" frag, I broke it off the piece of rock it was on trying to get a fish out of my tank. :(

Here is the 240 after being setup for an hour.

Here are some pieces I hooked a friend up with as I was breaking down my tanks. :D talking about being in the right place at the right time lol.





he is holding this one for me :D.
Good post Scott. I have had a few brief conversations online with the likes of Bob and others, So I have a grasp of the concept, I think, lol. I think what has made zeovit a little different then most is the mystery that seems to be surronding it. I can understand product content secrecy and I do respest that, so lets talk in general terms and try to break it down a bit so folks have a better understanding of the concept.
Ok so from reading your discription of products let me know if I can get my hands around this.
ZEOlith is a type of zeolite which I imagine is used for ammonia absorbsion?? You then add ZEObak (anaerobic bacteria I would imagine) to the zeolite to populate it with bacteria. I guess the thinking is that you would have the ammonia being absorbed by the zeolite rock and then released and bound organically to the bacteria?? ZEOfood is a combination food source for the bacteria you just added to the rocks to create an artifical population of bacteria to overkill the nutrients?? Not sure how this would effect nitrate reduction though?? No idea on the purpose of the ZEOstart any help thier maybe?? same question on the SPUR2??

In reading your opening post Scott I am seeing a bit of a difference in concept then that of what I was originally told earlier in the zeo days. When this product system first came out and through a long conversation with ???? darn if I can remember his name, I think he was the fellow that brought it to the US. Anyway I was geetting the impression that it was a system that reduced nutrients in the system (some might say a bit to much) and then a series of mystical additives to keep the corals on life support and thus enhancing the coloration of the corals through zoox reduction.
Now in reading these product discriptions I am seeing an overall difference in approach and/or concept. From what I am reading it sounds like the system still centers on nutrient reduction but instead of mystical additives for the corals its more about bacterial enhancement, population increases that will in turn feed the corals??
I find this discription alot easier to understand and I can see some merit to it.
So am I in the ball park here??

jetaero said:
I would really like to try some new products...I have only been doing kalkwasser on this system for about 2 months now..I have a 75 gallon tank with all types of sps..Would it possible for you to make a list of things I should use?



With ZEOvit you wont have to run Kalk anymore. With the ZEOvit system all that is needed is as follows.

1. Skimmer
2. Calcium RX, or 2 part doser of some sort to keep calcium around 420ish
3. ZEOvit reactor. From the $300 version to the $25.00 version if you diy one :D.
4. ZEOvit system. ("Basic 4") 1. ZEOlith (1 bag per 100 gallons of water), 2. ZEObak, ZEOfood, ZEOstart2.

To run the system that is all you need.

Very simple to use. 1 drop per 25 gallons for Bak and Food. 1.2/ml per 100 gallons with start2, and 1 bag per 100 gallons for the lith aka rock.

I spent a max of 2 mins on my system per day and that was over 800 gallons. takes 30 seconds to dose per day. Thats it :D. Very nice. Before ZEOvit I spent a lot more time on my tanks, cleaning, etc, once I started ZEOvit I spent a lot less time on it.

Hope that helps, any more questions please ask Josh. Only dumb question is the one you don't ask :D

mojoreef said:
Good post Scott. I have had a few brief conversations online with the likes of Bob and others, So I have a grasp of the concept, I think, lol. I think what has made zeovit a little different then most is the mystery that seems to be surronding it. I can understand product content secrecy and I do respest that, so lets talk in general terms and try to break it down a bit so folks have a better understanding of the concept.
Ok so from reading your discription of products let me know if I can get my hands around this.
ZEOlith is a type of zeolite which I imagine is used for ammonia absorbsion?? You then add ZEObak (anaerobic bacteria I would imagine) to the zeolite to populate it with bacteria. I guess the thinking is that you would have the ammonia being absorbed by the zeolite rock and then released and bound organically to the bacteria?? ZEOfood is a combination food source for the bacteria you just added to the rocks to create an artifical population of bacteria to overkill the nutrients?? Not sure how this would effect nitrate reduction though?? No idea on the purpose of the ZEOstart any help thier maybe?? same question on the SPUR2??

In reading your opening post Scott I am seeing a bit of a difference in concept then that of what I was originally told earlier in the zeo days. When this product system first came out and through a long conversation with ???? darn if I can remember his name, I think he was the fellow that brought it to the US. Anyway I was geetting the impression that it was a system that reduced nutrients in the system (some might say a bit to much) and then a series of mystical additives to keep the corals on life support and thus enhancing the coloration of the corals through zoox reduction.
Now in reading these product discriptions I am seeing an overall difference in approach and/or concept. From what I am reading it sounds like the system still centers on nutrient reduction but instead of mystical additives for the corals its more about bacterial enhancement, population increases that will in turn feed the corals??
I find this discription alot easier to understand and I can see some merit to it.
So am I in the ball park here??

As far as what is in it, I have not a clue lol. I wish I did know more of it, but hopefully in time we will all know a little bit more about what is in it. From my experience I know it works, so I am happy with that. Now if I lost all my corals, etc I would surly what to know what was in it, but after a year I have not lost one so I am Ecstatic :D/

Bob is a good guy for sure; he lives about an hour from me so we talk often, I go over to his house and spend time with he and his wife, they are great people. He was the first on ZEOvit in the USA. From the early days to now I think things have changed some, 1. from the translation from German to English some things were not composed as I think they should have been. No fault on either party, just hard to translate some things.

ZEOlith: you are correct. The goal from the rock is ammonia absorption as well as safely removes nitrate and phosphate from the tank.

ZEOfood: You are correct. Its to feed the bacteria. ZEOfood contains amino acids and vitamins for optimal coral growth. ZEOfood increases bacterial growth that supplies corals with all necessary elements for healthy growth. If used in combination with ZEObak, levels of nitrate and nitrite are reduced.

I guess the thinking is that you would have the ammonia being absorbed by the zeolite rock and then released and bound organically to the bacteria
You are correct; after this happens when you stir the media via the ZEOvit reactor the skimmer should then skim it out of the water. When you stir it is also releasing what is called Mulm, which is what we are feeding to the Corals.

You are totally in the ball park, especially for a person not running it, you know more then a lot of people do :D

Did I answer the first round? I think I got all of them answered, please ask more I do enjoy talking with fellow fish nerds :D as my wife calls us haha.

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Hello Scott,
Beautiful frags and set-up you've got there.I too is in search of experience people to educate me on this system. I have actually visited local dealer to check on the prices as I heard this are expensive add on to our current set-up but I find it reasonable contrary on what I have read.I have registered in zeovit.com and have read some of the articles there. But this is the thread I have been waiting for since I have read your exchanges with Mike on the other thread.

1.Anyway how long did you notice the effect when you started this system.
2.I have read an article that say that using this system we have to cut back on other additives we normally put in our tank like Iodine.trace elements and the likes.With your system how do you do it?
3.The zeobak is this supposed to be refrigerated?And what is its proper handling?
4.There are a lot of product that comes with this.What do you consider to be the minimum requirement for the system to be effective.

I'm planning of testing the system with my 30gal tank.Will the implementation of the system be as easy as they say in their PDF file instruction.Thanks!

Ok then yes the concept of this system has dramatically changed from when it first came out. Or least from the first posts about the system. The front end of this system I will buy (conceptually of coarse, lol). Zeolite has been used for years as an amonia absorbant and absorbing and binding the ammonia to the rock takes it out of system and thus no down the line biproducts (ex:nitrates, nitrites). Concept then kind of gets innovative (if my inderstanding is correct) the add of bacteria and then the feeding of them to increase their population takes the binded ammonia and then binds it to the bacteria, so from organic ammonia to inorganic ammonia bound to zeolites and then back to organics bound in the bacteria. Sure I can live with that.
Ok now it gets a little sticky? you shake the media which would release the bacteria? or the detritus that gets caught up in the media?

On the zeostart and the spur2 I dont need to know what is in them just what are they for??

Good conversation

Awesome looking frags. I am definitely going to tag along here and ask questions as they come up. Thanks for bringing this up. Steve
I checked out the prices and to add all your talking about is not very expensive at all. DIY reactor would make it even less as you said.
Would you mind sharing your tank params? Lighting, temp, flow, other filtration methods, skimmer type and of course ca, alk, ph, phos, na, mg. and the like. If you dont mind. Steve
Skipper J said:
Hello Scott,
Beautiful frags and set-up you've got there.I too is in search of experience people to educate me on this system. I have actually visited local dealer to check on the prices as I heard this are expensive add on to our current set-up but I find it reasonable contrary on what I have read.I have registered in zeovit.com and have read some of the articles there. But this is the thread I have been waiting for since I have read your exchanges with Mike on the other thread.

1.Anyway how long did you notice the effect when you started this system.
2.I have read an article that say that using this system we have to cut back on other additives we normally put in our tank like Iodine.trace elements and the likes.With your system how do you do it?
3.The zeobak is this supposed to be refrigerated?And what is its proper handling?
4.There are a lot of product that comes with this.What do you consider to be the minimum requirement for the system to be effective.

I'm planning of testing the system with my 30gal tank.Will the implementation of the system be as easy as they say in their PDF file instruction.Thanks!



Great to have you along for the chat :D.

Let me try to answer your questions for you.

1. It took me about 3 weeks before I started noticing things. First was the clarity of water. I looked like my fish were floating in the tank, the water had never been this clear in my life. I have owned a SW tank for the last 18 years or so. The corals REALLY took off around month 2 or week 8. I got in some colonies that before would brown out in less then a month. Now I got no color loss and even saw them color up even more. Darker purples, deeper blues, etc.

2. In the system I run and I recommend to other just starting. Use only the basic 4, a good skimmer, good Calcium reactor or 2 part and that is it. No need to dose anything else, no kalk or anything. Just bak, food, start2, lith that is all you will need.

3. Yes keep it in the fridge, nothing special in handling of any of the ZEO stuff, other then I wash off the stones before I add them to the tank, and you don't even have to do that, I just like to get the dust off. we have just come out with a dropper for the small bak. This way its easy to dose it, it costs an extra $1.00 its made of glass, we have $1.00 in it so we charge $1.00 :D.

4. Again, the basic system you need to run is what we call the Basic 4, bak, food, start2, lith.. That is all you need to run. I like a few of the other products as well. The AAHC (amino acid), AALPS (amino acid LPS), and I will use Spur2 in the future. There are many other products that we have, the pocci-stylo glow is great for Deep coloring of stylophora and poccilapora (sp) I don't own any so I don't use this product, but here is a pic using it.



I find the system VERY easy. Nothing to adjust, nothing to play with.. easy as pie. lith = 1 liter per 100 gallons of water, bak/food 1 drop per 25 gallons of water daily for 1st 2 weeks after change out then 2 times per week for the next 4 weeks., start2 1.2ml per 100 gallons daily, after phase 4 which is around month 8 people are using it less. Around 1.2 ml per 100 gallons 2 times per week.

I hope this helped, and please take pics along your journey I do enjoy seeing what people have to say about the system.

mojoreef said:
Ok then yes the concept of this system has dramatically changed from when it first came out. Or least from the first posts about the system. The front end of this system I will buy (conceptually of coarse, lol). Zeolite has been used for years as an amonia absorbant and absorbing and binding the ammonia to the rock takes it out of system and thus no down the line biproducts (ex:nitrates, nitrites). Concept then kind of gets innovative (if my inderstanding is correct) the add of bacteria and then the feeding of them to increase their population takes the binded ammonia and then binds it to the bacteria, so from organic ammonia to inorganic ammonia bound to zeolites and then back to organics bound in the bacteria. Sure I can live with that.
Ok now it gets a little sticky? you shake the media which would release the bacteria? or the detritus that gets caught up in the media?

On the zeostart and the spur2 I dont need to know what is in them just what are they for??

Good conversation


2 parts to the shaking. 1 is to release the mulm to feed the corals, 2. to release the binded stuff, to then be skimmed out by the skimmer. You will notice 100% more dark skimmate, this will happen about day 2 if not sooner on the system.


start2ZEO will bring out the beautiful colors in the acropora, montipora, etc. It is the goal to dose as much as necessary to effectively decrease nutrients. Spur2 brings out the colors like you would not believe, they just pop. I wish I knew more about what was in it to know why it does what it does, it would make it a lot easier to explain why it does that lol.

Hope this helped. :D
wrightme43 said:
Awesome looking frags. I am definitely going to tag along here and ask questions as they come up. Thanks for bringing this up. Steve

Ask anything at anytime Steve :D. Glad to have you in the convo with us :D.

wrightme43 said:
I checked out the prices and to add all your talking about is not very expensive at all. DIY reactor would make it even less as you said.
Would you mind sharing your tank params? Lighting, temp, flow, other filtration methods, skimmer type and of course ca, alk, ph, phos, na, mg. and the like. If you dont mind. Steve

You are correct, its not that much at all to run, I would guess approx $15-20 per 100 gallons per month. I spend that a week on food for me lol.

My system: Tanks: 8x2x2, 7x2x2 80gallon sump
Lighting 6 x 400 watt MH SE
Temp 79-82
Flow Sequence Dart to each system. 2 x Tunze 6060 in each system.
Skimmer: Bubble King 300 External
Calcium RX: Schuran JetStream 1.
PO4 and NO3 levels = PO4 0.5 ppm NO3 <1 ppm
Ca 420-440 ppm, Alk 8.3 dkh, Mg 1390ish ppm

I hope that helps. Any more questions please ask Steve :D.
Well, I would like to talk about it but I'm all worn out from ZeoVIT threads, e-mail and PMs on the stuff. Do a search on RC, The Reef Tank on ZeoVIT, Boomer. Does it produce a low nutrient environment yes, is it magic no, can one do the same thing without ZeoVIT, yes. Habib is doing tests on it right now as I type :D Some guys got so wound-up, their threads were deleted or the thread was locked and closed, mostly by those selling the stuff ;) The real issue is they make claims on how it works but have nothing or will say nothing about their so called claims. Some of their discussion make no sense, i.e, a zeolite in water removing ammonia to run the system. All you guys should know what FW ammonia remover is, which is almost useless in seawater due to ion concentration. However, there are one or two that do it well. They have just supplied a media and a food source. One could to the same with kitty litter, some other porous media and the right liquid food. As of now they have found the right combo. One of the most outrageous statements is how bacteria get into the pores of the zeolites. If one knowns anything about zeolites and zeolite pore structure and I do, trying to fit a bacteria into a zeolite pore is like trying to stick a watermelon up your butt :D Put it this way, find a bacteria the size of an ion and will shut-up :lol: Finally, bacteria will cover up/over all the pore structures, so how do the get in, if they could ? The mechanism of how they claim it works is not how it works. That is why they won't come and answer questions.


I think that is the Bob I have talked to on threads, I like Bob he is a good guy and nut a like others. Another really great guy is a German who has brought this out on may boards is Alexander. He has used it longer than anyone with great success. If you want I will invite him here, I will stay out of all discussions and he can give you his vast experience on the subject of ZeoVit. Here is his tank;
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Boomer said:
Well, I would like to talk about it but I'm all worn out from ZeoVIT threads, e-mail and PMs on the stuff. Do a search on RC, The Reef Tank on ZeoVIT, Boomer. Does it produce a low nutrient environment yes, is it magic no, can one do the same thing without ZeoVIT, yes. Habib is doing tests on it right now as I type :D Some guys got so wound-up, their threads were deleted or the thread was locked and closed, mostly by those selling the stuff ;) The real issue is they make claims on how it works but have nothing or will say nothing about their so called claims. Some of their discussion make no sense, i.e, a zeolite in water removing ammonia to run the system. All you guys should know what FW ammonia remover is, which is almost useless in seawater due to ion concentration. They have just supplied a media and a food source. One could to the same with kitty litter, some other porous media and the right liquid food. As of now they have found the right combo. One of the most outrageous statements is how bacteria get into the pores of the zeolites. If one knowns anything about zeolites and zeolite pore structure and I do, trying to fit a bacteria into a zeolite pore is like trying to stick a watermelon up your butt :D Put it this way, find a bacteria the size of an ion and will shut-up :lol: Finally, bacteria will cover up/over all the pore structures, so how do the get in, if they could ? The mechanism of how they claim it works is not how it works. That is why they won't come and answer questions.

Tell us how you really feel :lol: All I can say is it works for me, the science behind it I can go by what they tell us. Also I was asked to start this thread, I dont go on RC so no need to search there, this is ReefFrontiers not RC. I did a search on here and there wasnt too much info about the system so I started a thread.

Some guys got so wound-up, their threads were deleted or the thread was locked and closed, mostly by those selling the stuff ;)
I would have to disagree with this. Most of the threads that were closed were closed from "close minded people" that wanted to start fights over nothing :( and most of the problems were coming from people that never tried the system, seen the system, etc. To say that they were mostly closed b/c of people selling is simply not true. We are working with RC and things are going well now, I hope it continues to go the way its heading now.
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Boomer said:

I think that is the Bob I have talked to on threads, I like Bob he is a good guy and nut a like others. Another really great guy is a German who has brought this out on may boards is Alexander. He has used it longer than anyone with great success. If you want I will invite him here, I will stay out of all discussions and he can give you his vast experience on the subject of ZeoVit. Here is his tank;

Alexander is a good friend of mine. I am the webadmin/creator of zeovit.com so I know all of them well. I would love to bring some ZEOvit guys over to rf.com to talk and show pics, etc. I just didnt want it to look like I was "trying to sell the product" ;) . I think we can all learn a lot from people using all the different methods of reefkeeping, I know I have learnd a LOT from the forums.


p.s. Boomer no I dont want you to stay out, that is why we are here :D. To learn from each other