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  1. J

    Live Sand Question

    hmm, a powerhead will have to do with an air line, i dont have an aeration pump. Thanks.
  2. J

    Live Sand Question

    i have been reading and i cant find my answer anywhere, i need to redo my sump/refuge therefore i will have to put the live sand in a bucket until the silicone sets for about 48 hours, i was wondering if i should submerge it in water and it will be ok for that long of a period? im thinking it...
  3. J

    moving tank soon

    hmmm maybe i heard him wrong, although it does seem pretty tall. Ill have to look into to see.
  4. J

    moving tank soon

    Ya one of my good friends has a 180 and i really like it, the only thing is the height of the tank or at least his is 30". So the lighting would be pretty costly but as far as maintaining and keeping fish would be a great size. Im going from a 30 to a 75, and i will stick with that until i fully...
  5. J

    moving tank soon

    I really wanted to but I couldn't really afford the 75 as it is. And I'm going to wait till o finish school and have a permanent residence before I upgrade any more. Although I really wish I could have.
  6. J

    moving tank soon

    ok sounds good.
  7. J

    moving tank soon

    Ya, im going to add about 30 more lbs of LR to the tank, and i wasnt planning on adding any more life stock for a while. I do have zoos, rbta, frogspawn, and some sps frags. So i have been using IO and testing every week and adding buffers when necessary, im just worried since this will be a...
  8. J

    moving tank soon

    reef crystals or red sea coral pro? i cant decide on which salt is better, i dont want to have to add buffers after mixing, red sea salt is cheaper but what does reef crystals buffer the salt to?
  9. J

    moving tank soon

    Regular instant ocean. Is there certain salt that is better? I use to use red. Sea coral pro but it was pretty expensive. Also where is a good place to buy from
  10. J

    moving tank soon

    Ok thanks for the help, i will be moving houses and upgrading at the same time. I was thinking i am going to have 5 g buckets to place all my LR in during the transport to make sure nothing will die, and that i will place all my live stock in the fish bags like the pet stores do, i have plenty...
  11. J

    moving tank soon

    I got all my equipment and I'm moving on the first.I will be upgrading from a thirty to a seventy five. I want to know if I use the same sand and live rock will I end up with a cycle since I will have new water?
  12. J

    painting a tank?

    freakingreefin- i wish i could afford it but all my money went in my tank Trido-very good advice i think that will work perfectly :)
  13. J

    painting a tank?

    So I'm guessing I would have to find a big piece of card board any idea's where I could
  14. J

    painting a tank?

    its a glass tank. i was thinking about just getting a black cover but i think it would look better if it was painted.
  15. J

    painting a tank?

    so it doesnt matter which kind of paint you use? does rolling it or spraying it work better?
  16. J

    painting a tank?

    I was wondering of anyone has expierence with this and could recommend which paint to get?
  17. J

    pleas help is this the correct pump?

    o ok, well go to this is where i got the bubble magnus nac6 that mark recommended. It only costs 150 shipped to your door. Not expensive for a really good skimmer. It would also work if you ever upgraded to a bigger tank.Not sure if this one will work for you but im sure he can tell...
  18. J

    need help finding a light fixture

    Ya i went a head and orderd the one form bulkreef supply i have already spent about 500 over my limit :) The fiance is not so thrilled. lol. I should get it in three days i opted for the faster shipping so i could get the water in there asap, the shipping really kills though. Thanks for link im...
  19. J

    pleas help is this the correct pump?

    In my opinion i would take the skimmer back if you can, if not i would keep the maxijet and use it for flow or something, i mean u can use the skimmer however it will not really benefit you very much. Im sure these guys will chime in with some great advice for you.
  20. J

    need help finding a light fixture

    Ok so i am getting the tank tomorrow. I want to know how i should go about setting it up so that it wont have to cycle. my problem is i was lookng at the sand in the display and it looks pretty bad although all the sand in the fuge is aoubt 3 months old, could i use that sand instead? and just...