Recent content by Maxx

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Maxx

    crazy cool thing from a noob.

    It's always neat to see clowns inside anemones.
  2. Maxx

    LED lighting vs MH

    I've already raised my Radion's up higher and downloaded and programmed them to the SPS AB+ program. Now I just need to add some SPS....
  3. Maxx

    LED lighting vs MH

    Ecotech has done some research with their Radions and how to replicate/duplicate MH and T5 results using their LED lights:
  4. Maxx

    My 50

    That looks really nice!
  5. Maxx

    Aquanauts 250 Deep Dimension Tank...growing since '99

    I of my favorite tanks.
  6. Maxx

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    Not to be the negative guy of the thread.... But I've found my Salifert kits to start to wander on accuracy at the 12 month mark...IE 12 months from being opened and used for the first time. I love the Salifert kits, and that is pretty much all I use for testing, but I write the date I first...
  7. Maxx

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    Yes, Apex makes the WXM module which will allow you to control the Vortech pumps, and the Radion lights. However, Eco Tech itself has posted over on RC that the Vectra pumps can NOT be controlled by the Apex WXM Module. There are many...
  8. Maxx

    2016 200 gallon reefing restart

    The Vectra pumps by Eco Tech are NOT Apex compatible. To control the vectra pumps you will need to buy a Reef Link from Eco Tech, and then dowbload Eco Smart live to your computer and/or cell phone.
  9. Maxx

    LED lighting vs MH

    You will get the shimmer effect from LEDs as tike mentioned.
  10. Maxx

    Looking at this ro/di

    I cant speak for the other manufacturers, but I've been an AirWaterIce customer for a very long time. When I purchased my 5 stage Reefkeeper Typhoon from them, they were the least expensive option out there. I'll take your word on other manufacturers being less expensive now.... I've been using...
  11. IMG_3654-1


  12. Maxx

    My 50

    Where are you getting your chloroquine phosphate from?
  13. Maxx

    Itche scratche 180 gallons diy build

    This is an interesting build. Hat's off to you for building it yourself. I'd definitely be scared a seam would give way if I made it, but you've obviously done this before with your first tank and you know how to work a your doing it right. Are you at all concerned about being able...
  14. Maxx

    Breeding burgia nudibranch?

    Funny how something that is such a rapidly growing pest that can completely overgrow a tank in short order is the limiting factor for the predatory slug that eats them in the wild.....
  15. Maxx

    Breeding burgia nudibranch?

    Salty Underground is here in StLouis and I've had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Lisa about bergia nudibranchs....breeding them is a fair amount of effort. Actually keeping them fed enough to breed is alot of effort. Basically you need a regular supply of aptasia to feed your...