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  1. W

    pairing clowns?

    I had a a pair of mated ocellaris, and after a year together one of my powerheads lost its filter ( which I do not run those in my tank anymore due to it ) during the day when I was at work, and the female got sucked up in the pump. so I ran out and got another one the same day to try and make...
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    light brown sand?

    how old is the tank? if its an established tank you could get yourself a sandsifting star to keep your substrate clean. and yes if it is next to a window sunlight could do it but prob just the cycling of your tank. thats if it is new.
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    ya I did a bunch of research but it is always better to get some real world views, thanks for the info I will def not be making the order.
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    Red sea aptasia X, Have any of you used this product, I was thinking of getting some and wanted some feedback before the purchase
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    Lighting for anemones

    I have had my rbta under T-5 set up and now under 400w 20k radium and he loves both lights. I saw no effect after the change and I only acclimated him to the new lighting for 2 days running only a few hours a day. If they are not doing well its prob not the lighting there has to be more to it.
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    LED light set up

    Oh I totally agree that is why I am looking for all the right parts to do it just like the pro's, I mean there isnt really that much to setting up a standard set of led's. so doing a set for a fish tank I think would only need the right bulbs. but then again I am no expert. ya and the price for...
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    LED light set up

    I am also wondering about this topic as I am looking for the place to get the led's to build my own setup for my 55g.
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    Goniopora polyformis

    Ya it seems that they are very high maintenence. but worth all the work when they open fully
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    Goniopora polyformis

    Ok I will keep up with the chopped mysis and make some calls to the LFS around here, I will stop by the red sea in shoreline and see what they have. Thank you very much for all your information it has been very stressfull for my girlfriend watching this coral and seeing a slow decline in its...
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    Goniopora polyformis

    ya I have been cutting mysis into tiny bits and mixing it with phyto and the coral frenzy food I got from my LFS and have been feeding it once a day, not sure if it is working or not as it is still a little new to the tank but I have read that cyclo peeze is the food to be feeding, not sure if...
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    Goniopora polyformis

    what do you mean by globes is that just a 10k halide instead of any other kelvin range or is it a certain type of halide bulb. a little new to the halides not up on the lingo
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    Goniopora polyformis

    ya that is what I have been told by alot of people. but I knew it was a hard one to keep going into it.
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    Goniopora polyformis

    I have a yellow flower pot, and I have read several different documents stating different water flow requirments to keep it healthy, I have only had mine for a few weeks now and have it in moderate water flow about 14'' away from a 400w 20k, and am supplementing the tank with phyto and coral...