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  1. mark peacock

    mob of starfish (time lapse)

    i could do but not computer literate i watched it also on bbc i player try this not sure it will work though mark
  2. mark peacock

    mob of starfish (time lapse)

    The BBC had shown that episode last night in England really cool.
  3. mark peacock

    Photos from the shop this week

    Cool pics love the copperband
  4. mark peacock

    haliade verses t5's

    24inch deep and i mainly keep softy and a couple of clams the clams are right at the top of the tank. mark
  5. mark peacock

    haliade verses t5's

    Hi guys dont want to sound thick in any way what so ever, but what would be the least electric use 400watt metal haliade against 6x 54watt t5 i need to save on the bills currently have 2x54watt t5 with 400watt metal haliade and thinking of going with 6x54watt t5 what do you think. mark
  6. mark peacock


    i have just purchased a pinpoint nitrate and calcium monitors from america just waiting for them to arrive so i am going with them thanks for your views mark
  7. mark peacock


    what know views:(
  8. mark peacock


    :?:Hi how would you rate pinpoint monitors are they as accurate as they say i have a thermostat which i bought a week ago and its giving me a 1 degree difference than the one i was using, so do i go with pinpoint monitor. your views regards mark
  9. mark peacock

    400watt mh

    I will take a sample to my lfs so they can tell me if there is a diference in the readings. cheers Don
  10. mark peacock

    400watt mh

    my reading are as of yesterday amonia 0 nitrite 0 phos 0 magnes 1250 calcium 450 nitrate 2 i run phosphate and nitrate remover 24/7 salinity 1.025 temp 26.1 fish and corals are fine except one table coral well thats what i call it which seems to be dying off everything else is fine.
  11. mark peacock

    400watt mh

    I have been scratching my head trying to figure out why all of a sudden i have one hell of an algea problem [ seamoss like algea] my perameters of my reef are ok just could not understand why! so i check what i had done over he past 12 months or so and that was the only thing i had done differently
  12. mark peacock

    400watt mh

    Hi i do not want to sound stupid but what effect would a Hydroponic Grow Lamp 400 watt 20k metal halide bulb do to my reef if i had this as my reef bulb, the reason is that i am having algae problems and it only since i had changed my bulb and i think i had purchased the wrong bulb. :doubt:
  13. mark peacock

    pinpoint calcium monitor

    i have one of these does any one else own one what i am looking for is a table sheet so i can compare readings but have know way of knowing if i am getting the correct reading i have calibrated it but unsure if its correct has anyone got one they could email me :) [email protected]
  14. mark peacock

    sea moss

    Hi need some ideas on how to get rid of sea moss growing quicker than my grass on the lawn all my perams are all fine even reduced my watts in the lighting area any ideas mark
  15. mark peacock

    DIY Tank Opening Cover

    good idea :)
  16. mark peacock

    sea hare

    it has not moved all day still not moving bu when i touch the ears well i think they are ears they seem to start to go in but very slowly but the back of the hare is weird here are the pics :( the back looks like its trying to have an egg never seen this before its between the air hole and to...
  17. mark peacock

    sea hare

    Just got up and it has not moved from where i left it less night before i went to bed:cry:
  18. mark peacock

    sea hare

    I bought a sea hare about 2 weeks ago and today looks like its dead not moving at all but looks ok if you understand does not look sick just motionless but was eating loads and there is still a lot of alge left so its not like its starving any one come across this i do not want it to release...
  19. mark peacock

    What killed my sea hare?!?

    I bought a sea hare a week ago and done what you did it started eating the hair alge straight away but mine is still living even though some days i cannot see him looks like a rock when he is not moving i find that if he goes into a rock cave i think they get stuck because i have had to pull...
  20. mark peacock

    sea moss

    Does anyone know of a fish that would eat this stuff the book i am reading on the sea moss says surgon fish would help but which type