zoa problems - solved????

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i have this yellow wrasse..very friendly,very active cruising finding anything to eat on the rocks and sand...never bothered all my shrimp(peppermint,coral banded.fireshrimp,cleaner and harlequin)....

i recommend it..:)
i have this yellow wrasse..very friendly,very active cruising finding anything to eat on the rocks and sand...never bothered all my shrimp(peppermint,coral banded.fireshrimp,cleaner and harlequin)....

i recommend it..:)

Appears to be a "Golden Coris Wrasse - Halichoeres chrysus - Golden Wrasse - Canary Wrasse - Golden Yellow Coris"

Thanks for the input, every bit helps!
So......the infection/predation continues..........another colony affected about 4 days ago, so I removed all of my hermit crabs and emerald crabs to eliminate them as culprits, and yesterday the colony looked much better, and I thought, is it really better, or is my mind playing tricks on me. Today the colony also looked good, and then I got to looking at another colony on the side of the tank, and I saw something that looked like a zoa skirt, but it blew off with a turkey baster. I sucked it up, and lo and behold....another nudi, very small, maybe only 3-4 mm, and a completely different color than the first guy I found. So, what eats nudis? I have a small yellow coris wrasse in there right now, not sure if he will do the trick or not, he does not seem like he surfs the rocks very much for food, kinda just waits for feeding time!

P.S. this guy is still alive in a glass jar in the tank with a mesh covering, Ed Hahn, I think you wanted one? I will try to keep him alive for you if you want him.
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Have you tried this method using FWE to dip Tony?


That was the best i could find that wasn't freshwater dips and quarantine information.

Thanks for looking! Some of the affected colonies have been dipped in lugols, tropic marin, furan, melafix, fresh water, hydrogen peroxide scrub, and even that purple granular stuff which I forget the name of. Anything on those colonies should have died, unless I am dealing with a viral infection.

I have run flatworm exit in the tank before, possibly before the introduction of the nudis. As soon as I can get my hands on some more FE I will try and nuke the tank again. The problem is I cannot dip every colony of zoas, since some of the colonies have spread onto the base rock, so unless I tear the tank completely apart, which may eventually have to happen, I don't want to dip just some of the colonies and stress them out, knowing that there are probably more nudis in the base rock zoas.
That article calls for what would be 4X recommended dosage. I've dosed 3X recommended, in a reef tank, with no ill effect.

Because of the difficulty you'll have removing all the rock to dip, I assume you'll be trying a full tank treatment? I think I'd actually try the 4X recommended dosage, but also have a large amount of saltwater ready for a quick water change, AND a good amount of carbon ready to drop into a filter bag and put in the tank.

Definitely keep us informed of your progress!!

Oh and as far as the last Nudi being a different color than the first one found, Was the last one the same color as the colony of Zoanthids it was found on? From everything I've read, they ingest the Zoanthella of the Zoanthid they're eating, taking on their color. I believe they also absorb the toxins making it a bit difficult to find any natural predators.
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Yikes, I had not run the numbers on the dosage yet, thank you! I am thinking about dosing the tank for about 4-6 hours, then doing a 25+ gallon water change, basically a full tank water change. That should just about kill everything! :D

That article calls for what would be 4X recommended dosage. I've dosed 3X recommended, in a reef tank, with no ill effect.

Because of the difficulty you'll have removing all the rock to dip, I assume you'll be trying a full tank treatment? I think I'd actually try the 4X recommended dosage, but also have a large amount of saltwater ready for a quick water change, AND a good amount of carbon ready to drop into a filter bag and put in the tank.

Definitely keep us informed of your progress!!
i'm just jumping in and haven't read the whole thing yet, but...
talk to atlantic sea farms, Jim has this stuff that is used to de-worm sheep. he says it is "reef-safe" and works great to take out flatworms... he sells it for $1 a pill, i can't remember the "dosage" for a take, but it shouldn't take many of them for a large tank...
That's levamisole. It is shown to "kinda" work for flatworms. There's a VERY long thread about it on Reef Central. There's 2 different types, one for sheep, and one for pigs. The one for pigs will not work, as it's "stabilized." The one for sheep is the one you need, but is becoming very hard to find. It's been used for Freshwater Flatworms for years. Used to be able to get it at feed stores and farm supply stores. Around here, Big R would be the place. However, they've been back ordered on it for almost a year now. They think that it has something to do with some new FDA rules, regarding it's use.

It does not work for Nudibranchs though. The LONG thread on RC shows that many people tried it against Nudis, with no success. That thread also shows that many people have found it to be immediately effective for flatworms, but that they reappear within a couple weeks. After about the 3rd treatment of Levamisole, it seems to be less effective.
There was a big news story about Levamisole recently. It's evidently becoming the drug of choice for cutting cocaine with. It can cause all sorts of immune system failures, but it makes the high more intense or something like that. I guess it's darwinism, but it sure makes it inconvenient for people that want it to use for pests!

I forgot to mention FWE is in Tony, if you still want to try it. You can pick it up with your suckie fish tomorrow, hehe.

There was a big news story about Levamisole recently. It's evidently becoming the drug of choice for cutting cocaine with. It can cause all sorts of immune system failures, but it makes the high more intense or something like that. I guess it's darwinism, but it sure makes it inconvenient for people that want it to use for pests!

I forgot to mention FWE is in Tony, if you still want to try it. You can pick it up with your suckie fish tomorrow, hehe.


OK, thanks! I am going to try and hit up Michael for some first thing in the morning, so I can get going on the dosing. Then I will pick up another FWE from you to replace his, or to keep for myself as a spare! Do you want me to bring in the little nudi, if it is still alive?